
Keep Git Reflog Indefinitely?

痴心易碎 提交于 2020-06-25 07:40:20
问题 I tend to be a bit paranoid about my data, including the ability to recover it. Git reflog data is pruned after 30 days. Is there a way of setting it so that the reflog data is maintained and kept indefinitely? Any major advantage or disadvantage (other than space or speed considerations) to doing so? 回答1: Caveat: reflogs are local and are not sent/received with push/pull operations. Cons: reflogs may result in (otherwise) unreachable snapshots (and consequently blobs) being kept around,

What does the long empty space in git reflog signify? [duplicate]

北战南征 提交于 2020-01-17 03:02:46
问题 This question already has an answer here : git log shows skipped lines on my bash (1 answer) Closed 3 years ago . After reading here as far as I have learned git reflog will show a list of all heads, basically it will keep a history after every checkout you do. Right? What I don't understand is why are there long empty spaces between the list of heads? Also between lines I see :...skipping... What is that? See the output of my git reflog git reflog 7136d2c HEAD@{0}: checkout: moving from

Is there a way to cause git-reflog to show a date alongside each entry?

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-12-17 21:38:02
问题 The git-reflog command doesn't by default show a date alongside each entry, which strikes me as a strange oversight; I think this would be very helpful. Are there any command-line options, or other tweaks, which can be employed to cause it to show when each reflog entry was added? The manpage isn't forthcoming... 回答1: As the man page writes you can use the options for git log , say git reflog --pretty=short or any other as you like try git reflog --date=iso 回答2: You can use the --walk-reflogs

Recover files that were added to the index but then removed by a git reset

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-17 02:49:24
问题 I added some files to the index but then by mistake I deleted them with git reset --hard . How do I recover them? Here's what happened: I added all files using git add . I then committed When I checked the status, there were still files that weren't included in the commit from the add, which was strange I added the untracked files again and it worked this time But I wanted everything to be in 1 single commit so I looked up how to unstage what I just committed I used git reset --hard HEAD^ —

GIT - Remove old reflog entries

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-14 01:26:38
问题 After a lot of rebasing a repository to our latest needs our reflog is full of commits and orphan branches. We reached the final state of our reorganization. While there're branches and commits left with a lot of binary data the repository grew multiple times of its origin size we decided to purge all the old reflog entries and data. I was digging in the manual but didn't get much smarter experimenting with git-reflog expire This is an example of the log (shortened) -> <sha1> [development] ..

Why does git reflog show multiple batches of HEADs

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-12-12 02:14:39
问题 I previously asked this but I closed it as it was a close duplicate of the same issue with git log . Now I have a similar question that why does git reflog show 'different lists of HEAD logs'? If I use keyboard to go down I see from HEAD0 all the way to HEAD 247 which is where I clone d my repo. which sounds very logical and understandable YET I see another long list that is from HEAD 1 to HEAD 225 & then another that is from HEAD0 to HEAD 225 and then another that is from HEAD0 to HEAD 90.

Is there a reflog for the index?

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-10 14:59:42
问题 I do not have a specific problem at hand, but I have encountered in the past some cases where I accidentally blew up my index, and wished I could go back the the previous state of a given file, which was indexed at some point. Some example cases are : $ git add <file> # find out that I already had an indexed version of <file>, # and that for some reason I shouldn't have added the extra modifications $ git stash pop # find out afterwards that I have a mix of "the index I had" # and "the index

What benefit is there to use --grep-reflog?

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-10 06:53:00
问题 I noticed in the documentation you can specify the parameter --grep-reflog --grep-reflog=<pattern> Limit the commits output to ones with reflog entries that match the specified pattern (regular expression). With more than one --grep-reflog, commits whose reflog message matches any of the given patterns are chosen. It is an error to use this option unless --walk-reflogs is in use. I kind of wanted clarification on how this is different from --grep . What benefit is there for looking through

Scope of gc prune and git reflog expire, and related config

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-08 02:58:16
问题 We are using throwaway integration branches which are pushed, and then later deleted and recreated. However the discarded branches are leaving dangling commits and trees which I can view with this command: git fsck --unreachable --no-reflogs I could clean them up with git reflog expire --expire-unreachable=now --all git gc --prune=now or something similar, but I want to understand the scope of these commands and related configuration first. So the specific questions: So that new clones are

How to properly use `git reflog --since=…`?

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-06 12:34:50
问题 I have a repository for which a regular git reflog --date=iso shows a lot of entries, for example see this fragment As you may notice, there are reflogs for 19th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th of February. But if I would like to limit the output to certain dates, this doesn't work as expected. For example git reflog --date=iso --since="2017-02-20" gives only this