
Gitblit push error “error: RPC failed; result=52, HTTP code = 0”

孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-01-13 09:09:12
问题 Setup gitlbit on my Mac OS X 10.8, but keeps failing to push! In the Gitblit web interface, I created an empty repository called empty and cloned it to local storage by the following command: git clone https://localhost:8443/git/test/empty.git I added a file and commit the change and added a remote git remote add gitblit https://localhost:8443/git/test/empty.git then I try to push with: git push -v gitblit master and the error shows: Pushing to https://localhost:8443/git/test/empty.git


假如想象 提交于 2020-01-11 01:57:26
1.首先安装jdk (根据git版本) 配置jdk环境变量: 在管理员模式下输入: setx JAVA_HOME "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_91" jdk安装路径 setx PATH "%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%" setx CLASSPATH "." 重新打开命令提示符:输入javac 检测jdk环境变量配置 2. 安装gitblit, b并修改文件内容 图中箭头文件,用记事本打开并添加下图箭头所指行,路径是自己的路径 - 打开 data目录,并用记事本打开 文件 在1993行, server.httpPort = 7000 自己设置端口号 在 2020 行 server.httpBindInterface = 自己的ip地址 - 用管理员模式 打开命令提示符,并切换到 gitblit 所在的目录 - 执行 installService.cmd - WIN + R -> 输入 services.msc 打开服务并找到 gitblit 服务,并打开 - 或者 直接在命令提示符下 输入 net start gitblit - 访问 gitblit 服务器 打开浏览器输入 超级管理账号密码 admin/admin 看到这就代表成功了 3

need more understanding on gitblit groovy push script

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-25 02:48:10
问题 I have below groovy script PushCommand push=git.push(); push.setRemote("my remote"); push.setPushAll(); //Push all branches under refs/heads/*. push.setForce(true); //Sets the force preference for push operation.; My requirement: want to push only changes from one gitinstance to other setPushAll : Is this going to push all repository data all time script executed or just commied changes(I want change only)? push.setForce(true) : What is use of this ? Should I use it in my case ?

Invalid SSL certificate when pushing to Git server

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-17 05:50:31
问题 I am running Gitblit on a Windows Server and am trying to push data to a repository from another machine on the network. I have used a SSL certificate (not self signed, but I think signed by my company? Not really sure how that works but Chrome, IE, etc. see it is identity verified). The server that runs Gitblit is named itscm and on the developer's desktop I am using this URL to push data via TortoiseGit: git.exe push --progress "https://itscm:8234/git/TestRepo.git" master However, I get


大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-13 11:26:48
上周领导让我给我们公司的服务器上搭建一台git服务器供内部使用,之前也没有处理过,有点懵.... 就赶紧查阅了很多资料,最后决定用的是GitBlit,安装和操作起来都比较简单,只用了1-2个小时就可以构建完成 废话不多说直接上教程,本文是转载他人的,按照步骤一步步来就ok的 转载地址: 安装后的界面如下图所示 Git没有客户端服务器端的概念,但是要共享Git仓库,就需要用到SSH协议(FTP , HTTPS , SFTP等协议也能实现Git共享,此文档不讨论),但是SSH有客户端服务器端,所以在windows下的开发要把自己的Git仓库共享出去的话,就必 须做SSH服务器 Git服务现在独树一帜,相比与SVN有更多的灵活性,最流行的开源项目托管网站Github上面,如果托管开源项目,那么就是免费使用的,但是闭源的项目就会收取昂贵的费用,如果你不缺米,那么不在本文讨论的范围内,既然这样,我们可以自己搭建我们的Git服务器。 国内使用Windows Server平台的用户占大多数,那么本文就来讨论如何在Windows平台下搭建Git服务器。 Windows平台下Git服务器搭建 第一步: 下载 Java ,下载地址: 第二步: 安装Java

ldap authentication with gitblit 1.0

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-12 01:41:44
问题 I have just obtained Gitblit's newest release 1.0 available Here I am trying to integrate the LDAP method of authentication. Since I think my ldap is non typical I'm having trouble with what the terms match against. So far, I have been following the limited resources (since 1.0 just came out) and the google groups. However, I cannot even get my server to connect. I will paste the fields that Gitblit needs for authentication, and then I will paste some of the relevant fields listed in my ldap.

Not working: GitBlit groovy hook which push changed to other Gitblit server repo

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-11 20:33:38
问题 Need a groovy push hook scripts which push changes from your Gitblit instance to another Gitblit instance I have two private linux servers , Say A and B with GitBlit install on both. All developers do commit and push their changes on server A , I want B keep in sync with A . A : ssh://admin@serverA:29418/testrepo.git Initially I have copied testrepo from server A to B using linux scp command B : ssh://admin@serverB:29418/testrepo.git pushserver.groovy : import com.gitblit.GitBlit import com

block specific file for some users in Git repository

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-11 19:24:54
问题 I have a problem, there is a css style file, this file should not be modified by anyone from the development team, only the administrator (me) :) There any way to lock the file. I have seen in the commits, that the file has been changed, but I do not want this to happen. What I can do? I use gitblit server, and git with git-extensions. thank you very much for your answers. 回答1: This must be done on the server, by setup a hook within Gitblit. Check one of the provided post-receive hooks. A

How to determine the user who pushed to a remote repo in git using jenkins git plugin?

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-11 07:56:01
问题 I need to find the git username/email of a person who is pushing changes, consisting of different commits by different users, to a remote repository. The push triggers a Post-Receive hook via gitblit which triggers a jenkins job, and is using a non user specific SSH authentication. 回答1: Jenkins does not provide an easy way to accomplish that. I had a similar problem and it took me some time to find a suitable solution. I ended up using a combination of the Environmental Variables of Git

Git checkout from freshly cloned repository into a branch leads to unstaged changes in that branch

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-12-07 10:08:35
问题 I have a strange git problem. After checking out one of the branches (that is remotely tracked) I instantly get modified and unstaged changes in that branch. I have cloned the repository again to verify the problem still exists. I am using Windows and gitblit as Git server. Do you have any ideas why this could happen? The output of git status is as follows: $ git status # On branch RSD-5393 # Changes not staged for commit: # (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) # (use