

霸气de小男生 提交于 2021-02-05 07:14:51
问题 I'm getting this "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;)J" error while using ServiceCredentials.fromStream() method. Anyone here faced this and know a fix? TIA <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId>[title]</groupId> <artifactId

Is there an IdentityHashMap implementation that maintains insert order?

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2021-02-05 05:14:01
问题 I need a HashMap that (1) matches keys by Object reference, and (2) maintains insertion order when iterating These functionalities are implemented in IdentityHashMap and LinkedHashMap separately. Is there any way to get a data structure that suits my need? Either one that is present in Java standard OR 3rd party libraries (like Guava), OR by using some trick on LinkedHashMap maybe, so that it uses object reference for matching keys? 回答1: You can use Guava's Equivalence for this: Equivalence

Is there an IdentityHashMap implementation that maintains insert order?

冷暖自知 提交于 2021-02-05 05:13:54
问题 I need a HashMap that (1) matches keys by Object reference, and (2) maintains insertion order when iterating These functionalities are implemented in IdentityHashMap and LinkedHashMap separately. Is there any way to get a data structure that suits my need? Either one that is present in Java standard OR 3rd party libraries (like Guava), OR by using some trick on LinkedHashMap maybe, so that it uses object reference for matching keys? 回答1: You can use Guava's Equivalence for this: Equivalence

Is there an IdentityHashMap implementation that maintains insert order?

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2021-02-05 05:12:25
问题 I need a HashMap that (1) matches keys by Object reference, and (2) maintains insertion order when iterating These functionalities are implemented in IdentityHashMap and LinkedHashMap separately. Is there any way to get a data structure that suits my need? Either one that is present in Java standard OR 3rd party libraries (like Guava), OR by using some trick on LinkedHashMap maybe, so that it uses object reference for matching keys? 回答1: You can use Guava's Equivalence for this: Equivalence

How do you simulate a null safe operator with a default return value?

心不动则不痛 提交于 2021-02-05 02:34:56
问题 I'm sorry for the title but I cant find a good way to describe the problem in one sentence. In short, I have a lot of Java code following this pattern if (obj != null && obj.getPropertyX() != null) { return obj.getPropertyX(); } return defaultProperty; which can be rewritten as return obj != null && obj.getPropertyX() != null ? obj.getPropertyX() : defaultProperty; It's still ugly and I'm wondering if there is some API in Google Guava or other library to help clean up this code. Specifically,

How do you simulate a null safe operator with a default return value?

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2021-02-05 02:29:45
问题 I'm sorry for the title but I cant find a good way to describe the problem in one sentence. In short, I have a lot of Java code following this pattern if (obj != null && obj.getPropertyX() != null) { return obj.getPropertyX(); } return defaultProperty; which can be rewritten as return obj != null && obj.getPropertyX() != null ? obj.getPropertyX() : defaultProperty; It's still ugly and I'm wondering if there is some API in Google Guava or other library to help clean up this code. Specifically,

How do you simulate a null safe operator with a default return value?

主宰稳场 提交于 2021-02-05 02:29:36
问题 I'm sorry for the title but I cant find a good way to describe the problem in one sentence. In short, I have a lot of Java code following this pattern if (obj != null && obj.getPropertyX() != null) { return obj.getPropertyX(); } return defaultProperty; which can be rewritten as return obj != null && obj.getPropertyX() != null ? obj.getPropertyX() : defaultProperty; It's still ugly and I'm wondering if there is some API in Google Guava or other library to help clean up this code. Specifically,


喜欢而已 提交于 2021-02-04 07:05:51
在多任务程序中,我们比较熟悉的是分支-合并框架的并行计算,他的目的是将一个操作(比如巨大的List计算)切分为多个子操作,充分利用CPU的多核,甚至多个机器集群,并行执行这些子操作。 而CompletableFuture的目标是并发(执行多个操作),而非并行,是利用CPU的核,使其持续忙碌,达成最大吞吐,在并发进行中避免等待远程服务的返回值,或者数据库的长时查询结果等耗时较长的操作,如果解决了这些问题,就能获得最大的并发(通过避免阻塞)。 而分支-合并框架只是并行计算,是没有阻塞的情况。 Future接口 Future接口用于对将来某个时刻发生的结果进行建模,它建模了一种异步计算,返回一个执行结果的引用,计算完成后,这个引用被返回给调用方, 在使用Future时,将耗时操作封装在一个Callable接口对象中,提交给ExecutorService。 public interface Future<V> { boolean cancel( boolean mayInterruptIfRunning); boolean isCancelled(); boolean isDone(); V get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException; V get( long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws

Duplicate class found in modules guava-20.0.jar (

心不动则不痛 提交于 2021-02-02 04:44:06
问题 When I use implementation '' in my app/build.gradle , I get this error: Duplicate class found in modules guava-20.0.jar ( and listenablefuture-1.0.jar ( Go to the documentation to learn how to Fix dependency resolution errors. What I also have in my app/build.gradle is this: implementation '

Java 如何删除 List 中的重复元素

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2021-01-30 05:43:30
我们知道在 Java 的 List 中是允许对象或者元素是重复的。 不允许重复的集合,我们可以使用 set。 在有时候,我们希望 List 集合中的内容是不重复的,所以我们需要对 List 进行一次去重。 使用 Guava 其实有多个办法来去重,相对简单实用点的可以使用 Guava。 使用下面的这句话就可以了: List < String > townsName = FileUtils.readLines( new File( "C:\\Users\\yhu\\Documents\\town\\us-ma.txt" )); logger.debug( "Town Count - [{}]" ,townsName.size()); townsName = Lists.newArrayList(Sets.newHashSet(townsName)); logger.debug( "Town Count Clean - [{}]" ,townsName.size()); 上面代码就是简单的把 List 设到 HashSet 中,然后再转换为 List。 上面的内容为测试的问题,第一步是使用 FileUtils 将文本中的内容读取到 List 列表中。 来源: oschina 链接: https://my