
How to create a Json Web Token (JWT) using OpenSSL shell commands?

我的梦境 提交于 2020-07-03 03:41:05
问题 I'm trying to create a JSON Web Token (JWT) using command line utilities on MacOS and hitting a snag with the signing portion. I was greatly inspired by this gist: For my JWT I have Header: {"alg":"HS256","typ":"JWT"} Payload: {"email":""} And my hmac secret is: bigsecretisveryhardtoguessbysneakypeopleright Or in base64: Ymlnc2VjcmV0aXN2ZXJ5aGFyZHRvZ3Vlc3NieXNuZWFreXBlb3BsZXJpZ2h0Cg== I was using the following

HMAC SHA256 in C# vs HMAC SHA256 in Swift don't match

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2020-06-29 06:42:21
问题 Using the 'standard' HMACSHA256 technique in dotnetcore C# I can produce a hashed string as follows: private static void Test() { var hmac = new HMACSHA256(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("testingkey")); var theHash = hmac.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("testingstringtohash")); string signature = Convert.ToBase64String(theHash); Console.WriteLine(signature); } //Produces yg/9NCAm5IIwGKJK80PyUeBWkzEUwZswvC3OVnTnT80= To do the same in swift (solution from this answer seems to be the 'standard' that

basics of python encryption w/ hashlib sha1

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2020-06-24 21:42:26
问题 I'm struggling to fully understand how encryption works and is coded, particularly with python. I'm just trying to get the basics down and create code in the simplest form. I'm going to be passing a userID between two different sites, but obviously I need this to be encrypted with a private key so Website2 knows it came from Website1. This seems to be the code for me:, but it doesn't have very good examples (or maybe I'm in the wrong

Generate a 10-digit TOTP password with a certain key

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2020-05-11 04:39:08
问题 This problem is related to TOTP as specified in RFC6238 here: I am to implement the RFC6238 to generate a 10-digit TOTP password, which will be used in a POST request later on. The sample input and output for the TOTP is supposed to be like this: Sample Input: Shared key: "ninja@example.comHDECHALLENGE003" (without double quotes) Hash function used: HMAC-SHA-512 T0 = 0, Timestep = 30 seconds (as per specified in RFC6238) Expected TOTP of 10


安稳与你 提交于 2020-03-28 02:33:17
首先上来就来说一下,IOS常见的几种加密算法 *哈希(散列)函数 : MD5、SHA *对称加密算法:DES、3DES、AES *非对称加密算法:RSA 一、哈希(散列)函数 1、MD5 MD5加密的特点: 1、不可逆运算、 2、对不同的数据加密的结果是定长的32位字符(不管文件多大都一样) 3、对相同的数据加密,得到的结果是一样的(也就是复制)。 4、抗修改性 : 信息“指纹”,对原数据进行任何改动,哪怕只修改一个字节,所得到的 MD5 值都有很大区别. 5、弱抗碰撞 : 已知原数据和其 MD5 值,想找到一个具有相同 MD5 值的数据(即伪造数据)是非常困难的. 6、强抗碰撞: 想找到两个不同数据,使他们具有相同的 MD5 值,是非常困难的。 所有的数据(视频、音频、文件、只要存在于硬盘或内存中的)都是可以被MD5加密的,得到的都是32个字符。 但是这是不安全的,相对来说比较容易破解: 传统方法是加盐(Salt):在明文的固定位置插入位数足够多、足够复杂的随机串,然后再进行MD5。 2、加“盐” 可以加个“盐”试试,“盐”就是一串比较复杂的字符串。加盐的目的是加强加密的复杂度,这么破解起来就更加麻烦,当然这个“盐”越长越复杂,加密后破解起来就越麻烦,不信加盐后然后MD5加密,再去到md5破解网站破解试试看,他就没辙了!!! 哈哈,这下应该安全了吧!答案是否定的。如果这个“盐

Calculate HMAC in Google BigQuery SQL

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2020-03-23 08:25:18
问题 How do I calculate an HMAC in Google BigQuery? BigQuery includes a number of crypto related functions, such as hash functions and encryption functions, but a HMAC function (that calculates a signature) is missing. 回答1: The BigQuery developers apparently forgot to add HMAC functions, but fortunately that can be built on what is available. HMAC is defined as HMAC(Key, Message) = H((Key xor opad) concat H((Key xor ipad) concat Message)) where H is a hash function and Key , ipad and opad are all


北城余情 提交于 2020-03-05 15:20:43
签名串:按照接口中定义的参数名按首字母(首字母相同看第二个字母,依此类推) 顺序 进行排列,将所有参数值(除了 hmac)按照上面的排序通过key=value&方式连接起来,加密方式为MD5。 第一步,下载md5.js,放置于utils文件夹下。 第二步,utils文件夹下,新建sortJson.js,用于顺序key=value并以&连接。 function jsonSort ( jsonObj ) { let arr = [ ] ; for ( var key in jsonObj ) { arr.push ( key ) } arr.sort ( ) ; let str = '' ; for ( var i in arr ) { str + = arr [ i ] + "=" + jsonObj [ arr [ i ] ] + "&" } return str.substr ( 0, str.length - 1 ) } exports.jsonSort = jsonSort ; 第三步,所需页面引入并使用。 const { jsonSort } = require ( "../../utils/sortJson.js" ) ; const { hexMD5 } = require ( '../../utils/md5.js' ) ; const MD5_KEY = '' ;