
Do version control systems use diffs to store binary files?

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2021-02-20 18:50:21
问题 How do popular version control systems (svn, git) handle storing revisions to a binary document? I have projects with binary sources that are periodically updated and need to be checked in (mostly Photoshop documents, custom data format and a few word processing documents). I've always been worried about checking in the binaries because I thought that the VCS might take a simple route of simply uploading a new copy of the binary each time - and hence my repository would get huge quickly. If I

How to remove “too large” file from git history?

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2021-02-20 18:50:09
问题 I added a 212MB file to my folder and committed it and tried to push it. Git told me that the file size was too big so I can't push it. I deleted the file, but it is still shown when I try to push my code. My actual steps were: I did git add . Then git commit -m "New css" Then git push origin development Then it took a long time to run the above command. It ended with saying "path/to/file/file.mp4 is 212MB which is too big. Failed to push". Then I deleted that file manually. Tried pushing

Do version control systems use diffs to store binary files?

允我心安 提交于 2021-02-20 18:47:17
问题 How do popular version control systems (svn, git) handle storing revisions to a binary document? I have projects with binary sources that are periodically updated and need to be checked in (mostly Photoshop documents, custom data format and a few word processing documents). I've always been worried about checking in the binaries because I thought that the VCS might take a simple route of simply uploading a new copy of the binary each time - and hence my repository would get huge quickly. If I

Do version control systems use diffs to store binary files?

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2021-02-20 18:47:01
问题 How do popular version control systems (svn, git) handle storing revisions to a binary document? I have projects with binary sources that are periodically updated and need to be checked in (mostly Photoshop documents, custom data format and a few word processing documents). I've always been worried about checking in the binaries because I thought that the VCS might take a simple route of simply uploading a new copy of the binary each time - and hence my repository would get huge quickly. If I

.gitattributes merge strategy not working

夙愿已清 提交于 2021-02-20 18:23:50
问题 I'm using a merge strategy in .gitattributes to preserve files during merges. I also used git config --global merge.ours.driver true; to set the driver in my config (I checked the config for [merge "ours"] driver = true and it is there). My merge strategy is set correctly: src/public/bundle.js merge=ours src/public/main.min.css merge=ours server/middlewares/https_redirect.js merge=ours Yet when I merge, I am still getting the files from the branch being merged. What could I be doing wrong?

.gitattributes merge strategy not working

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2021-02-20 18:22:47
问题 I'm using a merge strategy in .gitattributes to preserve files during merges. I also used git config --global merge.ours.driver true; to set the driver in my config (I checked the config for [merge "ours"] driver = true and it is there). My merge strategy is set correctly: src/public/bundle.js merge=ours src/public/main.min.css merge=ours server/middlewares/https_redirect.js merge=ours Yet when I merge, I am still getting the files from the branch being merged. What could I be doing wrong?

.gitattributes merge strategy not working

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2021-02-20 18:17:23
问题 I'm using a merge strategy in .gitattributes to preserve files during merges. I also used git config --global merge.ours.driver true; to set the driver in my config (I checked the config for [merge "ours"] driver = true and it is there). My merge strategy is set correctly: src/public/bundle.js merge=ours src/public/main.min.css merge=ours server/middlewares/https_redirect.js merge=ours Yet when I merge, I am still getting the files from the branch being merged. What could I be doing wrong?

.gitattributes merge strategy not working

北战南征 提交于 2021-02-20 18:16:31
问题 I'm using a merge strategy in .gitattributes to preserve files during merges. I also used git config --global merge.ours.driver true; to set the driver in my config (I checked the config for [merge "ours"] driver = true and it is there). My merge strategy is set correctly: src/public/bundle.js merge=ours src/public/main.min.css merge=ours server/middlewares/https_redirect.js merge=ours Yet when I merge, I am still getting the files from the branch being merged. What could I be doing wrong?


我们两清 提交于 2021-02-20 16:53:20
前言 架构设计,到底是什么呢?基于这段时间的学习和自己的一些思考, 我认为架构是基于产品和技术所达成的一种共识 。 我不是专业的架构师,也不是经验老道的开发者。本文目的有三,一是整理这段时间的架构学习和思考以及总结这一年的开发经验教训,二是希望能够与各位朋友探讨移动端App的架构设计,三是希望我们每一个应用开发者能够拥有架构的意识。 个人的水平有限,诸多不对的地方,恳请批评指正。 提示:文中链接需要点击文章末尾处 阅读原文 才能点击。 零、 知识大纲 提示 请先阅读 《Android开发架构思考及经验总结(上)》 五、 技术 前面啰嗦了很多,终于写到这里了。对于一个开发人员来说,怎么做才是我们的关键问题所在。只会Android开发,所以以下只讨论Android。我主要从以下几个方面来谈一谈怎么做这个问题。 1、技术选型 (1)、 开发平台 移动端的开发目前主要是两大阵营Android、IOS,其他的就不多说了。 (2)、 开发工具 编译工具:Eclipse&Ant、AndroidStudio&Gradle,作为Android开发者,目前毫无疑问应该选择AndroidStudio&Gradle; 代码仓库:Git 、SVN ,工具有海龟、AndroidStudio也集成了VCS; Maven仓库:可以使用nexus创建自己的maven私服; 持续集成:Jinkens、Buildbot


末鹿安然 提交于 2021-02-20 11:03:55
目录: 1、演示视频 2、字体包、hap、源代码下载 3、具体操作 老规矩先上跑起来的字体效果演示视频: 演示视频 (演示视频中所提到的三种字体包,演示应用的hap,以及演示应用的源代码,下载地址在这里) 然后还是大概说一下故事背景吧:本来已有的API:SetFont已经提供了修改字体的功能,我看着系统这思源黑体难受,想换个别的,起初也以为随便一调就OK了,根据目前所给文档肯定是看不出来了,我就去源码看相关API的用法,发现源码中确实只有SourceHanSansSC-Regular.otf一个字体包。然后我就单纯的以为只是放了一个字体包,整个源码的逻辑应该是通的,我把再找几个包扔进去就可以了。事实证明,我又想错了,但是本着码农的死磕精神我又去尝试了.....最后在捋代码的时候发现整个逻辑整体是通的,就是在增加识别字体包部分写死了,所以改改代码,然后自己心爱的字体包扔到相应目录下,修改Build.gn让其打包编译,然后重新烧写系统,就可以子代码中调用自己扔进去的字体包了 好了,其实以上背景说明其实也基本写完了整个添加字体包的过程。现在具体说一下: 1.下载自己想要的字体包,目前测试结果是我随便找了3个ttf格式的字体包都是可以,目测差不多通用的字体包应该都能用(PS:我下载的三个字体包:沐瑶软笔手写体、包图小白体、王漢宗勘亭流繁。大家可以尽情去附件下载),然后放入源码目录下的