
htaccess doesn't work - always wrong password

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-18 02:01:09
问题 I am trying to password protect a directory, and have two files in the directory which should password protected it: .htaccess .htpasswd HTACCESS: ###Contents of .htaccess: AuthUserFile /var/www/html/path/to/my/directory/.htpasswd AuthName "Protected Files" AuthType Basic Require user admin HTPASSWD: ###Contents of .htpasswd admin:oxRHPuqwKiANY The password is also admin, but no matter what password I try, it is always wrong. It immediately asks for the password again! What is wrong with this

Protect folder with password fails on localhost (under Apache and Windows)

a 夏天 提交于 2019-12-14 04:06:26
问题 I am trying to protect a folder from direct access with username and password on localhost under Apache webserver on Windows machine. According to this article, I've looked for DOCUMENT_ROOT value in phpinfo results and found the following: C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs . Since my folder inside htdocs is called protected , I created the following htaccess file: AuthType Basic AuthName "restricted area" AuthUserFile C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation

Password protect GitLab pages with htpasswd

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-13 17:06:31
问题 Is there a way to password protect a website published using GitLab pages? I tried adding an .htpasswd file to the root of the /pages directory, but that just makes the file available to everyone who goes to https://username.gitlab.io/mysite/.htpasswd. 回答1: See this answer to a very similar question. (Full disclosure, it was my question and answer). This gitlab repo shows a working example here. Uses static password protection and is also discussed in this issue. 回答2: GitLab now supports

Password protection for a single .htaccess rewrite

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-13 06:25:51
问题 I need a password protection for a single site. This is a seo friendly url: The default path is: http://www.website-url.com/index.php?id_cms=xx&controller=cms and here is the seo url: http://www.website-url.com/content/xx-login I have already the .htaccess and .htpasswd, but how to specify rewriting in .htaccess only for this url? I tried this: <filesMatch "http://www.website-url.com/content/xx-login"> IndexIgnore .htaccess .htpasswd AuthUserFile /absolut_path/.htpasswd AuthName "Login"

how to makeup username:password pair in .htpasswd file on wamp server installed on windows OS

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-13 03:01:58
问题 I am using Windows 8.1 OS and I installed Wamp server ...i google and found that " it should very rarely be edited by hand. There is a special program on a *nix machine that is designed to manipulate the .htpasswd file on your behalf. " so my question is how to Make-up username:password pair on my windows machine because I cant use that *nix on my window my .htpasswd looks like username:encryptedpassword john:odn927jw3h!hcj but to make-up encrypted password is never possible by hand so how to

Symfony2 simple .htaccess password protect for dev purpose

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-12 05:02:25
问题 I would like to use a .htaccess file to protect my symfony2 website while developing it. I added the following line at the beginning of my .htaccess located in /web and a .htpasswd file just next with my password. AuthName "Développement" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile ".htpasswd" Require valid-user I have a Error 500 when I try to access my website. Is it possible to use a htaccess in my case ? What should I use if it is not posible ? 回答1: Assuming the 500 error is caused by these directives,

Directory with .htpasswd is missing in directory listing

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-12 03:47:32
问题 Having multiple directories in a parent directory, if I add .htaccess (see below) to a child directory, this directory is no longer listed in the parent directory listing. AuthType Basic AuthName "restricted area" AuthUserFile /home/www/example.cz/www/dokumentace/file/.htpasswd require valid-user Can this be changed somehow? Thank you! 回答1: By default, the directory listing hides resources that would return 403 Forbidden: When a directory listing is produced, certain files will not be shown,

htaccess exclude multiple url from Basic Auth

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-11 13:27:20
问题 Hi i need to protect my app during the testing phase. I read this post about excluding one url from Basic Auth But i'd like to exclude 2 urls : /api/* /oauth/v2/token So the entire app will be protected except for those two urls, that will be public. Otherwise i can't access my api routes. My .htaccess for now is : # Protect the app with password AuthUserFile /home/master/public_html/web/.htpasswd AuthName "Protected" AuthType Basic Require valid-user So i'm guessing i should need some sort

Protect a file with .htaccess and .htpasswd

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-11 07:24:30
问题 I'm having some troubles configuring the .htaccess file to protect the access of a file. The file to protect is: www.mydomain.com/admin/stats.php I put the .htaccess file into the www.mydomain.com/admin folder with the following code: AuthName "Restricted Area" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile / <Files stats.php> require valid-user </Files> The file .htpasswd is into the www.mydomain.com/admin folder too and it contains the username and the password. If I try to access to www.mydomain.com/admin

Configure htpasswd to verify user against existing database with custom hashing algorithm

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-11 03:27:50
问题 I have a database of users 1 , in which passwords are salted and hashed in the following manner: hash = md5(md5(password) + salt) I would like to create private directories for any user in this database, and I envision doing so by configuring .htpasswd to private user authentication to these directories. I've looked into a few ways of approaching this, but none support this particular hashing algorithm: Generate htpasswd entries with htpasswd's default, single-run md5 algorithm, generated at