
Transforming a Java UUID object to a .NET GUID string

扶醉桌前 提交于 2020-05-29 05:57:46
问题 In a Java method that receives a java.util.UUID Object, I would like to display this object as a string in the .NET/C# format (CSUUID). Currently I am only able to display it in the Java format (JUUID) : static String GetStringFromUuid (java.util.UUID myUuid){ return myUuid.toString(); } Current output: "46c7220b-1f25-0118-f013-03bd2c22d6b8" Desired output: "1f250118-220b-46c7-b8d6-222cbd0313f0" Context: The UUID is stored in MongoDB and is retrieved with the Java ETL program Talend

Transforming a Java UUID object to a .NET GUID string

烂漫一生 提交于 2020-05-29 05:56:44
问题 In a Java method that receives a java.util.UUID Object, I would like to display this object as a string in the .NET/C# format (CSUUID). Currently I am only able to display it in the Java format (JUUID) : static String GetStringFromUuid (java.util.UUID myUuid){ return myUuid.toString(); } Current output: "46c7220b-1f25-0118-f013-03bd2c22d6b8" Desired output: "1f250118-220b-46c7-b8d6-222cbd0313f0" Context: The UUID is stored in MongoDB and is retrieved with the Java ETL program Talend

What's the C++ version of Guid.NewGuid()?

蓝咒 提交于 2020-05-09 18:33:22
问题 I need to create a GUID in an unmanaged windows C++ project. I'm used to C#, where I'd use Guid.NewGuid() . What's the (unmanaged windows) C++ version? 回答1: I think CoCreateGuid is what you're after. Example: GUID gidReference; HRESULT hCreateGuid = CoCreateGuid( &gidReference ); 回答2: UuidCreate() in Win32 API has exactly the same effect. However you need to pass an address of the variable that will receive the generated value: UUID newId; UuidCreate( &newId ); I believe Guid.NewGuid() simply


放肆的年华 提交于 2020-03-31 21:03:43
搜索了半天,检查了半天,却怎么用也不对,原来问题出在sql上: "select count(*) from checkbodyreport where GUID='?guid' 应该是: "select count(*) from checkbodyreport where GUID=?guid 注意到差别了吗,被替换的参数一定不能用引号括起来 。。。 来源:

C# with MySQL - Error: “Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes” when trying to open the connection

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2020-03-26 00:52:13
问题 Im developed a software and it's now time to test it connection to a online server. Im developing in C# using Visual Studio and I'm trying to connect to a MySQL server. To be specifc Im trying to connect to a test server at db4free server. I changed my ConnectionString to: connectionString = ";PORT=3306;DATABASE=prpsystem;UID=database;PWD=password;"; But when I try to open the connection to check if the login is OK the visual studio shows this message error: Guid should

PHP 创建GUID唯一标识

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2020-03-24 18:20:51
function createGuid() { mt_srand((double)microtime()*10000); $charid = strtoupper(md5(uniqid(mt_srand(), true))); $hyphen = chr(45); $uuid = substr($charid, 0, 8) . $hyphen . substr($charid, 8, 4) . $hyphen . substr($charid,12, 4) . $hyphen . substr($charid,16, 4) . $hyphen . substr($charid,20,12); return $uuid; } echo createGuid(); // 8929E377-74F8-3DEC-4A86-2E5289A8327F 来源: