
Fading in different items and different times using Greensock Tween

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-06 16:50:06
I am really new with GSAP and I think it is amazing. However I cannot work out how to fade in these items separately. 1st one (this is fine) for the 2nd wish to fade in at a certain time and 3rd at a certain time. JavaScript: function startFinalAnimation(){ var fa = new TimelineLite();, 2, {scale: 0.45, delay: 0, opacity: 1, transformOrigin:"-3% 8.8%"});, 4, {delay: 0, opacity: 1});, 5, {delay: 0, opacity: 1}); } TimelineLite 's .to() method syntax is as follows:, duration, vars, position); This fourth position parameter is