
Initializing jquery from Node

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-01-13 07:05:06
问题 I am creating a new project using the following: $mkdir X $cd X $npm install jquery Then create a new app.js file: var http = require('http'); var $ = require('jquery'); console.log("http="+ http); console.log("$="+ $); console.log("$.getJSON="+ $.getJSON); Output is: http=[object Object] $=function ( w ) {...} $.getJSON=undefined Why is $.getJSON undefined ? Using latest io.js v2.4.0. 回答1: You are trying to create an XHR from within Node.js. This is not going to work since Node.js is simply

cm-14.1 Android系统启动过程分析(一)-init进程的启动、rc脚本解析、zygote启动、属性服务

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2020-01-12 01:46:14
声明 前阶段在项目中涉及到了Android系统定制任务,Android系统定制前提要知道Android系统是如何启动的。 本文参考了一些书籍的若干章节,比如《Android进阶解密-第2章-Android系统启动》、《深入理解Android虚拟机-第8/9/10章-init进程详解/Dalvik VM的进程系统/Dalvik VM运作流程详解》、《深入理解Android系统-第6/7/8章-init启动进程详解/Zygote进程详解/System进程详解》等 本文使用的代码是LineageOS的cm-14.1,对应Android 7.1.2,可以参考我的另一篇博客: 如何下载Nexus5的LineageOS14.1(cm-14.1)系统源码并编译、刷机 很多代码注释待详细写 1 init进程     init进程在Linux系统中是内核启动后启动的1号进程,init进程在Android系统中依然是内核初始化完成后首先启动的1号进程。init进程主要作用是: 创建、挂载启动所需的文件目录,包括:tmpfs、devpts、proc、sys、selinuxfs; 解析、处理init.rc等脚本文件中的命令; 创建Zygote和属性服务; 使用while(true)循环创建子进程;     其源码位置在: vim ~/LineageOS/system/core/init/init.cpp

Why UILabel is not initialized?

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2020-01-11 04:01:09
问题 The code is from Stanford CS193p. I added a NSLog to check it out. The label seems not being initialized. Any idea? @interface AskerViewController() <UITextFieldDelegate> @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *questionLabel; @property (weak, nonatomic) NSString *question; @end @implementation AskerViewController @synthesize questionLabel = _questionLabel; @synthesize question = _question; - (void)setQuestion:(NSString *)question { _question = question; self.questionLabel.text =

Pycharm (Python IDE) doesn't auto complete Django modules

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2020-01-10 02:41:13
问题 My Python IDE (pycharm) has stopped auto completing my modules (suggestions). I get unresolved references after every django module I try to import so: from django - works, however soon as I add a 'dot' it fails so from django.db import models gives me unresolved errors... The ackward thing is after compiling references DO work. I discovered that all my files (everywhere) no longer are marked with python icon and are now notepad icons. Also opening init files in my interpreter


夙愿已清 提交于 2020-01-09 14:37:50
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 在python2.x中,从object继承得来的类称为新式类(如class A(object))不从object继承得来的类称为经典类(如class A()) 新式类跟经典类的差别主要是以下几点:   1. 新式类对象可以直接通过__class__属性获取自身类型:type   2. 继承搜索的顺序发生了改变,经典类多继承时属性搜索顺序: 先深入继承树左侧,再返回,开始找右侧(即深度优先搜索);新式类多继承属性搜索顺序: 先水平搜索,然后再向上移动 例子: 经典类: 搜索顺序是(D,B,A,C) >>> class A: attr = 1 ... >>> class B(A): pass ... >>> class C(A): attr = 2 ... >>> class D(B,C): pass ... >>> x = D() >>> x.attr 1 新式类继承搜索程序是宽度优先 新式类:搜索顺序是(D,B,C,A) >>> class A(object): attr = 1 ... >>> class B(A): pass ... >>> class C(A): attr = 2 ... >>> class D(B,C): pass ... >>> x = D() >>> x.attr 2   3.

Run __init__ after panel is created?

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2020-01-07 07:16:08
问题 Is there a way, from a button to reinitialize a specific panel? I have a section of an app that looks for specific files in the OS and then creates some checkboxes and textctrls and then adds them to the sizer dynamically: for db in numDB: if xIndex >= 12: pass xIndex += 1 else: check = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, db) sizer.Add(check, pos=(xIndex,0), flag=wx.LEFT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, border=10) label = wx.StaticText(panel, label="") sizer.Add(label, pos=(xIndex,1), flag=wx.LEFT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER

Run __init__ after panel is created?

筅森魡賤 提交于 2020-01-07 07:16:05
问题 Is there a way, from a button to reinitialize a specific panel? I have a section of an app that looks for specific files in the OS and then creates some checkboxes and textctrls and then adds them to the sizer dynamically: for db in numDB: if xIndex >= 12: pass xIndex += 1 else: check = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, db) sizer.Add(check, pos=(xIndex,0), flag=wx.LEFT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, border=10) label = wx.StaticText(panel, label="") sizer.Add(label, pos=(xIndex,1), flag=wx.LEFT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER

Is __init attribute used in loadable kernel modules?

自作多情 提交于 2020-01-05 09:23:35
问题 The description at this - - page (as well as some related answers on SO, for example the answer here - __init and __exit macros usage for built-in and loadable modules ) says The __init macro causes the init function to be discarded and its memory freed once the init function finishes for built-in drivers, but not loadable modules. However, I tried to insert the following module, in which I try to call the init functions with __init attribute Button needs to be fired twice

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2020-01-03 04:59:14
问题 I am generating dynamic html controls. The controls are being generated on Init, after the user has caused a postback by pressing a button. However, he needs to press it twice so that the controls are generated. How can I fix this? Code: protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsPostBack) { if (Session["id"] != null) { string id= Session["id"].ToString(); GenerateDynamicControls(id); } } } protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Session["id"] = null; } protected

Kubeadm init stops at image pulling

五迷三道 提交于 2020-01-03 04:38:06
问题 I'm having some troubles with initializing the master using kubeadm .. I'm trying to follow . I installed docker , kubelet , kubeadm and kubectl . Now I executed kubeadm init , but it stops at [init] This might take a minute or longer if the control plane images have to be pulled. I looked into journalctl and there I found out that: Unable to update cni config: No networks found in /etc/cni/net.d and Failed to list *v1.Pod: