
scrub document of BBcode

早过忘川 提交于 2020-01-06 21:15:28
问题 Say I have a document like: [b]blah[/b] [img]Thisismyimage.png[/img] How can I make it so that I completely remove all of the BBcode tags. And also remove all the text from between the [img] tags. If it helps at all I am using an IPB board. If any knows of a way to easily to parse the BBcode that would be great, however, I am perfectly happy with just removing it. 回答1: Parsing BBcode is pretty much a solved task: http://pear.php.net/package/HTML_BBCodeParser - And that would also be the more

Accessing IPB Classes Externally From Main Website

余生长醉 提交于 2020-01-03 05:49:25
问题 Hello I have been working with IPB3.4 and I am trying to have some sort of correlation between my main website and forum, specifically users. I am aware that you can use the IPBMembers class to simply create a new user however I am unsure how I can initialise that class outside of IPB forum base directory. If anyone has any experience on this topic I would appreciate any advice. Thanks 回答1: The problem I had from the above script is after the init() method it would redirect me to the forum or

Remove index.php from URL only on root with Nginx rewrite

南楼画角 提交于 2019-11-30 20:50:25
问题 I'm using Wordpress as root of my website and Invision Power Boards as forum. http://localhost -> Wordpress http://localhost/forum -> IPB I have removed "index.php" from Wordpress URLs successfully with Nginx-rewrite however when I try to use SEO Friendly URLs on IPB, nginx simply returns to Wordpress' 404 page. My configuration is like this: #This removes "index.php" from Wordpress URLs location / { index index.php index.html index.htm; try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?q=$uri&$args; } Then I