

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2021-02-14 09:19:56
1.主要的Activity——MemberDetailActivity 2.Activity视图的xml文件——R.layout.activity_member_detail 3.自定义的Fragment子类——CustomTrainingFragment 4.Fragment视图的xml文件—— 5.自定义Fragment子类的适配器 //1.MemberDetailActivity package; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import; import; import android.widget.TableLayout; import com.vimems.Adapter.CustomTrainingFragmentPageAdapter; import com.vimems.R; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import

Setting gravity for SceneKit ParticleEngine particles

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2021-02-11 12:47:28
问题 I'm just experimenting with SceneKit as a continuing migration through methods of 3D rendering. I have played with SceneKit and it is generally as advertised. One troublesome aspect (for me) is that while I can create ParticleEngines via the UI or code, I can't figure out how to set the gravitational field for particles created via code. The working code is here: Works with XCode 12.3 and iOS 15.3 Here is the function that sets up the ParticleEngine

Setting gravity for SceneKit ParticleEngine particles

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2021-02-11 12:45:51
问题 I'm just experimenting with SceneKit as a continuing migration through methods of 3D rendering. I have played with SceneKit and it is generally as advertised. One troublesome aspect (for me) is that while I can create ParticleEngines via the UI or code, I can't figure out how to set the gravitational field for particles created via code. The working code is here: Works with XCode 12.3 and iOS 15.3 Here is the function that sets up the ParticleEngine

Moving a 2D physics body on a parabolic path with initial impulse in unity

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2021-02-10 05:10:27
问题 What I have: A projectile in Unity 5 2D, affected by gravity, that I want to move from point A to point B with initial impulse on a parabolic path What I know: The 2D coordinates of a random starting position (A) The 2D coordinates of a random target position (B) The time (X) I want the body to reach the target position after What I want to know: The initial impulse (as in unity applyforce with forcemode impulse) that I have to apply to the body onetime in order for it to reach the desired

How do you properly implement gravity to a free floating space object and some sort of friction when thrusting in opposite direction

和自甴很熟 提交于 2021-02-02 03:50:26
问题 I am trying to program movement that is basically like Asteroids where once UP button is pressed you accelerate to a certain speed and then because in space you don't stop and can only slow down by thrusting in opposite direction. On top of that, I would like gravity to be pulling you towards the bottom of the screen. I have this accomplished for the most part but the issue I have is: When I turn around and thrust opposite direction, it doesn't slow down first going backwards before starting

How do you properly implement gravity to a free floating space object and some sort of friction when thrusting in opposite direction

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2021-02-02 03:45:46
问题 I am trying to program movement that is basically like Asteroids where once UP button is pressed you accelerate to a certain speed and then because in space you don't stop and can only slow down by thrusting in opposite direction. On top of that, I would like gravity to be pulling you towards the bottom of the screen. I have this accomplished for the most part but the issue I have is: When I turn around and thrust opposite direction, it doesn't slow down first going backwards before starting

How do you properly implement gravity to a free floating space object and some sort of friction when thrusting in opposite direction

房东的猫 提交于 2021-02-02 03:44:50
问题 I am trying to program movement that is basically like Asteroids where once UP button is pressed you accelerate to a certain speed and then because in space you don't stop and can only slow down by thrusting in opposite direction. On top of that, I would like gravity to be pulling you towards the bottom of the screen. I have this accomplished for the most part but the issue I have is: When I turn around and thrust opposite direction, it doesn't slow down first going backwards before starting


无人久伴 提交于 2021-01-31 19:27:03
云计算从业者有个不成文的条约:国外看AWS,国内看 阿里云 。 怎么个看法?AWS的 re:Invent大会 有6万多人参加, 阿里云 的杭州云栖大会有4万多人参加。这个比例竟与两家巨头的母公司市值出奇一致——亚马逊8千多亿,阿里巴巴5千多亿。 每到深秋入冬时节,全球顶级工程师都聚在拉斯维加斯和杭州进行一场朝圣之旅,汲取两位风向标大佬的思考和灵感。 如果说re:Invent是开发者的天堂,那云栖大会就是创业者的武林,无论是酷科技文化的天堂还是刀光剑影的武林,都为过去5年的云计算划上了一个完整的句号。 上云要趁早、云原生、容器、更大又更小的数据库、全自动DevOps、雾服务器、边缘计算……这些年我们早已被这些熟悉的字眼包围。 接下来马上迈入的2020年将开启下一个五年,两位A姓大佬又给我们带来了什么样的讯号? 云计算技术下沉:芯片成兵家必争之地 云厂商对算力的需求是无止尽的,尽管服务器市场已经明显转向云厂商,但这阻挡不了云厂商自己搞芯片。毕竟,谁有更强的算力,就掌握了更多的主动权。 AWS在2019 re:Invent大会上推出了基于ARM架构的Graviton2高性能处理器芯片以及机器学习芯片Inferentia,前者比X86实例的性价比高出40%。Graviton一词来自gravity(引力),意味着芯片从过去的幕后走向前台,成为吸引云计算用户的关键作用力。虽有一代芯片发布在前

How to create a table of gravity models side by side, using the Gravity Package in r

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2021-01-28 00:55:54
问题 I would like to create a table like the tables from the stargazer Package. But using the Gravity Package for creating gravity models, this package isn´t supported by the stargazer package yet. Do you have an idea, how to create a similar table with 3-5 models side by side for better comparison? Output should look like this, just with gravity models from the gravity package in r: Desired Output Style: 回答1: Please provide an example of model object created by gravity package. Alternatively, I

跟我学Android之六 布局

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2021-01-13 08:43:31
视频课: 本章内容 第1节 线性布局 第2节 相对布局 第3节 帧布局 第4节 表格布局 第5节 网格布局 线性布局 线性布局使用<LinearLayout>标签进行配置,对应代码中的类是android.widget.LinearLayout,线性布局分为 水平和垂直 两种方向。 线性布局的常用属性如下: android:orientation 表示布局方向,取值vertical表示垂直布局,取值horizontal表示水平布局。 android:gravity 表示视图的对齐方式 内容包括:top、bottom、left、right、center_vertical、center_horizontal、center,可以使用|分隔填写多个值 布局中的视图可以使用如下属性 android:layout_gravity 表示单个视图的对齐方式,android:layout_weight 表示单个视图所在大小的比重,当layout_weight为0时,视图大小由自身确定,当layout_weight大于0时,视图在线性布局方向上根据比重拉伸 相对布局 相对布局是一种通过设置相对位置进行的布局,相对布局使用<RelativeLayout>标签进行配置,对应代码中的类是android.widget