
使用 GIMP 轻松地设置图片透明度

梦想与她 提交于 2020-12-02 22:11:07
使用色键(或绿屏)技巧来设置你电脑游戏中图片的透明度。 不管你是否正在使用 Python 或 Lua 编程一个游戏或一个 APP,你都有可能在你的游戏资源中使用 PNG 图像。PNG 格式图像的一个优点是能够存储一个 alpha 通道 ,这在一个 JPEG 格式的图像中是不可能获得的。alpha 在本质上是不可见的或透明的“颜色”。alpha 是你图像 不可见 的一部分。例如,你要绘制一个甜甜圈,甜甜圈的空洞将使用 alpha 填充,你就可以看到它后面的任何东西。 一个常见的问题是如何找到一幅图像的 alpha 部分。有时你的编程框架,不管它是 Python Arcade 、 Pygame 、LÖVE,或者其它的任何东西都会检测出 alpha 通道,(在适当地调用函数后)将其作为透明处理。这意味着它将不会在 alpha 部分来渲染新的像素,而留下甜甜圈的空洞。100% 是透明的,0% 是不透明的,在功能上起到“不可见”的作用。 有些时候,你的框架与你的图像资源在 alpha 通道的位置上是不一致的(或者,alpha 通道根本就不存在),你在你想要透明度的地方却得到像素。 这篇文章描述了我所知道的最可靠的方法来解决透明度的问题。 色键 在计算机图形学中,有一些有助于确定每一个像素是如何渲染的值。色度Chrominance(或者 chroma),描述一个像素的饱和度或强度


回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2020-10-23 04:46:38
文章目录 1.国际 # 1全球经济重心早已向亚洲转移 1.国际 # 1全球经济重心早已向亚洲转移 短语词汇 gravity of the global economy 全球经济重心 languish 衰弱的 glimpse 介绍 reverse the trends of 逆转…趋势 baffle 使困惑 get into bed with 和…牵扯到一起 veto 反对 liberal left 左派的自由主义 capitalism 资本主义 inflammatory 煽动性的 brexiter 脱欧派 downside 缺点、不利方面 wobbly polity 摇摆不定的政体 fortress mentality 堡垒心态,保护意识 来源: oschina 链接:

Does Glimpse work on actions that return JsonResult?

眉间皱痕 提交于 2020-02-21 05:54:11
问题 I've got an app where most of the heavy lifting is in actions that each return a JsonResult. They're called by jQuery from a simple view. The requests show up in the Ajax tab in Glimpse, but as each request completes it gets scored through and greyed out. I'd like to inspect each of those ajax requests and see the Glimpse information for them -- the MVC routing, execution, binding, trace output, etc. Is that possible? (I'm using Glimpse v0.81) 回答1: By default Glimpse data is only generated

Does Glimpse work on actions that return JsonResult?

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2020-02-21 05:52:46
问题 I've got an app where most of the heavy lifting is in actions that each return a JsonResult. They're called by jQuery from a simple view. The requests show up in the Ajax tab in Glimpse, but as each request completes it gets scored through and greyed out. I'd like to inspect each of those ajax requests and see the Glimpse information for them -- the MVC routing, execution, binding, trace output, etc. Is that possible? (I'm using Glimpse v0.81) 回答1: By default Glimpse data is only generated

Configuring Glimpse SQL Tab with N-Layer Architecture

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2020-01-24 20:15:30
问题 I know it's often question regarding disabled SQL tab in Glimpse but I really can't make it work. I have N projects in Solution. Web and Database are seperated. I installed: Glimpse, Glimpse.EF6, Glimpse.MVC, Glimpse.Ado to Web project, but nothing seems work. I even tried to use GlimpseDbConnection in DbContext - still no result. public CemaDbContext() : base(cemaDbContextConnection, true) { } private static GlimpseDbConnection cemaDbContextConnection { get { var contextSection =

What does orange mean in Glimpse's SQL tab?

99封情书 提交于 2020-01-05 04:16:09
问题 In the Glimpse SQL tab, some of the stored procedures called are orange. What does this signify? The tab details don't seem to say what that means. I am using Glimpse.MVC5 and Glimpse.ADO, if that makes a difference. 回答1: I had a similar question, see Why are some commands in Glimpse's SQL tab orange with an exclamation icon? I downloaded the Glimpse code and answered my own question. Here's the short of it: Glimpse.Ado maintains a dictionary that tracks the number of times each particular

Why are there 2 durations on the Glimpse SQL tab?

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-25 03:15:10
问题 Below I have a capture from the Glimpse sql tab. Note that there are 2 duration columns. One to the right of the record count, and the other is the left most column. The numbers do not match. Why are there two columns? Are they measuring different things? 回答1: The one on the right most side (i.e. 200.07ms and 211.85ms) are how long the connection was opened for. The one next to the record count, is how long the command took to execute. 来源:

Why are some commands in Glimpse's SQL tab orange with an exclamation icon?

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-24 05:56:06
问题 Glimpse's SQL tab shows some queries as orange with an exclamation icon in the leftmost column. Here's an example: In my research, I found this Stackoverflow question - What does orange mean in Glimpse's SQL tab? - which references issue #435 on Github for this project, which is from 2013 and states: When a transaction is started but left uncommitted, a warning icon is displayed and the font colour is set to orange. I don't think this is correct, though, because in my case the stored

Getting Glimpse/RouteDebugger to work on Cassini 404 pages?

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-23 18:52:51
问题 Do I need to do anything extra to get Glimpse to cough up details on a request that return the default 404 server error page on Cassini? By default 404 page, I mean the "Server Error in '/' Application" with a message of "The resource cannot be found" (as well as the HTTP 404 description, requested URL, and version info). This project has some fairly complex routing, so I don't doubt I have something conflicting with what I am trying to do. I just want Glimpse to provide whatever details it

Azures inbuild Website Authorization throws permission error after returning to my site

久未见 提交于 2019-12-23 02:36:14
问题 When activating "Authentication / Authorization" on my site through the Azure portal. I'm not getting an exception "You do not have permission to view this directory or page." after I've been redirected back to my site. Also it redirects me back to my site on this url pattern: https://{somewebsitename}{ActiveDirectoryApplicationGuid}/login When I look at the detailed logged errors I can see this error: <h3>HTTP Error 403.71 - Forbidden</h3> <h4>You do not have permission to