

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2020-01-27 03:00:08
首先,在电脑上安装mysql驱动(直接双击下一步): 接下来,选择驱动: 然后,输入1 2 3自定义名称: 之后,点击3测试链接,测试成功之后就可以选择数据库 问题: 如果出现错误: 1.您使用非管理权限登录无法创建或修改System DSN 就直接在开始菜单栏选择以管理员方式运行,以上问题就可以解决: 2.选择mysql时报错还是找不到驱动 在那个配置powrmart.ini文件在ODBCDLL添加一行 MySQL = PMODBC.DLL 来源: CSDN 作者: 啊呀啊呀静 链接:

Running pmcmd from java

核能气质少年 提交于 2020-01-16 15:16:08
问题 I am trying to run pmcmd and pass arguments from java. This is my code : String cmd="C:\\Informatica\\9.6.1\\clients\\PowerCenterClient\\CommandLineUtilities\\PC\\server\\bin\\pmcmd.exe"; final Process cmdProcess; cmdProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{cmd,"connect -sv IS_NAME -d DOMAIN_NAME -u USER -p PWD"}); cmdProcess.getOutputStream().close(); The problem is I am not able to get the desired output. I get the following error: ERROR: Unknown command [connect] When I try the


試著忘記壹切 提交于 2020-01-11 08:08:48
1 .创建infa用户名第一个字母得大写; 2 .R_登录,连接,设置文件夹;D_拉取目标和源,设置映射;W_设置任务,工作集,工作流;M_查看运行日志; 3 .infa 如果多个逻辑同用一个数据源,需要重新拉取源到映射,不能多重连接; 4 .鼠标选择字段的线拉取的时候,选择字段最前面灰白框,鼠标就不会乱跑;如下图: 5 .infa中不识别某些中文例如(湾,通…)逻辑尽量使用英文; 来源: CSDN 作者: 十里清歡 链接:

Informatica Powercenter 介绍

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2020-01-08 00:15:26
1.1 Informatica Powercenter 的概念 Informatica PowerCenter 是Informatica公司开发的世界级的企业数据集成平台,也是业界领先的ETL工具。Informatica PowerCenter使用户能够方便地从异构的已有系统和数据源中抽取数据,用来建立、部署、管理企业的数据仓库,从而帮助企业做出快速、正确的决策。此产品为满足企业级要求而设计,可以提供企业部门的数据和电子商务数据源之间的集成,如XML,网站日志,关系型数据,主机和遗留系统等数据源。此平台性能可以满足企业分析最严格的要求。 1.2 Informatica公司简介 Informatica公司创立于1993年,总部位于Palo Alto, California of USA,作为电子商务分析型软件市场的领先者,一直致力于通过自身的产品和服务提升企业的竞争性优势。其拳头产品Informatica PowerCenter已被全球多家著名企业用来建设BI/DW系统,它可集成和分析企业的关键商务信息,优化整个商务价值链的表现和响应速度。 Informatica公司于1999年四月首次公开上市发行(Nasdaq:INFA ,$16/每股),拥有包括Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, AT&T, British Telecom, Motorola, Cisco, HP

How to load the first half records in one file and other half in other file in informatica?

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2020-01-03 01:40:47
问题 I have tried expression transformation so far along with aggregate transformation to get the maximum value of the sequence number.Source is flat file 回答1: The way you are designing would require reading the source twice in the mapping, one to get the total number of records (max sequence as you called it) and then another one to read the detail records and pass them to target1 or target2. You can simplify it by passing the number of records as a mapping parameter. Either way, to decide when

informatica powercenter vs custom perl ETL job?

瘦欲@ 提交于 2020-01-02 07:02:09
问题 Most of my company uses powercenter informatica for Extract-Transform-Load type data move jobs between databases. However project I am on has a big custom Perl job with some Java thrown in for good measure to move data and trigger some other updates. There is talk of rewriting the thing to use powercenter instead, what are people's experiences on such a project, does it make sense? Seems like you trade lot of flexibility in going to such a "off the shelf" solution, but do the ETL tools buy

How to run only failed sessions in a workflow

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-12-30 12:23:11
问题 In a workflow there are sessions connected in parallel and in sequence. Suppose some sessions which are in parallel and in sequential mode are failed, How do I restart the workflow with only failed sessions. How can I design this in Informatica? 回答1: Turn 'suspend on error' for workflow Turn 'restart on recovery' for each session in workflow Now if any session fail workflow will be suspended until you fix the problem and hit recover on workflow in monitor. When you do so it cause to restart

ETL工具Informatica开发流程 综合应用 电信通话计费系统开发项目案例10

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-25 11:42:52
一、准备数据源 在Oracle数据库中创建 OLTP用户导入源数据 oracle_oltp_data.sql 在Mysql数据库中创建表,插入产品相关数据 mysql_product_data.sql 用户表ods_cust_info(oltp) 地区表department(oltp) 通话表call_record(oltp) 产品表product(mysql) 二、需求: 电信运营情况分析:从各业务系统数据分析一下公司运营情况(只分析通话,不分析流量) 报表结果: 统计各维度与各指标的用户量与运营收入情况 维度(时间,地区,产品) 指标(用户数,运营收入) 三、开发思路 1:对地区维度表进行相应的处理 社区 ----> 端局 ------> 区局 村 镇 县 create table department_dimension as select a.dept_id dq_id,a.dept_name dq_name,a.level_no dq_level_no, b.dept_id ju_id,b.dept_name ju_name,b.level_no ju_level_no, c.dept_id sq_id,c.dept_name sq_name,c.level_no sq_level_no from (select dept_id,dept_name,level_no

Date Formats comparison in Informatica

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-25 04:15:42
问题 I have just started working on Informatica. I have a column that is of string datatype which contains date. I need to check if the date is in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD' . If so it needs to return 1 else if it is of any other format it needs to return zero. I need to perform this operation in the Expression transformation. Thanks in Advance. 回答1: Hi, You can use the below function, IIF(IS_DATE(date_column,'YYYY-MM-DD'),1,0) 回答2: You can use IS_DATE (input_field, 'YYYY-MM-DD') 来源: https:/

How To Generate Dynamic Target File In Informatica

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-25 00:13:56
问题 Scenario: Generate different flat file target based on the Location name, like separate files for Mumbai.dat, Bangalore.dat, and Delhi.dat Source Table: Dept name Dept ID Location DWH 1 Mumbai Java 2 Bangalore Dot net 3 Delhi I am able to achieve the output through transaction control and output field file name but the problem is I am creating workflow and session for this associated with this mapping but problem is I need to pass the input and outside in session through parameter file.I