
Jack MIDI client seems to send MIDI messages repeatedly

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2020-06-28 08:07:57
问题 my problem is: I am implementing a jack MID proxy client - I want to control yoshimi's mute function with my MIDI keyboard. So: MIDI controller is "connected" to my proxy, and proxy is "connected" to yoshimi's MIDI input. Code works allright; mute button message is intercepted, data channel changed and yoshimi is accepting command being muted... However I have discovered, that even when controller's (note) button press/release event is received (and forwarded) just once per event, it looks it

Jack MIDI client seems to send MIDI messages repeatedly

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2020-06-28 08:07:05
问题 my problem is: I am implementing a jack MID proxy client - I want to control yoshimi's mute function with my MIDI keyboard. So: MIDI controller is "connected" to my proxy, and proxy is "connected" to yoshimi's MIDI input. Code works allright; mute button message is intercepted, data channel changed and yoshimi is accepting command being muted... However I have discovered, that even when controller's (note) button press/release event is received (and forwarded) just once per event, it looks it


守給你的承諾、 提交于 2020-03-08 17:51:44
创建Map 1 // 创建一个不可变的Map 2 scala> val ages = Map ( "Leo" -> 30 , "Jen" -> 25 , "Jack" -> 23 ) 3 scala> val ages = Map ( "Leo" -> 30 , "Jen" -> 25 , "Jack" -> 23 ) 4 ages: scala.collection.immutable.Map[ String ,Int] = Map (Leo -> 30 , Jen -> 25 , Jack -> 23 ) 5 scala> ages( "Leo" ) = 31 6 < console >: 15 : error: value update is not a member of scala.collection.immutable.Map[ String ,Int] 7 ages( "Leo" ) = 31 8 ^ 9 // 创建一个可变的Map 10 scala> val ages = scala.collection.mutable.Map( "Leo" -> 30 , "Jen" -> 25 , "Jack" -> 23 ) 11 ages: scala.collection.mutable.Map[ String ,Int] = Map (Jen -> 25 , Jack

Scala—— 18.映射Map

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2020-02-19 02:22:17
Scala中的Map和Java类似,也是一个散列表,它存储的内容也是键值对(key-value)映射,Scala中不可变的Map是有序的,可变的Map是无序的。 Scala中,有可变Map(scala.collection.mutable.Map)和不可变Map(scala.collection.immutable.Map)。 Scala中的不可变Map是有序的。 1.构造不可变映射 默认Map是 immutable.Map,key-value 类型支持Any,在Map的底层,每对key-value是Tuple2, 输出的结果中,输出顺序和声明顺序一致 。 scala > val map1 = Map ( "Alice" - > 19, "Tom" - > 20, "Jack" - > 21 ) map1: scala.collection.immutable.Map [ String,Int ] = Map ( Alice - > 19, Tom - > 20, Jack - > 21 ) scala > print ( map1 ) Map ( Alice - > 19, Tom - > 20, Jack - > 21 ) 2.构造可变映射 scala > val map2 = scala.collection.mutable.Map ( "Alice" - > 19,

How To Get Electric Power From Head Phone Jack?

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2020-01-01 02:49:27
问题 My quest is if anyone knows how to create an Android app that can send electric charge through the device's headphone jack, like in this video iPocket_LED. The video shows an app for iPhone that controls a LED plugged into the headphone jack. I want to know how to access the device to send an electric signal. Sorry about my English, is not my language, I hope some one understand me 回答1: Many consumer devices which accept an external microphone will provide "plug-in power". This is a small

Select output line in java for eight channel sound card

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-22 03:48:11
问题 edit: I am now using Jack (Jack Audio Connection Kit). See answer below. I have a soundcard on my Raspberry Pi with 8 output channels (four stereo channels), an Octosound card. What I want to do is select one of the channels to route sound to. With this code I print info of the sound card: mixers = AudioSystem.getMixerInfo(); for (Mixer.Info mixerInfo : mixers) { logger.debug("\n"); logger.debug("Found Mixer: " + mixerInfo); Mixer m = AudioSystem.getMixer(mixerInfo); Line.Info[] sourceLines =

Speaker output to mic input without cable on Android?

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-12 10:24:08
问题 I want to connect speaker output to mic input on Android phone without using any physical cable. Such routing should be transparent to all apps. With this function I can design a bunch of interesting apps, e.g., measuring round-trip delay of a voip call, automatically replying to an incoming call etc. Some similar questions can be found here: Background music for call Outputting audio stream into microphone It seems that there is no solution on Android right now, but the tool JACK running on

How do I get the output from an ASIO device to IceCast2 or FFMpeg?

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-11 23:04:56
问题 I have an ASIO device (Presonus Firestudio 2626). I am using it to mix and create different outputs on all of it's provided outputs (about 9 outputs like ADT1, ADT2). I need someway to stream these outputs using either IceCast or FFMpeg RTP. One of the problems is that I have a restriction on using only a MAC or a Windows machine as my ASIO device does not provide drivers for ubuntu. What are the ways that I can connect the ASIO device outputs to IceCast or FFMpeg? I've tried the following.

A larger heap for the Gradle daemon is recommended for running jack

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-11 01:56:25
问题 Im pretty new to gradle. I currently tried to upgrade a study Android app to Java 1.8 in gradle settings in which it prompted me to enable jackOptions to 'true' so i could use lambda expressions in my app. This is my current gradle options: build.gradle apply plugin: 'com.android.application' android { compileSdkVersion 24 buildToolsVersion "24.0.1" dexOptions{ javaMaxHeapSize "4g" } defaultConfig { applicationId "com.bmw.www.team10" minSdkVersion 23 targetSdkVersion 24 versionCode 1

“32 bit float mono audio” in Jack

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-07 13:20:18
问题 I was playing with Jack, and I noticed that the default audio type JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE is set to "32 bit float mono audio". I'm a bit confused: IEEE defines 32-bit C float range approximately from 3.4E–38 to 3.4E+38, and I was wondering what is the maximum and minimum "undistorted" amplitude that a jack_default_audio_sample_t can hold with that audio type. For example, if some DSP algorithm gives me samples in the range [0,1], how can I correctly convert between them and Jack's format?