
CSS file paths are not resolving properly with angular ng-view

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-12 03:59:30
问题 I have an angular app setup with ng-view. I have routes that are both 1 and 2 levels deep, such as: .when('/sample', { templateUrl: 'views/sample.html', controller: 'SampleCtrl' }) .when('/sample/:id', { templateUrl: 'views/sample.html', controller: 'SampleCtrl' }) I am using html5 mode to remove the scotch routing, so my routes render as "localhost:9000/sample" instead of "localhost:9000#/sample" I also am using a node modrewrite server to enable the html5 mode so I can accept direct links

How to manage bower dependencies when developing and deploying with grunt and a dist project folder?

久未见 提交于 2019-12-11 03:58:26
问题 I am trying to set up a Grunt project with bower dependencies with two tasks: development and deploy . The project folder structure currently looks like this: . ├── bower_components │ ├── animate.css │ ├── jquery │ ├── semantic-ui │ └── wow ├── dist │ └── assets │ ├── styles │ └── js ├── node_modules └── src └── assets ├── less └── js I am currently using grunt-wiredep to automagically include the bower dependencies in the HTML files in dist . I am trying to keep the bower_components out of

grunt-wiredep on multiple files with different dependencies

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-04 18:45:13
问题 The current project structure is somewhat like this: -index.html | -bower.json | +-bower_components The proposed project structure will add a few more static html files in the project root. Till now I have been managing all the frontend dependencies in bower.json and had it automatically included in index.html using the grunt-wiredep task. But with new files getting added, each file will have different set of dependencies. -index.html | -file-with-some-other-bower-dependency.html | -bower

Grunt wiredep not wiring some bower components

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-04 03:37:50
问题 I am using yeoman webapp generator to generate a template to kick start of my work. At this moment, my bower.json looks like this { "name": "sample-project", "private": true, "dependencies": { "bootstrap-sass": "~3.3.5", "modernizr": "~2.8.3", "fontawesome": "~4.3.0", "jquery.smooth-scroll": "~1.5.5", "animate.css": "~3.3.0", "jquery.appear": "*" }, "overrides": { "bootstrap-sass": { "main": [ "assets/stylesheets/_bootstrap.scss", "assets/fonts/bootstrap/*", "assets/javascripts/bootstrap.js"

grunt-wiredep on multiple files with different dependencies

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-03 12:02:27
The current project structure is somewhat like this: -index.html | -bower.json | +-bower_components The proposed project structure will add a few more static html files in the project root. Till now I have been managing all the frontend dependencies in bower.json and had it automatically included in index.html using the grunt-wiredep task. But with new files getting added, each file will have different set of dependencies. -index.html | -file-with-some-other-bower-dependency.html | -bower.json | +bower_components What would be an efficient way of managing these files with different bower

Is there an injector like grunt-wiredep that works for NPM dependencies?

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-03 10:47:32
问题 Most packages nowadays are available in both NPM and Bower. I have to have NPM around, but I'd like cut Bower out of the loop on my project. I'm currently relying on grunt-wiredep to create <script> includes in my index.html . This tool looks at all of the Bower configs to pull all the necessary js and css files into my index.html for me. Is there a tool that will do the same for NPM dependencies? 回答1: You would be able to do that using a module bundler like Browserify or Webpack. For getting

Is there an injector like grunt-wiredep that works for NPM dependencies?

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-03 01:17:45
Most packages nowadays are available in both NPM and Bower. I have to have NPM around, but I'd like cut Bower out of the loop on my project. I'm currently relying on grunt-wiredep to create <script> includes in my index.html . This tool looks at all of the Bower configs to pull all the necessary js and css files into my index.html for me. Is there a tool that will do the same for NPM dependencies? You would be able to do that using a module bundler like Browserify or Webpack . For getting started with Browserify , you will need to first install it via NPM globally npm install -g browserify

Grunt wiredep not wiring some bower components

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-01 18:40:38
I am using yeoman webapp generator to generate a template to kick start of my work. At this moment, my bower.json looks like this { "name": "sample-project", "private": true, "dependencies": { "bootstrap-sass": "~3.3.5", "modernizr": "~2.8.3", "fontawesome": "~4.3.0", "jquery.smooth-scroll": "~1.5.5", "animate.css": "~3.3.0", "jquery.appear": "*" }, "overrides": { "bootstrap-sass": { "main": [ "assets/stylesheets/_bootstrap.scss", "assets/fonts/bootstrap/*", "assets/javascripts/bootstrap.js" ] } }, "devDependencies": { "chai": "~3.0.0", "mocha": "~2.2.5" } } Now, in cmd prompt I type this

Grunt wiredep:app no such file or directory bower.json

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-11-28 17:25:56
I'm trying to deploy my Yeoman's Angular app to my production server. When I try to run the grunt build command I get this error: Running "wiredep:app" (wiredep) task Warning: ENOENT, no such file or directory '/usr/share/nginx/html/data/gaia-app/app/bower.json' Use --force to continue. If I use grunt --force my app is broken... I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 Any ideas? There are two solutions to this issue depending on which version of wiredep you want to use. If you want to use '^1.9.0', make sure to remove the cwd property from your Gruntfile.js. This is a common issue if you are an angular-generator

Grunt wiredep:app no such file or directory bower.json

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-11-27 10:29:12
问题 I'm trying to deploy my Yeoman's Angular app to my production server. When I try to run the grunt build command I get this error: Running "wiredep:app" (wiredep) task Warning: ENOENT, no such file or directory '/usr/share/nginx/html/data/gaia-app/app/bower.json' Use --force to continue. If I use grunt --force my app is broken... I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 Any ideas? 回答1: There are two solutions to this issue depending on which version of wiredep you want to use. If you want to use '^1.9.0', make