
reverse geocoding to extract address components

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-11 05:26:32
问题 I'm trying to reverse geocode with R. I first used ggmap but couldn't get it to work with my API key. Now i'm trying it with googleway. newframe[,c("","Front.long")] Front.long 1 -37.82681 144.9592 2 -37.82681 145.9592 newframe$address <- apply(newframe, 1, function(x){ google_reverse_geocode(location = as.numeric(c(x[""], x["Front.long"])), key = "xxxx") }) This extracts the variables as a list but I can't figure out the structure. I'm struggling to figure out how

Geocoding addresses with googleway: incoherent results

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-10 16:52:35
问题 I am trying to geocode addresses on Google Maps using the google_geocode function from the package googleway in R. I am using a key obtained from Google that allows me to go over the 2500/day limit (and being charged for that). I have different types of problems, mainly due to the way the addresses I use are written, but there is one issue that I would like to ask here: how is it possible that I sometimes get no results querying with googe_geocode, but if I type the same address string on

Automatically open both Google Map and Streetview

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-06 13:37:34
问题 I'm wondering if someone better than I am at R Shiny could tell me if the following is possible (it may not be, but I'd like to know if not). Question: Can I open both a google map and interactive streetview in Shiny? Why I want to do this: I have a programmed google map coming from the googleway package shiny integration. It looks as below (code at the bottom): In my shiny app, I can click and drag the streetview guy in the from the icon in the corner: Resulting in the streetview: I'd like

Heatmap/Contours based on Transportation Time (Reverse Isochronic Contours)

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-03 12:38:35
问题 Note: A solution in python would also work for me. I am trying to draw contours based on transportation time. To be more clear, I want to cluster the points which have similar travel time (let's say 10 minute interval) to a specific point (destination) and map them as contours or a heatmap. Right now, the only idea that I have is using gmapsdistance to find the travel time for different origins and then cluster them and draw them on a map. But, as you can tell, this is in no way a robust

Heatmap/Contours based on Transportation Time (Reverse Isochronic Contours)

北城余情 提交于 2019-12-03 02:47:26
Note: A solution in python would also work for me. I am trying to draw contours based on transportation time. To be more clear, I want to cluster the points which have similar travel time (let's say 10 minute interval) to a specific point (destination) and map them as contours or a heatmap. Right now, the only idea that I have is using gmapsdistance to find the travel time for different origins and then cluster them and draw them on a map. But, as you can tell, this is in no way a robust solution. This thread on GIS-community and this one for python illustrate a similar problem but for an

HTTP error 400 on google_elevation() call

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-11-28 12:58:33
I am using the R-package googleway to decode polylines using decode_pl and subsequently getting the elevation data at the corresponding lat/lon coordinates using google_elevation . I get the polylines from Strava , using the rStrava package. Sample polylines: pl1 <- "q{|aHknlv@n@Mt@IxAGb@B\\Eb@AZGRG^W`AyAPQF?NHDJFZBz@FVNPn@D`@C|@DjACv@@h@Dh@Ll@Zj@^\\`@fAx@j@r@d@n@\\ZJPNd@NbANzAFhANb@JNLHD?PKHMRGPSr@UPMXGDGJELMFCPAbBWROpAm@h@YZe@dAaC@Of@aAb@a@t@iALg@LWNQROf@IjAJnFbAv@Dr@Aj@BpBx@fFdCd@HlAHd@Pp@b@|@d@~@j@n@R~@n@\\NTCXBNEZCZKbB]rAKpDK~BO\\?NCd@?`DMz@SLO`@URCR@XLRRRVHd@NXNP\\RXf@JHXN\\Xn@ZD@Z?\

Convert/export googleway output to data frame

南楼画角 提交于 2019-11-28 01:36:24
I'm trying to make sense and convert googleway.distance output into a data frame. I have a sample of 10 locations as below: > origins V1 V2 1 38.82402 -78.28962 2 39.66405 -75.68834 3 38.68630 -77.30899 4 38.98991 -76.92997 5 39.26476 -77.88584 6 39.14255 -77.08824 7 38.95339 -77.16538 8 39.15798 -77.16514 9 39.03455 -77.47300 10 38.42632 -76.46342 > destinations V1 V2 1 38.90826 -78.20459 2 38.89980 -77.02137 3 38.87326 -77.05361 4 38.97834 -76.92821 5 39.25996 -77.88017 6 39.14281 -77.08835 7 38.84812 -77.07491 8 39.00266 -77.09257 9 38.84438 -77.11938 10 38.37362 -76.44139 My script and

HTTP error 400 on google_elevation() call

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-11-27 07:21:12
问题 I am using the R-package googleway to decode polylines using decode_pl and subsequently getting the elevation data at the corresponding lat/lon coordinates using google_elevation . I get the polylines from Strava, using the rStrava package. Sample polylines: pl1 <- "q{|aHknlv@n@Mt@IxAGb@B\\Eb@AZGRG^W`AyAPQF?NHDJFZBz@FVNPn@D`@C|@DjACv@@h@Dh@Ll@Zj@^\\`@fAx@j@r@d@n@\\ZJPNd@NbANzAFhANb@JNLHD?PKHMRGPSr@UPMXGDGJELMFCPAbBWROpAm@h@YZe@dAaC@Of@aAb@a@t@iALg@LWNQROf@IjAJnFbAv@Dr@Aj@BpBx@fFdCd@HlAHd@Pp@b

Convert/export googleway output to data frame

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-11-26 21:59:29
问题 I'm trying to make sense and convert googleway.distance output into a data frame. I have a sample of 10 locations as below: > origins V1 V2 1 38.82402 -78.28962 2 39.66405 -75.68834 3 38.68630 -77.30899 4 38.98991 -76.92997 5 39.26476 -77.88584 6 39.14255 -77.08824 7 38.95339 -77.16538 8 39.15798 -77.16514 9 39.03455 -77.47300 10 38.42632 -76.46342 > destinations V1 V2 1 38.90826 -78.20459 2 38.89980 -77.02137 3 38.87326 -77.05361 4 38.97834 -76.92821 5 39.25996 -77.88017 6 39.14281 -77.08835