
AttributeError: can't set attribute

泄露秘密 提交于 2020-12-25 01:43:12
问题 I am working on a legacy django project, in there somewhere there is a class defined as follows; from django.http import HttpResponse class Response(HttpResponse): def __init__(self, template='', calling_context='' status=None): self.template = template self.calling_context = calling_context HttpResponse.__init__(self, get_template(template).render(calling_context), status) and this class is used in views as follows def some_view(request): #do some stuff return Response('some_template.html',

How to fix 403 response when using HttpURLConnection in Selenium since the links are opening manually without any issue

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2020-08-06 03:21:50
问题 I was checking the active links in a website with selenium web driver and java. I have passed the links to the array and while verifying I am getting the response as 403 forbidden for all links in the site. It is just a public website anyone can access. The links are working properly when clicking manually. I wanted to know Why it is not showing 200 and what can be done on this situation. This is for Selenium webdriver with Java for(int j=0;j< activelinks.size();j++) { System.out.println(

Google Safe Browsing API v4 - Empty response

筅森魡賤 提交于 2020-07-22 06:27:44
问题 Despite that I check a malicious URL (, empty response returns from Google Safe Browsing API v4 . Here is the code I have tried: String postURL = String requestBody = "{" + " \"client\": {" + " \"clientId\": \"twittersentidetector\"," + " \"clientVersion\": \"1.0\"" + " }," + " \"threatInfo\": {" + " \"threatTypes\": [\"MALWARE\", \"SOCIAL_ENGINEERING\"]," + " \"platformTypes\": [\"ANY_PLATFORM\"],"

Spring security - creating 403 Access denied custom response

折月煮酒 提交于 2020-07-17 07:51:12
问题 I have a spring boot rest api with jwt authentication. The problem is i cannot get rid of default 403 Access Denied rest response which looks like this: { "timestamp": 1516206966541, "status": 403, "error": "Forbidden", "message": "Access Denied", "path": "/api/items/2" } I created custom AccessDeniedHandler: public class CustomAccessDeniedHandler implements AccessDeniedHandler { @Override public void handle(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, AccessDeniedException

send a Post HTTPRequest to a Identity Check company

天涯浪子 提交于 2020-07-08 00:42:11
问题 I am trying to send a Post HTTPRequest to a Identity check company. I created JSON file and tested the file using SOAPUI and I got the response back using SOAP UI. I tried to send the same JSON file using my code below: public void test() { string Hmackey = "XXXXX"; try { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); client.BaseAddress = new Uri("https://test"); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));//ACCEPT header client

Convert a Map value to String

Deadly 提交于 2020-06-29 03:51:16
问题 I am trying to convert a map value to String . I tried toString() method but it still returns an Object instead of String response = WS.sendRequest(findTestObject('api/test/TD-4_01_01-Valid')) Map parsed = response.getHeaderFields() String messageId = parsed.get('x-message-id').toString(); println messageId Actual Output: [C5yZC5hcy5sb2NhbC0xMjgyNi05MzE1LTE=] Expected Output: C5yZC5hcy5sb2NhbC0xMjgyNi05MzE1LTE= 回答1: ResponseObject#getHeaderFields returns a Map of String keys to a List of