
SwiftUI horizontal alignment from center to the right

谁都会走 提交于 2021-01-29 11:42:50
问题 I am trying to align a dynamic collection (ie of varying count) of views to the right of a centered view, without moving the center view from its original, center position. For example, the center view is Text("12") and the views to the right are [Text("+3"), Text("+10"), Text("-1")] so I want the views to the right of 12 be displayed to its right, while 12 is centered horizontally on the screen: | 12 +3 +10 -1 | If I try using an HStack the 12 will move away from center. Is there a view

Linear Color Gradient to items in HStack?

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-07-22 06:14:07
问题 Is there a way in SwiftUI to add a gradient color to all items in an HStack. You can apply an individual Color to both the HStack .background and .foregroundColor But because LinearGradient is a struct that conforms to View you can't pass it to .foregroundColor because it is expecting a Color. You can work round this in various ways (one example using opacity below) but I was curious with so many SwiftUI options if I was missing something else? SwiftUI Example : struct GradView: View { var

Center Item Inside Horizontal Stack

一世执手 提交于 2020-01-28 11:18:29
问题 If I have 3 items inside a Horizontal Stack, I thought I could do something like this: HStack{ Text("test") Spacer() item2() Spacer() Text("test") } to center item2() in between the two Text views. However, the problem with this is that item2() isn't necessarily always centered, because, lets say Text("test") changes to Text("a") or something. This causes problems, and the second item isn't always centered on the screen. How can I make it so item2() is always centered? Thanks 回答1: I would