
Google_Activity must be an instance of Google_ActivityObject

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-22 13:49:07
问题 I don't know what is the error of this. I might think as well is in the library of google PHP client can someone help with this. This is my code: $this->client->refreshToken($con[0]->secret); $newtoken = $this->client->getAccessToken(); $this->client->setAccessToken($newtoken); $activityAccess = new Google_Acl(); $activityAccess->setDomainRestricted(true); $object = new Google_ActivityObject(); $originalContent = $object->setOriginalContent('Happy me'); $originalContent = $object->setContent(

Restrict login to Enterprise Google Domain for AWS Federated Identity Pool

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-14 04:16:42
问题 I'm using a federation identity pools with aws-amplify ( and I'd like to restrict the scope of domains to just my google domain organization (ex. There doesn't seem to be a way to lock it down on either the Google API console or the AWS Cognito Identity Pool settings, just a hint that an hd parameter can be appended to the google request to restrict it by domain (which would still

Mapping subdomain to a service in Google App Engine project

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-07 09:57:06
问题 I have a Google App Engine project with following yaml file handlers: - url: /web/.* script: - url: /api/.* script: How do I make sure subdomain, of a domain I own, be served by script. Example: If I own I want to be served by , and to be served by Is it possible to do that using Google App Engine. Example: handlers: - url:* script: - url: api

Google_Activity must be an instance of Google_ActivityObject

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-06 05:01:32
I don't know what is the error of this. I might think as well is in the library of google PHP client can someone help with this. This is my code: $this->client->refreshToken($con[0]->secret); $newtoken = $this->client->getAccessToken(); $this->client->setAccessToken($newtoken); $activityAccess = new Google_Acl(); $activityAccess->setDomainRestricted(true); $object = new Google_ActivityObject(); $originalContent = $object->setOriginalContent('Happy me'); $originalContent = $object->setContent('Happy me'); $originalContent = $object->setObjectType('domain'); $body = explode(".", $args["post"]);

Restrict login to Enterprise Google Domain for AWS Federated Identity Pool

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-04 16:24:42
I'm using a federation identity pools with aws-amplify ( ) and I'd like to restrict the scope of domains to just my google domain organization (ex. There doesn't seem to be a way to lock it down on either the Google API console or the AWS Cognito Identity Pool settings, just a hint that an hd parameter can be appended to the google request to restrict it by domain (which would still require modifying the aws-amplify core package), and it still wouldn't be secure since anyone could

How to configure Google Domains + Heroku w a Naked Domain

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-11-26 20:56:47
I have a domain loading in a web browser using Heroku and Google Domains. Right now the domain loads with a www: http://www . XXX .com. If I enter the URL w/o the WWW like http:// XXX .com I get the following error in Chrome: "’s server DNS address could not be found" What do I need to do so that the following happens: This loads - http:// http://www . redirects to http:// Thank you IMHO, you should: 1/ Set your heroku domain to be . All the info are in the Heroku documentation . Heroku should serve your site using http://example

How to configure Google Domains + Heroku w a Naked Domain

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-11-26 07:46:04
问题 I have a domain loading in a web browser using Heroku and Google Domains. Right now the domain loads with a www: http://www. XXX .com. If I enter the URL w/o the WWW like http:// XXX .com I get the following error in Chrome: \"’s server DNS address could not be found\" What do I need to do so that the following happens: This loads - http:// http://www. redirects to http:// Thank you 回答1: IMHO, you should: 1/ Set your heroku domain to be http:/