
How to detect unplugged headphone jack in WinRT?

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-07 08:44:27
问题 Is there a way to get notified whenever a headphone jack is unplugged in a WinRT app? I want to be able to pause MediaElement playback when it happens to prevent the sound from leaking out through loudspeakers. 回答1: Jack detection notification is exposed through IMMNotificationClient::OnDeviceStateChanged. Just tried it on win8 desktop, OnDeviceStateChanged gets called with DEVICE_STATE_UNPLUGGED and DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVE when (un)plugging a device. Sadly that part of wasapi is documented as

“32 bit float mono audio” in Jack

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-05 22:58:56
I was playing with Jack , and I noticed that the default audio type JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE is set to "32 bit float mono audio". I'm a bit confused: IEEE defines 32-bit C float range approximately from 3.4E–38 to 3.4E+38, and I was wondering what is the maximum and minimum "undistorted" amplitude that a jack_default_audio_sample_t can hold with that audio type. For example, if some DSP algorithm gives me samples in the range [0,1], how can I correctly convert between them and Jack's format? It's pretty common to do signal processing operations in floating point, then scale and cast the results

How to detect unplugged headphone jack in WinRT?

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-05 16:21:49
Is there a way to get notified whenever a headphone jack is unplugged in a WinRT app? I want to be able to pause MediaElement playback when it happens to prevent the sound from leaking out through loudspeakers. Jack detection notification is exposed through IMMNotificationClient::OnDeviceStateChanged. Just tried it on win8 desktop, OnDeviceStateChanged gets called with DEVICE_STATE_UNPLUGGED and DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVE when (un)plugging a device. Sadly that part of wasapi is documented as desktop only so i guess there's no way to do it in WinRT. Try the following: Windows::Devices::Enumeration:


独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-05 00:15:58
24.类函数 # 类函数 # 类方法 class Student: def __init__(self, name, age, sex): # __name __age __sex 内部属性 这样保证了外部不能随意修改 self.__name = name self.__age = age self.__sex = sex def print_info(self): print(f'{self.__name}-{self.__age}-{self.__sex}') # 学生实例 s def print_info(s): print(f'{s.name}-{s.age}-{s.sex}') jack = Student("jack.a", 13, "男") # print_info(jack) print("---------------------------------------") jack.name = "ab" jack.print_info() run结果: 更改__name class Student: def __init__(self, name, age, sex): # __name __age __sex 内部属性 这样保证了外部不能随意修改 self.__name = name self.__age = age self.__sex = sex def

Getting Multiple Audio Inputs in Processing

故事扮演 提交于 2019-11-30 16:02:09
问题 I'm currently writing a Processing sketch that needs to access multiple audio inputs, but Processing only allows access to the default line in. I have tried getting Lines straight from the Java Mixer (accessed within Processing), but I still only get the signal from whichever line is currently set to default on my machine. I've started looking at sending the sound via OSC from SuperCollider, as recommended here. However, since I'm very new to SuperCollider and their documentation and support

Getting Multiple Audio Inputs in Processing

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-11-30 15:54:44
I'm currently writing a Processing sketch that needs to access multiple audio inputs, but Processing only allows access to the default line in. I have tried getting Lines straight from the Java Mixer (accessed within Processing), but I still only get the signal from whichever line is currently set to default on my machine. I've started looking at sending the sound via OSC from SuperCollider, as recommended here . However, since I'm very new to SuperCollider and their documentation and support is more focused on generating sound than on accessing inputs, my next step will probably be to play

第一模块 day4(上)

你。 提交于 2019-11-30 07:54:11
2.11 列表循环和排序 n = "银角大王" n[::-1] >>> n = "银角大王" >>> n[::-1] '王大角银' 上面切片,切成的反转,但是实际上不会对源列表造成反转. ---------------- n = ['银角大王',123] n.reverse() print(n) D:\Python\python.exe D:/cc/反转.py [123, '银角大王'] reverse反转,直接对源列表造成了反转. --------------------- n.sort() n = [1,2,32,15,7,5] n.sort() print(n) 排序 ----------------------------- n = ['123','678','$','234'] n.sort() print(n) 如果是字符串,就会对比十进制 python3 里面. 数字和字符串 无法 在一起进行sort排序,不过python2里面可以 --------------- 针对列表 names=['金角大王', '黑姑娘', 'rain', 'eva', '狗蛋', '银角大王', 'eva','鸡头'] 进入以下操作 通过names.index()的方法返回第2个eva的索引值 把以上的列表通过切片的形式实现反转 打印列表中所有下标为奇数的值 通过names.index(

Oracle之Union与Union all的区别

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-11-26 20:31:58
如果我们需要将两个select语句的结果作为一个整体显示出来,我们就需要用到union或者union all关键字。union(或称为联合)的作用是将多个结果合并在一起显示出来。 union和union all的区别是,union会自动压缩多个结果集合中的重复结果,而union all则将所有的结果全部显示出来,不管是不是重复。 Union:对两个结果集进行并集操作,不包括重复行,同时进行默认规则的排序; Union all:对两个结果集进行并集操作,包括重复行,不进行排序; Intersect:对两个结果集进行交集操作,不包括重复行,同时进行默认规则的排序; Minus:对两个结果集进行差操作,不包括重复行,同时进行默认规则的排序。 下面以实例说明Union与Union all的区别: 1、首先创建一张jack表: SQL > create table jack 2 ( 3 id int primary key , 4 name varchar2 ( 30 ) not null , 5 score number not null 6 ); 表已创建。 QL > insert into jack values ( 1 , ' Aaron ' , 78 ); SQL > insert into jack values ( 2 , ' Bill ' , 76 ); SQL >

python 字符串格式化format

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-11-26 04:45:41
通过{}和:来代替传统%方式 1、位置参数 位置参数不受顺序约束,且可以为{},只要format里有相对应的参数值即可,参数索引从0开,传入位置参数列表可用*列表 1 >>> li = ['jack',18] 2 >>> 'my name is {} ,age {}'.format('jack',18) 3 'my name is jack ,age 18' 4 >>> 'my name is {1} ,age {0}'.format(10,'jack') 5 'my name is jack ,age 10' 6 >>> 'my name is {1} ,age {0} {1}'.format(10,'jack') 7 'my name is jack ,age 10 jack' 8 >>> 'my name is {} ,age {}'.format(*li) 9 'my name is jack ,age 18' 2、关键字参数 关键字参数值要对得上,可用字典当关键字参数传入值,字典前加**即可 1 >>> hash = {'name':'jack','age':18} 2 >>> 'my name is {name},age is {age}'.format(name='jack',age=19) 3 'my name is jack,age is 19' 4 >>>