
How to get the KML data from a GGeoXml object

夙愿已清 提交于 2020-01-05 04:48:17
问题 I load an KML file into a google map object using the following code: map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas")); geoXml = new GGeoXml(kml); GEvent.addListener(geoXml, "load", function() { geoXml.gotoDefaultViewport(map); // I would like to read the KML contents here }); map.addOverlay(geoXml); // ... I would like to read the placemarks from the KML file and display them in a list. I know that the information I need is being transferred to the browser but I don't know how to

Marker Animation on Google Maps Android not working

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2020-01-05 04:09:48
问题 I am trying to animate my marker instead of making it jump between the 2 points. For some reason the animation does not work. Every time I get a new current location, I call the below code. if (currentLatitude != 0 && currentLongitude != 0) { String actualRideStartTime = ""; if (currentRideTracking.getActualRideStartTime() != 0) { actualRideStartTime = TIME_FORMAT.format(currentRideTracking .getActualRideStartTime()); } vehicleLocation = new LatLng(currentLatitude, currentLongitude);

Dynamically drawing polygons in Google map

和自甴很熟 提交于 2020-01-04 02:05:27
问题 I am new to android. I've been trying to apply a field of view to my current location in google map. The image shows a FOV on Google map in iOS. So basically I did a similar thing by adding 5 triangles with different alpha in order to make the whole fov a gradiant. I have to update this fov according to azimuth of the device, so I remove those triangles ,recompute them and add them again. for(int i=0; i<5;i++){ if(triangles[i]!=null){ triangles[i].remove(); } //triangles=null; la = mvalues[0]

Bring Google Map Markers to Front by Changing Z-Index in Android

允我心安 提交于 2020-01-03 08:18:27
问题 I am creating a map based application where i show pings based on a latitude/longitude service mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions() .position(mLatLng) .title("" + name) .snippet("" + pingDate) .icon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(icon))); According to google map v2 api, markers are drawn in a top to down approach, so my pings gets hidden if there are fully/partially above each other. My question is, can i change the Z-Order axis or anything by which i can change the z position of a marker ?

Orange triangle in the target column of Android Device Chooser window

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2020-01-02 19:15:22
问题 When I launch my Android app with Eclipse, the usual window "Android Device Chooser" appears. I can here choose on which device I want to run my app. In the target column appears next to my target an orange triangle with an exclamation mark (kind of 'warning') When I search on the internet about this problem I've found this. What does the orange triangle in the target column of Android Device Chooser window mean? But the problem is the solution given in this thread doesn't work for me.I'm

Orange triangle in the target column of Android Device Chooser window

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2020-01-02 19:15:10
问题 When I launch my Android app with Eclipse, the usual window "Android Device Chooser" appears. I can here choose on which device I want to run my app. In the target column appears next to my target an orange triangle with an exclamation mark (kind of 'warning') When I search on the internet about this problem I've found this. What does the orange triangle in the target column of Android Device Chooser window mean? But the problem is the solution given in this thread doesn't work for me.I'm

Multiple Markers on Map with different icons and titles

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-01-02 18:36:08
问题 I have updated my question please review it Iam developing Blood Donar app in android.In that Iam using Google Map to display the donar on map.To show multiple markers on map I am trying this code but its crashing the application public class Profiles { String name; String email; String latitude; String longitude; int type; public Profiles() { } public Profiles(String name, String email, String latitude, String longitude , int type) { = name; = email; this.latitude =

taxi fare calculation using php with google distance matrix api v2

笑着哭i 提交于 2020-01-02 18:34:28
问题 I want to have a taxi fare calculation in my website. I have the following requirements: If Google Distance Matrix calculation show following distance kilometers, the rate should go like this: From 0 -10km = $65 (fixed price) + 11% 10km = $70 + 11% 15km = $80 + 11% 20km = $90 + 11% 25km = $100 + 11% 30km = $120 + 11% 30km above = $4 / km I put rate as $2 per km from 10 km above till 30km + $50 extra which result : if taxi if drived for 20km = 20km × $2 + $50 = $90 + 11% 21km = 21km × $2 + $50

taxi fare calculation using php with google distance matrix api v2

筅森魡賤 提交于 2020-01-02 18:34:21
问题 I want to have a taxi fare calculation in my website. I have the following requirements: If Google Distance Matrix calculation show following distance kilometers, the rate should go like this: From 0 -10km = $65 (fixed price) + 11% 10km = $70 + 11% 15km = $80 + 11% 20km = $90 + 11% 25km = $100 + 11% 30km = $120 + 11% 30km above = $4 / km I put rate as $2 per km from 10 km above till 30km + $50 extra which result : if taxi if drived for 20km = 20km × $2 + $50 = $90 + 11% 21km = 21km × $2 + $50

Android alternative for google maps (offline)

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2020-01-01 13:37:25
问题 I'm working on an app where users could press a button to see a map. I've implemented that google maps opens inside the app to show a map. Now my question is: If there is no wifi/3G it is impossible to cache the map, is there another way to show an offline version of the map? I was thinking about showing an svg image of a map. I've tried that but there is no way to zoom in the svg image, so is there a better way? 回答1: You can use Open Street Map instead of Google Maps. There is an Android