
GitHub API to Create a File

北战南征 提交于 2021-02-18 05:21:09
问题 So I'm trying to familiarize myself with the GitHub API. I'm using cURL commands to implement some of their basic functionality. I can get the basic authorization & repository creation correctly. Currently, I'm trying to create a file in a repository using their API & am facing the "message":"Not Found" error as the response. Their documentation suggests this: PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/contents/:path I came up with this as the cURL equivalent: curl -H 'Authorization: <token>' -d '{"path": "test

Upstream gone message on switching back to an empty master branch?

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2021-02-18 05:16:28
问题 My git version is Git-1.9.4-preview20140611 Earlier, I cloned an empty git origin repository. The repository cloned but with following message warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository. Checking connectivity... done. Next, copied a .gitIgnore file which was in another project's master Git repository and committed it to the local master. This file has been used by us for many times before. This seems fine. We have a standardized .gitIgnore file for all our projects. This was

Upstream gone message on switching back to an empty master branch?

最后都变了- 提交于 2021-02-18 05:13:31
问题 My git version is Git-1.9.4-preview20140611 Earlier, I cloned an empty git origin repository. The repository cloned but with following message warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository. Checking connectivity... done. Next, copied a .gitIgnore file which was in another project's master Git repository and committed it to the local master. This file has been used by us for many times before. This seems fine. We have a standardized .gitIgnore file for all our projects. This was

Upstream gone message on switching back to an empty master branch?

不羁岁月 提交于 2021-02-18 05:11:14
问题 My git version is Git-1.9.4-preview20140611 Earlier, I cloned an empty git origin repository. The repository cloned but with following message warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository. Checking connectivity... done. Next, copied a .gitIgnore file which was in another project's master Git repository and committed it to the local master. This file has been used by us for many times before. This seems fine. We have a standardized .gitIgnore file for all our projects. This was

Upstream gone message on switching back to an empty master branch?

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2021-02-18 05:10:32
问题 My git version is Git-1.9.4-preview20140611 Earlier, I cloned an empty git origin repository. The repository cloned but with following message warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository. Checking connectivity... done. Next, copied a .gitIgnore file which was in another project's master Git repository and committed it to the local master. This file has been used by us for many times before. This seems fine. We have a standardized .gitIgnore file for all our projects. This was


旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2021-02-18 04:02:36
推荐阅读: 我的CSDN 我的博客园 QQ群:704621321 我的个人博客 最近事情特别多,今天终于实现了排行榜功能,记录下来大家一起学习学习。 一。调用默认排行榜 首先我们需要了解: 1。白鹭开发文档(开放数据域): 2.微信小游戏开发文档(关系链数据): 实现的核心功能是在main.ts中添加代码 (1)添加全局变量 (2)定义排行榜按钮,加载排行榜资源 (3)给按钮添加监听事件 main.ts中全部代码如下: class Main extends eui.UILayer { private bitmap: egret.Bitmap; private isdisplay = false ; private rankBtn: eui.Button; private rankingListMask: egret.Shape; protected createChildren(): void { super

Git在新电脑拉github 上的项目

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2021-02-18 03:31:01
非小白教程.多少有点了解的才能看懂. 1,安装git 忽略,任意i找一个图文教程即可 2,在命令行模式 输入 cd ~/.ssh/ 进入c:administrator的文件下的.ssh文件夹;  或者点击鼠标右键 3,创建一个全局的用户名,不必与git的用户名一样. $ git config --global "随便什么名字" $ git config --global "随便什么名字" 4,设置提交时的密钥 注意ssh后面没有空格 $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" 为了避免每次远程访问需要输密码,将使用ssh登陆。ssh与本机信息绑定。 5把在第二部生产的.ssh文件夹下的id_rsa.pub文件的所有内容复制一下.这个是密钥 后缀名为.pub的文件就是密钥,打开全选复制 6,ssh只是本地详细,需要在Github中备份,才能被验证。打开自己的Github,在github 网站上添加一个密钥. 也就是新建密钥,复制确定就好了. 7.测试是否成功. $ ssh -T 如果有成功就下一步 8.$ git clone 这个命令就直接下载完成了. 在使用git

Latex macros in Jupyter (iPython) notebook not rendered by github

前提是你 提交于 2021-02-18 03:17:49
问题 I have a markdown cell in a Jupyter notebook (.ipynb) with the following content. $\newcommand{\paren}[1]{\left(#1\right)}$ $\paren{\beta^2}$ The file is in a Github repository. The LaTex macro application is not rendered by Github. Here is how it looks: The markdown cell, however, is rendered properly when I open is locally as a Jupyter notebook. Is there a way to make this work? Note that the file is in a private Github repo, so I can not use nbviewer. 来源:


瘦欲@ 提交于 2021-02-18 03:15:34
一. 安装Git 去Git官网,下载安装包,一路点next,默认安装。 安装之后,在空白处右键,菜单显示有 Git GUI Here 和 Git Bash Here ,表示Git安装成功。 二. 配置Git 1.在任意地方,新建文件夹,为防止出错,最好保证该文件夹目录都是英文。 2.打开新建文件夹,空白处右键,菜单中选择 Git Bash here ,弹出命令行,输入命令 git init ,目录下会生成一个新的 .git 的文件夹,用于本地代码仓库。 3.配置本地仓库的账号和邮箱 $ git config -- global "Your Name" $ git config -- global "" 4.为了避免每次远程访问需要输密码,将使用ssh登陆。ssh应该与本机信息绑定。查看自己电脑 C:\Users\Administrator 目录下是否有 .ssh 文件夹。如果没有就需要生成。 $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" 按 Enter 键一直到结束。 5.ssh只是本地详细,需要在Github中备份,才能被验证。打开自己的Github,在My Profile中,点击Add Public Key,title随意。 6.key中的内容在本机C盘中


假装没事ソ 提交于 2021-02-18 02:21:35
一、请回望暑假时的第一次作业,你对于软件工程课程的想象 1)对比开篇博客你对课程目标和期待,“希望通过实践锻炼,增强计算机专业的能力和就业竞争力”,对比目前的所学所练所得,在哪些方面达到了你的期待和目标,哪些方面还存在哪些不足,为什么? 在这学期软工实践的锻炼下,我觉得自己第一次接触到了比较系统的开发经历,所以在项目构思,项目实践和项目交流上都学习到了不少知识,达到了我期待的软工实践能带给我的收获。但是由于所做小程序无法过审上线,所以在运维上没有实际的体会,而且由于硬件环境的限制,无法让效果达到最好,所以有些遗憾。 2)总结这门课程的实践总结和给你带来的提升,包括以下内容: 1、统计一下,你在这门软件工程实践中,完成了多少行的代码; 我在小二结账中主要负责的是后端的相关内容,在php代码共366行,python代码486行,sql语句192行 2、软工实践的各次作业分别花了多少时间?(做一个列表) 第N次作业 所用时间(分钟) 软件工程实践第一次作业 120 软工实践第二次作业 - 个人项目 430 软工实践第三次作业 - 结对项目1 540 软工实践第四次作业 - 团队展示 60 软工实践作业五-结对作业二 1030 第六次作业 - 团队选题报告 90 第七次作业 - 需求分析报告 300 福大软工 · 第八次作业(课堂实战)- 项目UML设计(团队) 600 Alpha 冲刺