
How to loop though Record<K, T>

橙三吉。 提交于 2021-02-11 17:00:28
问题 I have Records type of Record: export interface List { name: string; title: string; } export type RecordType = 'recordOne' | 'recordTwo' | 'recordThree'; export const Records: Record<RecordType, List> = { recordOne: { name: 'Name1', title: 'Ausi bere ut erit adeo enim an suae' }, recordTwo: { name: 'Name2', title: 'Petebat proprie suo methodo' }, recordThree: { name: 'Name3', title: 'Petebat proprie suo methodo inscitiae' } } I want to search for record with specific text but in order to do

R nested foreach loop

亡梦爱人 提交于 2021-02-11 15:21:46
问题 I have an input dataset: # environment require(pacman) p_load( data.table , doParallel , foreach ) doParallel::registerDoParallel(makeCluster(4)) # create input runDT <- data.table(run = c(F,T,F,T) , input1 = 1:4 , run_id = 1:4) print(runDT) run input1 run_id 1: FALSE 1 1 2: TRUE 2 2 3: FALSE 3 3 4: TRUE 4 4 and this is another raw dataset: dataDT <- data.table( ID = 1:4 , c1 = c(1:4)) print(dataDT) ID c1 1: 1 1 2: 2 2 3: 3 3 4: 4 4 I would like to run nested foreach loops, but it's giving me

Multithread computation with R: how to get all different random numbers?

梦想与她 提交于 2021-02-11 14:29:57
问题 Anyone knows how to get all the random numbers different in the following code? E.g. with doRNG package? I don't care about reproducibility. Edit: Duplicates by pure chance are accepted. rm(list = ls()) set.seed(666) cat("\014") library(plyr) library(dplyr) library(doRNG) # ====== Data Preparation ====== dt = data.frame(id = 1:10, part = rep("dt",10), HG = c(1,3,6,NA,NA,2,NA,NA,NA,NA), random = NA) # ====== Set Parallel Computing ====== library(foreach) library(doParallel) cl = makeCluster(3,

jquery autocomplete with php foreach generated results

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2021-02-11 12:22:38
问题 I have been trying for days to get jquery autocomplete to work the way I need it to. so far I have this which works fine: <script> $(function() { var availableTags = [<?php $taglist = Array(); foreach ($users as $user) if ($user->getAttribute('first_name') == ''){ $taglist[] = '"'.$user->getUserName().'"'; }else{ $taglist[] = '"'.$user->getAttribute('first_name').' '.$user->getAttribute('last_name').'"'; } echo join(',', $taglist); ?>]; $("#searchmem").autocomplete({ source: availableTags,

PDOStatement in foreach loop php

浪尽此生 提交于 2021-02-11 08:21:49
问题 There is a following code: <?php include 'connection.php'; //$db is declared here. It's a PDO object. foreach ($db->query("SELECT * FROM names") as $row) { echo $row['firstname'] . $row['lastname'] . $row['postcode'] . '<br>'; } ?> The code works as expected, but I don't understand the logic behind it. I've read on that PDO::query() returns a PDOStatement object as a result set. So teoretically, this part: $db->query("SELECT * FROM names") is a PDOStatement object. How does foreach

PDOStatement in foreach loop php

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2021-02-11 08:21:44
问题 There is a following code: <?php include 'connection.php'; //$db is declared here. It's a PDO object. foreach ($db->query("SELECT * FROM names") as $row) { echo $row['firstname'] . $row['lastname'] . $row['postcode'] . '<br>'; } ?> The code works as expected, but I don't understand the logic behind it. I've read on that PDO::query() returns a PDOStatement object as a result set. So teoretically, this part: $db->query("SELECT * FROM names") is a PDOStatement object. How does foreach

Getting duplicated results in foreach loop

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2021-02-11 07:56:17
问题 I'm trying to make checkboxes to be checked by default based on the user's information retrieved from mysql. The shipping countries is a field that stores a string like USA|UK|Asia . To see if each checkboxes should be checked, I make an array check_countries to check against the retrieved data like this $country_html =""; $check_countries = array("Europe","Americas","USA","Australia","UK","Africa","Asia","Global"); $shipping_countries = explode("|",$shipping_countries); // e.g USA|UK|Asia

Getting duplicated results in foreach loop

半腔热情 提交于 2021-02-11 07:54:47
问题 I'm trying to make checkboxes to be checked by default based on the user's information retrieved from mysql. The shipping countries is a field that stores a string like USA|UK|Asia . To see if each checkboxes should be checked, I make an array check_countries to check against the retrieved data like this $country_html =""; $check_countries = array("Europe","Americas","USA","Australia","UK","Africa","Asia","Global"); $shipping_countries = explode("|",$shipping_countries); // e.g USA|UK|Asia

Iterating over an array with “holes” in JavaScript

前提是你 提交于 2021-02-10 21:59:51
问题 I have got an array from which some items are going to be removed; but some loops are still running on them, so I want to simply skip the places where I remove my objects I know that the syntax for(i in array) should do this because it iterates on the index, but how should I remove my items then ? Because when i do array[4] = null, my for just doesn't care and goes on trying to use the value at 4. I also tried to check if !null but without success... thank you 回答1: If you want to remove an

Return three lists with foreach loop in R

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2021-02-10 19:35:42
问题 I've been struggling with the workings of foreach loops in R. To speed up my code I'm trying to change my for loop into a foreach loop with %dopar%. My goal is to end up with three lists of the same length, each filled with data frames that represent scores between two users (I'm comparing three different calculation methods). My code used to be (very basic representation): for (a in 1:5) { #Just creating some sample data resultA <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 40, ncol = 3)) resultB <- data