
Revert (Undo) implementation in GWT

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-04 13:03:29
We are trying to build a GUI framework using GWT. We are finding it hard to implement the cancel functionality in the framework. Required feature is this: We have CRUD screens which have pop-ups, grids and so on. When the user changes anything in the GUI and then clicks on cancel() he should be given a notification message saying that something has changed. Approach that we have tried: Currently we are trying to keep a hashmap of key vs value of the entire pojo object and trying to compare it against the model which gets updated as and when user changes something. But this is adding lot of

How do upgrade to GWT 2.5 in Eclipse

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-03 20:52:21
问题 I'm using GWT 2.4 & Eclipse Juno. GWT is installed using the instructions at I'd like to try GWT 2.5. How do I upgrade from GWT 2.4 to 2.5? 回答1: Currently, GWT 2.5 is only available as a Release Candidate, and as such is not delivered via the usual Eclipse update site yet. However, it's easy to use Eclipse with any GWT version: Download the GWT SDK(s) you need from Extract it anywhere

How to write(enable) Java code in HTML while using GWT 2.5?

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-03 11:27:35
I've started taking advantage of GWT 2.5. The coolest feature of GWT 2.5 was the ability to write Java code directly in our HTML pages like so: <script type="text/java"> String helloWorld = "Hello world"; Window.alert(helloWorld); </script> The trick is to use a ServletFilter on the server side. This ServletFilter uses the GWT compiler to compile this java code into Javascript and inject it into the HTML returned to the client. I am unable to figure out how to filter this in web.xml or how to pass information to the compiler. How can I do this? Here is the Google I/O 2012 - The History and

Serialization Exception while making an RPC call

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-02 04:57:50
I have created a very basic application. I have only one service class and a corresponding Async class which contains only Java types and no custom classes. But still I get the serialization exception. My service class looks like this. public interface MyService extends RemoteService { public String getName(); public Object getAdditionalDetials(ArrayList<String> ids); public Date getJoiningDate(); } My async interface looks like this public interface MyServiceAsync { public void getName(AsyncCallback<String> callback); public void getAdditionalDetials(ArrayList<String> ids, AsyncCallback

How do upgrade to GWT 2.5 in Eclipse

Deadly 提交于 2019-11-30 19:45:14
I'm using GWT 2.4 & Eclipse Juno. GWT is installed using the instructions at . I'd like to try GWT 2.5. How do I upgrade from GWT 2.4 to 2.5? Currently, GWT 2.5 is only available as a Release Candidate, and as such is not delivered via the usual Eclipse update site yet. However, it's easy to use Eclipse with any GWT version: Download the GWT SDK(s) you need from Extract it anywhere you like In Eclipse Preferences > Google > Web Toolkit, use the "Add..." button and navigate to the GWT SDK