

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-31 00:39:17
提到直播大多数人首先想到的可能是各种直播平台,比如花椒斗鱼虎牙YY ,这些直播平台中按照主播风格的不同,又可以分为 美女直播、游戏直播、教育直播或者财经直播 。除了开始的美女、才艺直播外,其他是直播和细分行业的结合。那么提到直播就是指这一种形式的吗? 这个要看具体的环境和哪些行业提到的,对于普通人来说提到直播就是指这种实时互动型很强的。 但是如果是在OTT或者IPTV行业,提到直播往往指的是电视直播,或者直接说IPTV直播。 而关于IPTV直播系统,之前小编也有做介绍。它实现的是和家里的联通电信IPTV一样的功能,在直接点说和以前的有线电视一样。这个系统的特点是电视台提前录好节目排序,每天不同的时间点就播放不同的节目,对用户来说被动的观看,如果遇到自己喜欢的节目只有每天等待固定的时间。小编记得小时候就是每天下午5:30准时看动画城、6点等待看大风车。和这种电视直播相对应的是点播,最初是类似优酷、奇艺这种网站,好处就是再也不用等待每天的更新,可以随机点以前更新完的节目,一口气看完整个剧或者比赛。但是和直播相比,总觉得少了些期盼,不过时代的发展各种娱乐方式也是一直在变化,每个时代都有自己的符号也印记。在未来这些也改变了对我们来说是新的娱乐方式对于下一代也是种记忆。 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/jndolit/p/10881867.html

Run iptv & ts urls in android

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-24 06:59:06
问题 I am working on a project which requires a player to play iptv which comes in .ts links I used vitamio player but it loads the link as entities and close after only 23 second So my approach is to playvthe link again in onCompleteListener, it works fine but after complete it takes a long time to load the next entity of the link and play it and so on. The question is what is best free player sdk to run ts and iptv links for android? 回答1: Usually, the TS segments for a stream will be indexed in

pts & pcr values limit in mpegts?

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-23 17:59:55
问题 As I know PCR stored in 42bits and PTS stored in 33bits in mpegts container So, Max value for PCR is 2^42 = 4398046511104 Max value for PTS is 2^33 = 8589934592 PCR (sec) = 4398046511104 / 27 000 000 Hz = 162890,6 seconds (45 hours) PTS (sec) = 8589934592 / 90 000 Hz = 95443,7 seconds (26,5 hours) So, what I must to do, if PTS or PCR reach one of this max values ? This can be happening in iptv for continuous stream 回答1: Just let it overflow and continue to write the low 33 bits. The demuxer

Collection of video samples with different codecs

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-07 10:25:17
问题 I'm in a middle of trying to buy iptv device and of course different iptv devices supports different kind of file formats, video codecs and audio codecs. Can someone recommend me a collection of videos which would be encoded using different versions and different video and audio codec - as much as possible different combinations. I understand that supporting everything (all video and all audio codecs) is pretty much impossible - so it would be good if they are sorted in most used - least used


旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-06 16:39:07
怎么在macOS上看电视呢,你可能会在搜索引擎中找各种看直播的软件,可是mac中的直播软件大多是个人开发的,直播源也不能在线更新,下面小编给大家带来通过VLC观看IPTV最方便的方法。 https://www.macdown.com 安装 VLC 软件 VLC 是一款自由、开源的跨平台多媒体播放器及框架,可播放大多数多媒体文件,以及各类流媒体协议,而IPTV就是一种流媒体,所以用VLC再适合不过了,点击下面的链接下载安装即可。 寻找IPTV播放源 这里就要祭出大杀器,github上开源的iptv收录源,共收录了全球各个国家8000+的iptv节目源,其中中国有2722个。 Github开源直播源地址一 Github开源直播源地址二 在Github中找到你喜欢的播放源,或者直接复制中国的IPTV源。 将播放源添加到VLC 1、打开VLC 2、如果VLC未设置为中文,在应用程序中打开VLC,然后在左上角菜单栏点击【preferences】,如图: 点击红框内的【auto】,如图: 选择【简体中文】,然后点击【save】保存,如图: 重新启动【vcl】,然后VLC for mac 中文设置成功! 3、在软件中的播放列表中,选择打开媒体,在弹出窗口中,选择 网络 项,粘贴刚才复杂的iptv的链接,再点打开; 添加完成后,在列表中双击一下标题,即可加载所有的IPTV列表

Collection of video samples with different codecs

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-05 13:26:08
I'm in a middle of trying to buy iptv device and of course different iptv devices supports different kind of file formats, video codecs and audio codecs. Can someone recommend me a collection of videos which would be encoded using different versions and different video and audio codec - as much as possible different combinations. I understand that supporting everything (all video and all audio codecs) is pretty much impossible - so it would be good if they are sorted in most used - least used order. For example: .avi - xvid vx.xx video codec + yyy audio codec .mkv - .... YouTube .flv format ..