
How to ensure data integrity in Hyperledger Fabric when someone intentionally changes data in couchdb directly

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2021-01-07 07:47:29
问题 I'm currently having 2 organizations inside my Hyperledger Fabric, and I'm accessing both of the organizations using generated API by composer-rest-server . According to my understanding, Hyperledger Fabric keeps its states inside couchdb and keeping its ledger in every organizations thus providing integrity. The problem is let's say, when I try to change some sort of data directly in couchdb using cURL method on org2 , it shows lack of data integrity. for example : This Data "_id":"

How to ensure data integrity in Hyperledger Fabric when someone intentionally changes data in couchdb directly

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2021-01-07 07:38:59
问题 I'm currently having 2 organizations inside my Hyperledger Fabric, and I'm accessing both of the organizations using generated API by composer-rest-server . According to my understanding, Hyperledger Fabric keeps its states inside couchdb and keeping its ledger in every organizations thus providing integrity. The problem is let's say, when I try to change some sort of data directly in couchdb using cURL method on org2 , it shows lack of data integrity. for example : This Data "_id":"

How to ensure data integrity in Hyperledger Fabric when someone intentionally changes data in couchdb directly

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2021-01-07 07:36:21
问题 I'm currently having 2 organizations inside my Hyperledger Fabric, and I'm accessing both of the organizations using generated API by composer-rest-server . According to my understanding, Hyperledger Fabric keeps its states inside couchdb and keeping its ledger in every organizations thus providing integrity. The problem is let's say, when I try to change some sort of data directly in couchdb using cURL method on org2 , it shows lack of data integrity. for example : This Data "_id":"

How to ensure data integrity in Hyperledger Fabric when someone intentionally changes data in couchdb directly

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2021-01-07 07:34:12
问题 I'm currently having 2 organizations inside my Hyperledger Fabric, and I'm accessing both of the organizations using generated API by composer-rest-server . According to my understanding, Hyperledger Fabric keeps its states inside couchdb and keeping its ledger in every organizations thus providing integrity. The problem is let's say, when I try to change some sort of data directly in couchdb using cURL method on org2 , it shows lack of data integrity. for example : This Data "_id":"

Fabric 2.2.1 (一)环境搭建

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2020-12-12 00:40:56
我 为什么 又在搭环境!!! 成功了成功了(别骂了别骂了 这是最最最最成功的了!!Let’s Begin~~~~~ 文章目录 前期准备 1、环境 2、巧用gitee 3、使用网站下载github二进制文件 一、下载Fabric源码 二、获取fabric-samples、二进制文件、配置文件 三、获取docker镜像 四、开启测试网络 五、使用结构测试网络 1、使用启动脚本打开网络 2、查看当前使用的镜像 2、创建通道 3、在通道上启动链码 六、与网络互动 1、配置config和Org1环境变量 2、初始化资产分类帐 3、查询分类账 4、资产转移 5、配置Org2环境变量 6、查询转移到Org2的资产 七、关闭网络 前期准备 1、环境 centos7 git curl go 1.14.13 docker 18.06.3 docker compose 1.23.2 2、巧用gitee 1、官网 https://gitee.com/ 2、点击新建仓库 3、点击导入现有仓库 4、复制github链接 5、返回粘贴 6、 等待一段时间即可,注意填写仓库其他信息 3、使用网站下载github二进制文件 https://d.serctl.com/ 一、下载Fabric源码 在go/src/github.com/hyperledger文件夹下克隆源码(使用gitee) git


天涯浪子 提交于 2020-12-09 18:34:28
一年仅一次,2020 CYBER MONDAY最后一天,全年最低,抓紧购买! 所有Linux基金会开源软件大学会员,都能以超值的价格,购买培训和认证考试!课证套购价格更优,更有最受小伙伴欢迎的认证和课程组成的超级套购! 活动仅剩最后一天,12月9日下午3:59分准时关闭购买通道 ,有需要的小伙伴抓紧购买,超值优惠,不容错过! 部分超级套购优惠计划包括: 1. Kubernetes相关认证与课程超级套购优惠 认证Kubernetes 管理员+认证Kubernetes 应用程序开发者超级套购: LFS258课程+CKA认证+LFD259课程+CKAD认证 费用:原价6998元, 现价2308元 认证Kubernetes 管理员+认证Linux工程师超级套购: LFS258课程+CKA认证+LFS211课程+LFCE认证 费用:原价6518元, 现价2148元 认证Kubernetes 管理员+LFS258 课程 费用:原价3508元, 现价1258元 认证Kubernetes 应用程序开发者+LFD259 课程 费用:原价3508元, 现价1258元 2. 系统管理相关认证与课程超级套购优惠 LFS201&LFS211&LFCS&LFCE超级套购 费用:原价5998, 现价1978元 3. Open.JS认证与课程超级套购优惠 LFW211&LFW212&JSNAD&JSNSD超级套购

CentOS7 搭建Fabric 1.0

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2020-12-04 00:32:34
1.环境搭建 1.1 go的按装及配置 1.1.1下载go压缩包 ​ wget https://dl.google.com/go/go1.9.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz 1.1.2 解压 ​ tar -C /usr/local -zxvf go1.9.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz 1.1.3配置环境变量 ​ vi ~/.bash_profile 添加如下内容: PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin export PATH export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin export GOROOT=/usr/local/go export GOPATH=$HOME/go export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/go/bin 使环境变量生效 source ~/.bash_profile 1.2 安装Docker 1.2.1 检查是否已经安装 rpm -qa|grep docker 1.2.2 卸载旧版本 yum remove docker docker-client docker-common docker-latest docker-latest-logrotate docker-logrotate docker-selinux docker-engine-selinux docker-engine 1.2.3


牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2020-12-03 22:56:23
准备vmware虚拟机,并安装完ubuntu系统后。继续搭建fabric运行环境。。。 0。打开终端,切换root身份。目的:后续操作即可不用sudo... 右键-》open Terminal-》 // 默认root用户是无固定密码的,并且是被锁定的,如果想给root设置一个密码 sudo passwd root // 输入密码 & 确认密码 // 切换root用户 su root // 输入密码即可--root // 切换为普通用户 su username // eg:su yufeng 1。安装GIT apt- get install git //安装git git version //查看版本号 2。安装docker 和 docker-compose(必须) // 1.卸载旧版本的Docker // 旧版本的Docker被称作docker或者docker-engine,Docker CE(社区版)包现在被叫做docker-ce。如果之前安装过了,需要先卸载: apt - get remove docker docker- engine docker.io // 2。使用存储库安装docker (一)。设置存储库 // 【1】.更新apt安装包索引 apt - get update // 【2】。安装软件包以允许apt通过HTTPS使用存储库: apt - get

Hyperledger Fabric v1.1.0环境搭建

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2020-11-25 08:02:51
一、搭建基础环境 参考:https://www.cnblogs.com/sky-cheng/p/12150822.html 二、下载Hyperledger Fabric 源代码 查看$GOPATH环境变量 [root@localhost home]# echo $GOPATH /home/go 新建如下目录 [root@localhost home]# mkdir -p /home/go/src/github.com/ hyperledger [root@localhost home]# 进入新建的目录,下载Fabric源代码 [root@localhost home]# cd /home/go/src/github.com/hyperledger/ [root@localhost hyperledger]# git clone https: // github.com/hyperledger/fabric.git 正克隆到 ' fabric ' ... remote: Enumerating objects: 12 , done . remote: Counting objects: 100 % ( 12 / 12 ), done . remote: Compressing objects: 100 % ( 11 / 11 ), done . remote: Total

在本地搭建hyperledger fabric 网络

Deadly 提交于 2020-11-25 04:32:11
参考了官方文档,直接就可以了 https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/build_network.html 很好用 ➜ ~ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/master/scripts/ cd: no such file or directory: /Volumes/Data/Work/golang/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/master/scripts/ ➜ ~ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/ scripts ➜ scripts git:(be235fd3a) ✗ ls bootstrap. sh check_go_version. sh check_trailingspaces. sh goListFiles. sh multiarch. sh run-unit-tests. sh changelog. sh check_license. sh compile_protos. sh golinter. sh pull_build_artifacts. sh check_deps. sh check_spelling. sh generateHelpDocs.