
Get host name From IP address iOS 10

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-01-03 19:34:30
问题 I need to fetch host name from ip address . Am able to fetch ip, mac addresses of all devices connected to my devices network, but hostname always returns nil . i had tried below code snippets to retrieve hostname but it always returns nil in my network CODE SNIPPET 1 +(NSString *)getHostFromIPAddress:(NSString*)ipAddress { struct addrinfo *result = NULL; struct addrinfo hints; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST; hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype =


◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-21 14:29:17
原文:http://blog.51cto.com/liwenhui/105129 1、环境搭建: DC&DHCP SERVER IP: ( 这是一台DC兼DHCP服务器,设静态IP ) Mask: DG:中继代理“本地连接”的IP) 作用域 (IP地址范围) :在此仅为2.0网段做DHCP) 作用域选项:“003路由器”---添加IP:,这是为所有2.0网段的客户机添加默认网关;“006DNS服务器”---添加IP:,这是客户机的首选DNS服务器,因为要加入域。 添加排除:排除DHCP中继代理“本地连接2”的IP地址) DHCP中继代理(用一台双网卡的windows2003机器做中继代理) 本地连接 IP: Mask: 本地连接2 IP: (satic) Mask: DHCP CLIENT 设置IP地址自动获取,若在工作组的状态,加入域前必须先获得IP地址和DNS等信息。 2、起路由:管理工具---路由和远程访问---VPC2--


不问归期 提交于 2019-12-21 11:03:04
Ipconfig 命令 Ipconfig 命令可以被用来显示机器当前 TCP/IP 配置信息。 当使用 Ipconfig 时不带不论什么參数选项,那么它为每一个已经配置好的接口显示 IP 地址、子网掩码和默认网关值。 当使用 Ipconfig 时使用 all 选项时,即 Ipconfig/all 或 Ipconfig –all ,除了显示已配置的 TCP/IP 信息外,还显示内置于本地网卡中的物理地址( MAC 地址)以及主机名等信息。 使用 Ipconfig/renew 或 Ipconfig –renew ,又一次获取 IP 地址 使用 Ipconfig/release 或 Ipconfig –release ,释放已获取 IP 地址 Ping 命令 Ping 命令仅仅有在安装了 TCP/IP 协议后才干够使用。 Ping 命令的主要作用是通过发送数据包并接收应答信息来检測两台计算机之间的网络是否连通。 当网络出现故障时,能够用这个命令来预測故障和确定故障源。 假设运行 Ping 不成功。则能够预測故障出如今下面几个方面:网线是否连通、网络适配器配置是否正确、 IP 地址是否可用等。 (1) Ping 命令的格式: Ping [-t] [-n count] [-l size] IP (2) Ping 命令的主要參数: –t :使当前主机不断地向目的主机发送数据,直到按 Ctrl

Can I temporarily override DNS resolution within a .NET application?

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-18 11:49:18
问题 I have some wrapper code that runs a set of NUnit tests that scan live websites for certain response codes. I'd like to run these tests against a different server. When running manually, I can do this by editing the /etc/hosts file in Windows\System32\drivers and temporarily setting www.mysite.com to 10.0.0.whatever Is there any way I can do the same within a .NET console application - temporarily override a DNS record or somehow intercept the resolution and return a different IP address?


寵の児 提交于 2019-12-17 01:45:08
  IP可以分为Public IP 和 Private IP,出现这种规划的原因在于IPv4所能表示的IP太少而电脑太多以至于不够用,然而只有Public IP才能直接连接上网络,所以对于那些公司,学校,政府机构等场所,就可以集中使用私有的IP进行管理,而大家可以共用一个IP去连接上公网,这样,就省下了许多宝贵的Public IP。你有没有发现,你每次使用ipconfig查到的地址,要么就是172.开头的,要么就是192.开头的,为什么?难道没有其他开头的嘛,答:基本没有。因为一个Ip分给我们一个Pc端太不划算了,一般都是很多人共享一个ip,我们用ipconfig查询到的其实只是我们的局域网Ip,172.开头的意味着我们是B类型的局域网,以192.开头的意味着你是c类的局域网。所以我们一直都没有接触到正真的ip,我们一直打交道的都是私有ip又叫private ip.   ipconfig查出来的是你本机的IP地址,也就是内网私有地址,此类地址仅在局域网使用,不能联通外网。百度查出来的地址是你上网的共有地址,也许并不是你主机的地址,而是电信或联通分给你的地址,用于连接互联网。 Public IP : 公共 IP ,经由 INTERNIC 所统一规划的 IP,有这种 IP 才可以连上 Internet ; Private IP : 私有 IP 或保留 IP,不能直接连上

can't connect to MySQL database using external ip address

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-07 18:59:15
问题 I have a MySQL server running on my Windows 7 computer as a Windows Service. When I try to connect to it using external.ip = my ip address from http://www.whatismyip.com/ in command prompt: mysql -h external.ip -u root -p it returns: ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on external.ip (10060) I can, however, connect it to it when I change external.ip to the ip address listed with the ipconfig command: mysql -h ipconfig.ip -u root -p I already changed the permissions for root to

How do I do set a variable in Windows command line to an IP?

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-07 11:48:14
问题 Is there an easy way to grab the IP address from my service provider and put it into a variable via command prompt? Something like the following: SET hostIP = nslookup \address ECHO %hostIP% Or SET hostIP = ipconfig \address ECHO %hostIP% 回答1: for /f "skip=1 tokens=2 delims=: " %f in ('nslookup %COMPUTERNAME% ^| find /i "Address"') do echo %f 回答2: The answer by Arun is good but I found that using NSLOOKUP generates a rogue comma after the hostname when more than one IP is assigned/associated

Issue with batch file encoding

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-12-06 11:15:39
问题 I have a batch file script I am trying to create to obtain some pretty basic info on the computers at my job site. However, I am having severe issues with encoding. WMIC and IPCONFIG put out different encodings, and as such, it is causing me to obtain garbled results when the commands execute. Thus far, I have: @echo off if exist "C:\%computername%-info.txt" ( echo Your computer information is already published! Skipping ) else ( ipconfig /all > "C:\%computername%-info.txt" wmic bios get

can't connect to MySQL database using external ip address

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-06 06:01:37
I have a MySQL server running on my Windows 7 computer as a Windows Service. When I try to connect to it using external.ip = my ip address from http://www.whatismyip.com/ in command prompt: mysql -h external.ip -u root -p it returns: ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on external.ip (10060) I can, however, connect it to it when I change external.ip to the ip address listed with the ipconfig command: mysql -h ipconfig.ip -u root -p I already changed the permissions for root to accept any host (using commands like those from Accessing a mysql database from external host/ip? (ie:

How do I do set a variable in Windows command line to an IP?

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-05 21:49:08
Is there an easy way to grab the IP address from my service provider and put it into a variable via command prompt? Something like the following: SET hostIP = nslookup \address ECHO %hostIP% Or SET hostIP = ipconfig \address ECHO %hostIP% for /f "skip=1 tokens=2 delims=: " %f in ('nslookup %COMPUTERNAME% ^| find /i "Address"') do echo %f The answer by Arun is good but I found that using NSLOOKUP generates a rogue comma after the hostname when more than one IP is assigned/associated with a given host. However, I did find another way that resolves the (first assigned) IP from a given host name