
application(_:open:options:) can take a few seconds to be called making firebase dynamic link to show up late

放肆的年华 提交于 2021-01-29 20:55:56
问题 I am implementing Firebase Dynamic Links since we want to have deferred deep linking, ie. opening the app on a specific screen when the app is not installed and has to be downloaded from the store. We already had universal links in place. Following the documentation, one of the methods we should add dynamic link functionality is here: application:openURL:options: however, this method is not called immediately after launch, but it can take up to several seconds (depending on the device, it can

UTM parameters not set for my website with Firebase dynamic links

旧时模样 提交于 2021-01-29 14:11:03
问题 I have a need to shorten my website url and I choose Firebase Dynamic Links ( for that. I also added UTM parameters while creating the link. When clicked on the link, the user is redirected to the desired website, but these parameters are not getting passed to it. Hence by GA for the website doesn't track it. Am I doing something wrong? Or Is Dynamic Links a bad choice for my use case? 回答1: UTM parameters that you choose in UI are parameters for

Firebase short URLs not redirecting

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2021-01-28 18:15:45
问题 I created a Google Sheet that uses a Google Script to generate short URLs via Firebase API. This is the code in the Google Script function URLShortener(longURL) { var body = { "dynamicLinkInfo": { "domainUriPrefix": "", "link" : longURL }, "suffix": { "option": "SHORT" } }; var key = 'xxxxxxx' var url = "" + key; var options = { 'method': 'POST', "contentType": "application/json", 'payload': JSON.stringify

Firebase long dynamic link analytics

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2021-01-28 14:00:53
问题 The Dynamic Links documentation states: If you don't need to track click data and you don't care if the links are long, you can manually construct Dynamic Links using URL parameters I'd prefer to use the long URLs (easier dynamic creation) but the above docs imply I'll lose click data. The campaign parameters can still be given to this URL, and the link is still hosted at Firebase, so it's not clear to me which analytics we'll lose here. Does anyone know the full details on this statement?

Dynamic Links Firebase function not being called at all Xcode 12?

痞子三分冷 提交于 2021-01-03 06:21:52
问题 So I have a dynamic link that is working in that it opens up the app when I click on it but the handling of the dynamic link doesn't happen. This is because application function seen below is never entered and I'm not sure why... func handleIncomingDynamicLink(_ dynamicLink: DynamicLink){ guard let url = dynamicLink.url else { print("That's weird. My dynamic link object has no url") return } print("Your incoming link parameter is \(url.absoluteString)") } func application(_ application:

Deep Link with Push Notification - FCM - Android

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2020-12-28 13:13:11
问题 What I want: I want to send push notification to users. When user tap on that notification, user should navigate to specific activity. What I did: I created one deep link in Firebase console. I implemented FirebaseInstanceIdService & FirebaseMessagingService as well. I'm able to catch Firebase message which I sent from Firebase console. What is the issue: I'm not able to catch the dynamic link what I have created in Firebase console. My code is like below.

Deep Link with Push Notification - FCM - Android

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2020-12-28 13:12:24
问题 What I want: I want to send push notification to users. When user tap on that notification, user should navigate to specific activity. What I did: I created one deep link in Firebase console. I implemented FirebaseInstanceIdService & FirebaseMessagingService as well. I'm able to catch Firebase message which I sent from Firebase console. What is the issue: I'm not able to catch the dynamic link what I have created in Firebase console. My code is like below.

Firebase dynamic link, clear it after using once

余生颓废 提交于 2020-08-19 11:26:06
问题 states that Calling getDynamicLink() retrieves the link and clears that data so it is only processed once by your app. You normally call getDynamicLink() in the main activity as well as any activities launched by intent filters that match the link. I copied the following code from the doc. FirebaseDynamicLinks.getInstance() .getDynamicLink(getIntent()) .addOnSuccessListener(this, new OnSuccessListener<PendingDynamicLinkData>() {

Firebase dynamic link, clear it after using once

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-08-19 11:26:00
问题 states that Calling getDynamicLink() retrieves the link and clears that data so it is only processed once by your app. You normally call getDynamicLink() in the main activity as well as any activities launched by intent filters that match the link. I copied the following code from the doc. FirebaseDynamicLinks.getInstance() .getDynamicLink(getIntent()) .addOnSuccessListener(this, new OnSuccessListener<PendingDynamicLinkData>() {