
Renaming Objects in RStudio context sensitive within entire Project

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-03 14:40:57
问题 I have an issue when developing an R project using RStudio. I create an object, and then realise later, that I want to give it another name. I then have to manually change the name, which in larger projects is annoying and often results in errors, as I easily oversee one line. The replace all function of RStudio doesn't quite match the name I am trying to replace, as it only does so in one file, it also doesn't consider only the references of the variable see sample code: f <- function(a){ b

org-capture and time clocking misbehaving

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-03 14:32:23
I am sure some of you may have gathered (from my recent barrage of questions) that I am setting up org-mode on emacs and walking through Brent Hansen's impressive org set up . He is a clocking fanatic, and I like a lot of the stuff he does to track time spent on projects. I (think) haven't messed up in setting things up, but whenever I try to clock in our out of a task I get an error with a lot of gibberish (reported below). I've tried to see if there are some patterns to how the error emerges but am unable to discover them. They seem to happen pretty often but not all the time which makes


感情迁移 提交于 2019-11-28 15:22:36
GTD时间管理:高效管理你的时间,GTD软件一款就够 时间管理软件在网络上有很多种,不下一百款,手机端和PC端各有优势,而且每一款时间GTD软件都有自己独特的功能,本文是三更灯火网为大家分享的一款非常好用的GTD时间管理软件。 说有多好也不见得,只有自己去体验过了才能觉得到底是不是自己想要的,每个人有不同的使用习惯和思维,所以有人不苟同很正常。 三更灯火网为大家分享的这款GTD时间管理软件,本质上是一个闹钟,没错,就是一个闹钟,只支持电脑端,使用场景适合经常待在电脑前的你而不是整天抱着手机玩的你,比如上班族、宅族、电脑游戏族等等。 软件的功能也十分的强大和完善,基本在时间上来讲,能想到的功能它都有:定时提醒、生日提醒、定时打开、定时关机、计时倒计时、校对时间、报时、桌面控件、永久免费、永久免费、永久免费。 所有的记录还可以云同步,多台电脑都可安装使用,记录同步更新。 有需要体验的小伙伴们可以来三更灯火网下载本文中分享的GTD时间管理软件! 来源: