
Unicode character rendered at a different size in IE6

久未见 提交于 2020-05-15 05:59:25
问题 In a web application, I have to display a special unicode character, know as BLACK DIAMOND (U+25C6) (see here for more details). Here is a sample : ◆ The font defined for the page is Arial, with size 13px. Surprisingly, the character is rendered with a bigger size in IE6 vs other browsers (FF, Chrome, ...). Is there any reason of this weird behavior and what is the solution to avoid this ? 回答1: This is because the specified character is missing from the font you specified. So the browser

Sub Nav doesnt appear over the image in ie7

我们两清 提交于 2020-04-30 12:28:17
问题 This is possibly the most irritating thing ever. I've spent a long long time troubleshooting to this to no avail, so please someone help put me out of misery!! I'm trying to float the sub nav under products over the image below in IE7. Easy? NOPE! 回答1: On #menu ul , remove position: relative . On #header , remove position: relative , and add some high z-index value. I tested it with z-index: 300 . See this previous answer of mine for further information about the nature of the bug. 来源: https:

Sub Nav doesnt appear over the image in ie7

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2020-04-30 12:27:10
问题 This is possibly the most irritating thing ever. I've spent a long long time troubleshooting to this to no avail, so please someone help put me out of misery!! I'm trying to float the sub nav under products over the image below in IE7. Easy? NOPE! 回答1: On #menu ul , remove position: relative . On #header , remove position: relative , and add some high z-index value. I tested it with z-index: 300 . See this previous answer of mine for further information about the nature of the bug. 来源: https:

How to completely disable all Internet Explorer Script Error dialogs

只愿长相守 提交于 2020-01-31 04:00:09
问题 Can someone please tell me how to disable Internet Explorer Script Error - says: An Error has occurred in the script on this page ... Error: Unspecified error ... Please don't Say to Go to Tools -> I.Options -> Advanced ...turning off debugging etc etc.. I have tried all that and this popup dialog still comes up. Some forums suggested turning off a service called: Machine Debug Manager (MDM), the problem is that I can't find this service running on my windows version. Why? System Windows XP

How to remove IE toolbar and menu bar

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2020-01-25 20:37:07
问题 We have a web application which will be used in an intranet environment on IE 6. We want to change the default configuration of the browser so that it's always rendered without the Tool Bars, Menu Bars and Address Bar, just the browser window frame and the status bar should be present. We were looking at the IEAK toolkit for IE6 but it doesn't seem to have the option of turning all this off though you can turn off certain menus and toolbar options. Any ideas of how this can be done,

How to make drop-down menu appear over a combobox in IE6?

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2020-01-25 12:47:27
问题 I'm facing a problem in IE6 : My website contains a drop-down menu and some pages contains comboboxes. When I roll-out a menu and it's covering a combobox, the combobox always appears over the menu ! My website is to be used exclusively on IE6, so I want to solve this problem on IE6 and make the drop-down menu apprear OVER the combobox in such situations. Here is a code snippet that illustrates the problem : <html> <body> <!-- Menu --> <table width="20%" border="0" style="position:relative; z

How to feature-check for three-equals-signs operator and promises support in JS?

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2020-01-25 06:42:27
问题 I'm writing scripts which I want to split into several modules. The "baseline" modules will support older browsers, which do not support new syntax such as === and promises. The "advanced" modules will be loaded if the browser passes a feature-check. My question is, how do I check if browser supports === operator and .then(function(){}) promise syntax without actually using them first, and causing a syntax error in older browsers? if (/*what goes here*/) { var script = document.createElement(

Base64 Image not showing up in IE6

喜欢而已 提交于 2020-01-24 20:01:29
问题 I am trying to render an image in IE6 from a base64 encoded string. As per the resources here and here, I am trying out this following code (the image is just the base64 encoding of my profile pic here... :), obtained from this site) <!-- Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="=_data-uri" --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> #pic { width:670px;height:710px; background-image: expression("url(mhtml:" + window.location + "!locoloco)"); } </style> <script type = 'text

How to adjust CSS to display correctly in IE 6?

不羁岁月 提交于 2020-01-24 17:48:32
问题 I have the following HTML+CSS that may be displayed on some small number of older Windows XP machines with IE 6 as a web browser. On a newer browser it should look like this: but IE 6 makes it look like this: So I was curious if there's anything I can do to try to fix this for IE 6? Here's a fiddle to show the code. The image used was this: html: <span id="lbl01">User Commands:</span> <div class="divSmBtns"> <a href="#" id="idBtn" draggable="false" class="smtbBtnCopy smtbBtn" title="whatever"

How to adjust CSS to display correctly in IE 6?

狂风中的少年 提交于 2020-01-24 17:48:05
问题 I have the following HTML+CSS that may be displayed on some small number of older Windows XP machines with IE 6 as a web browser. On a newer browser it should look like this: but IE 6 makes it look like this: So I was curious if there's anything I can do to try to fix this for IE 6? Here's a fiddle to show the code. The image used was this: html: <span id="lbl01">User Commands:</span> <div class="divSmBtns"> <a href="#" id="idBtn" draggable="false" class="smtbBtnCopy smtbBtn" title="whatever"