
whitelisting a domain in ionic app

纵饮孤独 提交于 2021-02-19 05:18:30
问题 I am going through the ionic tutorial present in and ran the app on browser ionic serve and in android using ionic emulate android When I run the app as instructed in tutorial, it works well on my chrome browser but when I try to run on emulator, I dont see any data, its just empty screens with menus. I suspect its the problem with whilelist and added <allow-navigation href="*" /> to my /config.xml file but it still doesn't

Chrome Inspect不显示Webview页面的问题总结

空扰寡人 提交于 2021-02-17 07:58:00
首先,确保手机打开了USB调试。如果还是检测不到WebView页面,主要有以下几种情况。 1、反应慢,稍等一会 2、关闭然后重新打开USB调试开关,刺激一下chrome,我的魅族手机有时需要这样操作一下。 3、华为手机,打开USB调试和 仅充电模式下允许ADB调试。 如下图所示: 如果还不行,请安装华为手机助手,插上手机后会提示安装的。不安装的话,可能会出现不稳定的情况。 4、有网友插了两个手机,结果一个都检测不到,拔掉一个神奇的好了。   总之,主要是手机的问题,实在不行就换个手机试试,不要在一个手机上吊死。 5、如果手机型号识别了,但是没有识别WebView。 可能是要调试的APP没有打开WebView的调试模式 。会出现有的App能Inspect,有的不能。 可参考 Cordova/Ionic开发的Android APP启用Chrome Inspect调试的方法 如果点击Inspect后。出现空白页面的话,查看 此处解决方法 。 来源: oschina 链接:

Ionic 4 beta + Capacitor beta 尝鲜

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2021-02-11 20:53:02
本文为原创文章,转载请标明 出处 开发环境: Ionic 4 beta 3、Capacitor beta 6。 首先 ionic start 工程名 blank --type=angular ,问是否集成 Cordova,选择 N ,至此创建了一个空的 Ionic 4 项目,然后 cd 到该工程目录下。 ionic build 生成 www 目录。 npm install --save @capacitor/core @capacitor/cli 安装 Capacitor。 npx cap init 初始化 Capacitor,会要求输入 App Name、App ID。 npx cap add ios 或 npx cap add android 添加 iOS 或 Android 平台。 npx cap open ios 或 npx cap open android 打开 Xcode 或 Android Studio 打包工程。 Capacitor其他命令: npx cap copy ios 或 npx cap copy android --> 拷贝 www 目录到iOS或Android工程 npx cap update ios 或 npx cap update android --> 安装插件或依赖后更新iOS或Androd工程的依赖 npx cap sync -->


梦想与她 提交于 2021-02-10 13:22:15
react-native-splash-screen在GitHub上的地址: react native,对呀app启动屏的生成没有讲解,网上对于启动屏的讲解也是有各种各样的办法;这里讲解一下iOS和android生成启动屏,以及结合第三方插件react-native-splashScreen友好显示启动屏的步骤 iOS、android如何生成启动屏 在做iOS开发之前,学习锅ionic,也是一种混合开发框架,ionic和react native开发环境基本类似,对于ionic不多说,简单点讲就是ionic只用两张图片(图标,启动屏)就可以快速生成iOS和android适应各个尺寸的相应图片了。当然,如果不会使用ionic,找设计师作图就行。以后会发个链接讲一下ionic生成启动屏的步骤。 安装和link react-native-splash-screen npm i react-native-splash-screen --save 安装之后需要在android和iOS上配置: iOS配置: android配置: 使用代码: import SplashScreen from 'react-native-splash-screen' export default

Release configuration for Ionic project, similar to flavours in Android studio

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2021-02-08 08:37:20
问题 Been looking into this without any luck. I understand that we can pass configuration to Ionic projects via the config.xml file. But I want to have different configuration for development and release builds. Does anyone know about how this can be done? 回答1: This is one approach that using the hooks to update a configuration file based on the specific environment you are building for. You use a configuration variable when executing the cmd as the indicator of the environment. config_target=qa

add ionic framework to an existing android studio app

余生长醉 提交于 2021-02-07 20:36:15
问题 I'm developing a project with android studio for a ODROID XU4 board. Because of the nature of the project I'm using android studio to make a native app in order to use some of the Harware features of the board as Ethernet, GPIO,... and because there is no intention of developing this for any other platform. The problem now is that the customer wants a nice looking ionic interface. I've been testing most of the approaches I found in google, ionic forums, stack overflow and many others sites

add ionic framework to an existing android studio app

陌路散爱 提交于 2021-02-07 20:35:07
问题 I'm developing a project with android studio for a ODROID XU4 board. Because of the nature of the project I'm using android studio to make a native app in order to use some of the Harware features of the board as Ethernet, GPIO,... and because there is no intention of developing this for any other platform. The problem now is that the customer wants a nice looking ionic interface. I've been testing most of the approaches I found in google, ionic forums, stack overflow and many others sites


眉间皱痕 提交于 2021-02-01 05:31:35
Ionic资源路径问题(ionic3),ionic打包后找不到图片 举例,资源路径,图片 <img src="assets/imgs/timeicon.png" style="width: 1rem;"> 在html中,不要加任何 ../ 之类的相对路径,直接写www下的资源路径,绝对路径 .no-news{ background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100% 100%; background-image: url("../assets/imgs/main/no-news.png"); } 在scss中,需要加 ../ ,依然是www下的资源路径,也是绝对路径,但是要加 ../ 注意:如果在浏览器测试,路径不管加 ../ 或者不加都是没哟问题的,都能正常访问,但是打包成apk之后就会出现找不到资源导致显示错误 来源: oschina 链接:

CSS not rendering correctly on iOS 7.x when I use 'vw' metric with Ionic (PhoneGap)

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2021-01-27 06:25:29
问题 I'm making an app using Ionic Framework, which is based upon PhoneGap. I'm using 'vw' metric for several properties to make them resizable for all the devices, either iOS or Android. When I run on my browser with the 'ionic serve' option and the iOS Simulator for the 8.1 version I get the expected result, but when I run on iOS 7.1 Simulator, all the - and ONLY the - border related properties don't get rendered. Any idea on how to solve this? Thanks! 回答1: Viewport units doesn't work well on

Joining multiple audio files into a single audio file in client side

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2020-12-26 03:20:02
问题 We are building a exercise app using ionic framework, which need to play multiple audio files in sequence with specific interval between each audio file. We got this working. Now we need to join the audio files into a single file. Example: File_1 (4 mins in length), File_2 (3 mins in length). We need a new combined single audio file which should be of 10 mins length (File_1 + 3 mins silence + File_2) Is there way to get this in a client side mobile application using angular or cordova? 回答1: