
Invalidate Google Cloud CDN cache from the backend

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-06-27 19:48:07
问题 After few days of research and reading documentation, I'm almost sure It's nearly impossible, but still I would like to ask: The goal is to invalidate all cached content in GCloud CDN on demand (due to headers changes) on the 3rd party backend, which does not use that CDN. Using gsuite it can be achieved by using the following command: gcloud compute url-maps invalidate-cdn-cache web --path '/*' --async But the problem is that this command requires us to login to google account via browser

Google Cloud CDN signed cookies with bucket as backend

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2020-05-17 07:43:08
问题 As an alternative to signed urls with a url prefix, I'm trying to get signed cookies working. Google Cloud CDN is setup with a backend bucket which is configured and working for standard signed urls. Using these Go examples I've implemented a cookie signing function in nodejs(typescript) that when provied with the test sample data produces the expected outcome. export function signCookie(urlPrefix: any, keyName: string, key: any, experation: Date): string { // Base64url encode the url prefix

Is Google Cloud Storage an automagical global CDN?

可紊 提交于 2020-01-10 07:29:05
问题 I’m attempting to setup a Google Cloud Storage bucket to store and serve all the static objects for my site. I’m also attempting to push all the objects in that bucket out to all the global edge locations offered by Google Cloud CDN. I’ve created a bucket on Google Cloud Storage: . I chose “US” multi-region for the bucket location setting. My assumption is that any object stored in this bucket will be replicated to all the us-* regions for high-durability purposes, but not

Public object in cloud storage bucket isn't accessible through load balancer

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-24 00:43:42
问题 I have CDN setup for my Google CLoud Storage bucket. I have uploaded a public object, you can see it with the public link here: So in order for the CDN to work, as per this question, I need to access the bucket through the load balancer. Okay, so I setup the load balancer, this URL is directed to the bucket, and it is a public object, but the response contains an XML access error. http://130.211.26

How to use Google Cloud CDN to access Google Cloud Storage public objects

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-12-12 12:02:46
问题 I have some public binary files that are served from Google Cloud Storage(GCS) and would like to explore usage of Google Cloud CDN for lower latencies. I am using GCS caching by setting appropriate HTTP headers when creating GCS objects. Is it possible to use Google Cloud CDN to serve these objects from GCS? If not, does Google Cloud CDN only works with HTTP(S) load-balancers? 回答1: Google Cloud Storage does provide an amount of edge caching by default, and so I advise you to experimentally

Google Cloud CDN started ignoring query strings for storage buckets

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-08 05:52:37
问题 Some months ago activated Cloud CDN for storage buckets. Our storage data is regularly changed via a backend. So to invalidate the cached version we added a query param with the changedDate to the url that is served to the client. Back then this worked well. Sometime in the last months (probably weeks) Google seemed to change that and is now ignoring the query string for caching from storage buckets. First part: Does anyone know why this is changed and why noone was notified about it? Second

Custom HTTP headers with Google Cloud CDN and Bucket backend

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-04 19:04:46
问题 How can I send custom HTTP headers with a bucket backend for Cloud CDN without the x-goog-meta- prefix? In particular, I'm trying to send a Content-Security-Policy header, which turns into x-goog-meta-Content-Security-Policy and thus is ignored by the browser. Screenshot: Google Storage/ Bucket Meta data UI Screenshot: Response headers 来源:

Custom HTTP headers with Google Cloud CDN and Bucket backend

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-04 04:58:23
How can I send custom HTTP headers with a bucket backend for Cloud CDN without the x-goog-meta- prefix? In particular, I'm trying to send a Content-Security-Policy header, which turns into x-goog-meta-Content-Security-Policy and thus is ignored by the browser. Screenshot: Google Storage/ Bucket Meta data UI Screenshot: Response headers 来源:

Is Google Cloud Storage an automagical global CDN?

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-02 17:31:05
I’m attempting to setup a Google Cloud Storage bucket to store and serve all the static objects for my site. I’m also attempting to push all the objects in that bucket out to all the global edge locations offered by Google Cloud CDN. I’ve created a bucket on Google Cloud Storage: . I chose “US” multi-region for the bucket location setting. My assumption is that any object stored in this bucket will be replicated to all the us-* regions for high-durability purposes, but not pushed out to all the Google Cloud CDN global edge locations for CDN purposes. Or are all my objects in my