
Posting Firebases's thirdpartyuserdata object to the server

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-24 17:34:07
问题 I'm using Firebase and the SimpleLogin to allow users to login via Google, Twitter etc. I'd like to use some of the thirdpartyuserdata object to create a user profile for my application which runs on Node. Currently I'm posting this data to the server so that I can add to it and create the profile object, but I wondered if there's a better way of doing this - is there something I can call server side to get this thirdpartyuserdata without having to post it from the client? 回答1: Start by

Cannot set priority on $asObject()'s child keys using Angularfire 0.8

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-24 14:22:38
问题 According to the Angularfire docs, when working with an object returned through $asObject() , you can set priority for said object by defining a $priority property on the object and then using $save() . My code works great, but $priority isn't doing anything. Here's some code with complete explanations in the comments: app.factory('MyService', function($rootScope, $firebase) { // The complete Firebase url var ref = *obfuscated*; // Returning the dataset as an object containing objects var

Firebase createUser() does not return id of created user

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-23 20:16:29
问题 I'm using Firebase 1.1 (which embeds old firebase-simple-login functionalities). Now, when creating a user, how do I get it's id (or uid)? app.controller('AuthCtrl', function ($scope, $firebase) { var ref = new Firebase(MY_FIREBASE_URL); ref.createUser({ email: '', password: 'her-super-secret-password' }, function(err) { switch (err.code) { ... } } } As far as I can understand, createUser function callback only reports an err object in case of error. But - in case of success - I

Understanding createUser function of firebase(specifically android library)

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-22 08:16:05
问题 So I have the following code that I got from the firebase documentation (which I implemented in my app already and it's working fine): Firebase ref = new Firebase(""); ref.createUser("", "correcthorsebatterystaple", new Firebase.ValueResultHandler<Map<String, Object>>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Map<String, Object> result) { System.out.println("Successfully created user account with uid: " + result.get("uid")); } @Override public void

Query users by name or email address using Firebase (Swift)

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-18 16:53:15
问题 I'm quite new to Firebase and Swift and I'm having some trouble when it comes to querying. So there are basically two things I'd like to do: Query my users and find only those that contain a certain String in their name (or email address) and add them to an array. Get all of my users and add them to an array. The relevant part of my data for this question looks like this: As you can see, I'm using the simplelogin of Firebase (later I'd like too add Facebook login) and I'm storing my users by

Short delay when trying to run redirect with ember route with firebase authentication

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-13 04:43:24
问题 Alright, this is my first question on SO so I'll try to make it a good one sorry ahead of time. I've been using ember-cli to work on a product. I am using Firebase simple login for authentication and have created an initializer that adds an auth object to all my controllers and routes. This works, but... There seems to be a delay for the redirect checking. example I go to /secret and this should redirect me back to the /login route and it does but there is a slight delay where I can see the

Add username, profile picture, etc to sign up with Firebase (Swift 2)

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2019-12-13 02:34:10
问题 Hey guys I've been watching some courses of making social apps and all of them were made with Parse, so now that I can't use it for the future because is shutting down I'm using Firebase. The thing is Firebase has some information about authenticate user with email and password and I don't know how to send the username, profile picture, bio, etc's user information to Firebase. Any help? Thank you. 回答1: You can authenticate the user, then

Firebase: Why $firebaseSimpleLogin throws a SecurityError?

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-12 18:51:01
问题 I'm trying to register users using the Firebase Simple Login mechanism: angular.module('MyApp').controller('LoginCtrl', function($scope, $firebaseSimpleLogin, FIREBASE_ROOT) { $scope.loginService = $firebaseSimpleLogin(new Firebase(FIREBASE_ROOT)); $scope.user = { email: '', password: '' }; $scope.register = function() { console.log('creating user...'); // I see this $scope.loginService.$createUser($, $scope.password).then(function(user) { console.log('done!'); // But not this

Cross Origin error in Firebase authentication

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-12 14:33:56
问题 Some times I get a cross origin error, while logging in using $firebaseAuth : var loginObj = $firebaseAuth(firebaseRef); loginObj.$authWithPassword( { email: logindata.username, password: logindata.password }).then(function (user) { success(user); }, function (error) { failure(error); }); I am receiving the following error, While login. Failed to

Firebase security rule and check for unique records

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-10 10:49:49
问题 I'm building an AngularjS app that allows users (authenticated with Firebase anonymous) to submit their Fullname, Company and Email address to get on our distribution list. What I want to accomplish is to disable the users form entering data twice, hence checking if the data submitted already exists in the database. When it does, it should deny the submitted data, keeping my DB clean. The UI will take care of all the error messages and so on. My endpoint: