
JQuery show images with id based on click

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-01-06 07:21:49
问题 I'm pretty new at JQuery so my knowledge of syntax and functions may need some in depth explaining. Please be patient with me and questions. I'm building a color visualizer. Basically a stack of images with position:absolute and display:none. Here's my HTML structure: <div id="visualizer"> <div id="chairContainer"> <img src="/sites/default/files/color-visualizer/background.jpg" class="background"> <img src="/sites/default/files/color-visualizer/seatback-red.png" id="redBack" class="seat">

JQuery show images with id based on click

安稳与你 提交于 2020-01-06 07:21:08
问题 I'm pretty new at JQuery so my knowledge of syntax and functions may need some in depth explaining. Please be patient with me and questions. I'm building a color visualizer. Basically a stack of images with position:absolute and display:none. Here's my HTML structure: <div id="visualizer"> <div id="chairContainer"> <img src="/sites/default/files/color-visualizer/background.jpg" class="background"> <img src="/sites/default/files/color-visualizer/seatback-red.png" id="redBack" class="seat">

Creating a tenure column in Days in R

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-25 02:28:21
问题 *Edited I am trying to create a column in a df that shows me the day number in a client's tenure. Here is the code to create a mock df for this:- Date<-c("20/07/2018", "21/07/2018", "25/07/2018", "02/08/2018", "05/08/2018", "10/08/2018") ClientId<-c("aaa", "bbb", "ccc", "aaa", "bbb", "ccc") EventId<-c("klk109", "rrt234", "hjk786", "yyu777", "tyw909", "nnl991") dateclient<-cbind(Date, ClientId) LoginDates<-cbind(dateclient, EventId) View(LoginDates) which should give you something like this:-

Generating 5 digit alphanumeric code with predifined characters in sequence

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-24 10:38:02
问题 I would like to generate a membership number consisting of alphanumeric characters, removing i o and l to save confusion when typing. to be done in php (also using Laravel 5.7 if that matters - but i feel this is a php question) If simply using 0-9 the membership number would start at 00001 for the 1st one and the 11th person would have 00011. I would like to use alphanumeric characters from 0-9 + a-z (removing said letters) 0-9 (total 10 characters), abcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz (total 23

How to export the output (cluster labels) of k-means algorithm with the ids in the original data

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-24 07:45:19
问题 I have a data summarising a network including users' cookie id, session id, number of materials, and number of jumps in the network. I would like to cluster them and further analyse them. So, need to know which cookie id in which session is labelled in which cluster. Example data: cookie_id|ses_num|num_material|num_jump 2345 1 2 1 2345 2 8 12 3456 1 3 2 I have applied k-means clustering using the last two columns but cannot return the clustering output to the right id as I cannot use cookie


倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-17 13:59:11
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> Oracle: <insert id="insert" parameterType="vo.Category"> <selectKey resultType="java.lang.Short" order="BEFORE" keyProperty="id"> SELECT SEQ_TEST.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL </selectKey> insert into category (id,name_zh, parent_id, show_order, delete_status, description ) values ( #{id,jdbcType=NUMBER}, #{nameZh,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{parentId,jdbcType=NUMBER}, #{showOrder,jdbcType=NUMBER}, #{deleteStatus,jdbcType=NUMBER}, #{description,jdbcType=VARCHAR} ) </insert> MySQL: 针对自增主键的表,在插入时不需要主键,而是在插入过程自动获取一个自增的主键,比如MySQL,可以采用如下两种配置方式: <insert id="insert" parameterType="vo


牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-17 09:15:38
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 一、需求缘起 几乎所有的业务系统,都有 生成一个记录标识的需求 ,例如: ( 1 )消息标识: message-id ( 2 )订单标识: order-id ( 3 )帖子标识: tiezi-id 这个记录标识往往就是数据库中的 唯一主键 ,数据库上会建立聚集索引( cluster index ),即在物理存储上以这个字段排序。 这个记录标识上的查询,往往又有 分页或者排序的业务需求 ,例如: ( 1 )拉取最新的一页消息: selectmessage-id/ order by time/ limit 100 ( 2 )拉取最新的一页订单: selectorder-id/ order by time/ limit 100 ( 3 )拉取最新的一页帖子: selecttiezi-id/ order by time/ limit 100 所以往往要有一个 time 字段,并且在 time 字段上建立普通索引( non-cluster index )。 我们都知道普通索引存储的是实际记录的指针,其访问效率会比聚集索引慢,如果记录标识在生成时能够基本按照时间有序,则可以省去这个 time 字段的索引查询: select message-id/ (order by message-id)/limit 100 再次强调

JS send value to input hidden HTML not work

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-13 23:16:44
问题 I have a very big problem. This is my code: function calcolaGiorni() { var data1 = document.getElementById('set').value; var data2 = document.getElementById('set1').value; var diffTempo = Math.abs(data2.getTime() - data1.getTime()); var diffGiorni = Math.ceil(diffTempo / (1000 * 3600 * 24)); var prezzo = 500; var totale = diffGiorni*prezzo; document.getElementById('stampaTot').value = totale; } <input type="hidden" name="prezzoTotale" id="stampaTot"> The hidden input will contain the

RobotFrameWork how to close a pop-up

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-11 19:06:09
问题 I know how to select a frame. Select Frame css:iframe[id^="PopupBoxIframe_"] but DevExpress opens a pop-up. And I don't know how to select that pop-up It doesn't work with Select Window somehow this is the ID ctl00_aspxMasterPopup_PWH0T but Select Window searches for Title , Name or... but no ID 回答1: this was the solution. first you do an unselect, then a select, somehow that does the trick. unselect frame Select Frame css:iframe[id^="PopupBoxIframe_"] 来源:


谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-11 18:24:01
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 个人从事前端开发刚好2年(持续更新),从HTML重构到现在JS脚本开发,虽不敢说很有经验,但对前端某些部分还是有个人的独特的见解,比如HTML常用属性[class]: [class]是HTML语言中定义节点元素样式的属性。顾名思义,这个属性是为设计元素外观所用的,按照前端三层分离的原则,class是为表现层服务的,但是很多前端开发者甚至专业的资深前端工程师把[class]写到了逻辑层,他们经常使用$(.nodeClass)之类的类选择器来获取元素进行脚本开发。 这种方式我是不推荐的,因为class就是定义元素外观的,不涉及脚本。把class里面任一样式删去或者添加更多样式是不应该影响脚本的。但上面的做法把css和js在耦合在一齐了,这样就背离了前端三层分离原则。你可以想想,假如这样做的话,我想更改元素的class命名,又要去到脚本众多的js中同步更改相应的代码,那这样怎么算得上前端三层分离呢?! 所以,我建议是,[class]属性专门为定义元素外观服务的,js获取元素最好使用id或name属性——$("#nodeId"), $("[name=nodeName]")。打个比喻,把元素比作人来看的话,id实际上是人的身份证/学号,name是个人姓名,class是个人衣服。你想想,老师想叫你起来回答问题