
In Karate, what is the advantage of wrapping a Java function in a JavaScript function?

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2021-01-05 07:17:26
问题 I can wrap a Java function like this: * def myJavaMethod = """ function() { var Utils = Java.type('Utils'); // use Number type in constructor var obj = new Utils(...); return obj.myJavaMethod(); } """ But why would I? I can use Java functions straight in the test scenarios, like this: Scenario: Test exec and error value * def Utils = Java.type('Utils'); * def ret = Utils.exec('echo "From Java" > /home/richard//karate-test/karate-0.9.6/out.txt'); * match read('out.txt') == "From Java\n"; *

In Karate, what is the advantage of wrapping a Java function in a JavaScript function?

佐手、 提交于 2021-01-05 07:17:05
问题 I can wrap a Java function like this: * def myJavaMethod = """ function() { var Utils = Java.type('Utils'); // use Number type in constructor var obj = new Utils(...); return obj.myJavaMethod(); } """ But why would I? I can use Java functions straight in the test scenarios, like this: Scenario: Test exec and error value * def Utils = Java.type('Utils'); * def ret = Utils.exec('echo "From Java" > /home/richard//karate-test/karate-0.9.6/out.txt'); * match read('out.txt') == "From Java\n"; *

How to specify format for individual cells with Excel.Range.set_Value()

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2020-12-30 07:42:16
问题 When I write a whole table into an excel worksheet, I know to work with a whole Range at once instead of writing to individual cells. However, is there a way to specify format as I'm populating the array I'm going to export to Excel? Here's what I do now: object MissingValue = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; Excel.Application excel = new Excel.Application(); int rows = 5; int cols = 5; int someVal; Excel.Worksheet sheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excel.Workbooks.Add(MissingValue).Sheets[1]; Excel

Passing a Clojure function as java.util.Function

荒凉一梦 提交于 2020-12-30 07:41:05
问题 As in topic, I'd like to use a Java method taking a Function as an argument and provide it with a Clojure function, be it anonymous or a regular one. Anyone has any idea how to do that? 回答1: java.util.function.Function is an interface. You need to implement the abstract method apply(T t). Something like this should do it: (defn hello [name] (str "Hello, " name "!")) (defn my-function[] (reify java.util.function.Function (apply [this arg] (hello arg)))) ;; then do (my-function) where you need

How to specify format for individual cells with Excel.Range.set_Value()

拥有回忆 提交于 2020-12-30 07:40:50
问题 When I write a whole table into an excel worksheet, I know to work with a whole Range at once instead of writing to individual cells. However, is there a way to specify format as I'm populating the array I'm going to export to Excel? Here's what I do now: object MissingValue = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; Excel.Application excel = new Excel.Application(); int rows = 5; int cols = 5; int someVal; Excel.Worksheet sheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excel.Workbooks.Add(MissingValue).Sheets[1]; Excel

Outlook Interop in .NET Core 3.0?

孤人 提交于 2020-11-27 05:29:11
问题 I migrated our project from .NET Framework to .NET Core 3.0 (C#, WPF) and now I can not use Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook anymore, because it is not compatible with .NET Core 3.0. What I want to archive is opening/sending prefilled Outlook-Mails. Is there an alternative to this interop dll , or maybe a way to use .NET Framework for only this reference? Thanks and best regards! Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook, NetOffice.Outlook 回答1: This worked for me: Right click Dependencies and click

How to call a Fortran program from R

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-08-25 07:09:40
问题 I am totally new to Fortran and well versed with R. I was handed down a huge Fortran program with about 30 subroutines and about 15 functions and many other lines of code. I was told that I needed to call the Fortran program from R. I have been searching online for ways to create this bridge between R and Fortran with very little success. I can successfully execute the Fortran exe file from the command line and create the desired outputs. The fortran file is called "FortFish.f" A question: