
使用FileZilla给网站程序Wordpress网站上传程序时,竟然出现 尝试连接“ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server”失败,如何解决?

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2020-02-07 19:57:39
遇到问题:使用FileZilla给网站程序Wordpress网站上传程序时,竟然出现 尝试连接“ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server”失败,如何解决? 解决方法: 我是一名站长。我玩站差不多好多年了,经常使用我的word press。现在一般性的问题也都能够自行解决,只不过花费的时间的长短而已。 所以就想记录一下自己遇到的,不管是简单的问题还是复杂的问题。也想记录一下每一次建站所碰到的那些不顺利的事情,把它记录下来,在下一次做同样事情的时候,避免出现类似的问题或出现类似的问题能及时的解决,至少要知道这个东西怎么来操作解决,为自己节省时间。 1、用程序上传软件FileZilla上传网站空间出现错误的时候,首先要核实一下账号和密码是否正确,特别是有更改密码的时候,要等待一小段时间生效。 2、其次就去掉端口数值,空在那里,空白既代表使用默认数值进行尝试。 3、如果还是不行,可以更改协议传输方式从FTP改成SFTP基本就能解决问题了。 来源: CSDN 作者: 周朝阳专栏 链接:

FileZilla 报错“the server's certificate is unknown”

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-01-31 17:12:20
FileZilla 是非常好用的一款FTP SFTP 管理工具。 但是filezilla会报错“the server's certificate is unknown” 并且会在window中看到以下代码: Status: Connecting to (IP Address)... Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Status: Initializing TLS... Status: Verifying certificate... Status: TLS connection established. Status: Connected Status: Retrieving directory listing... Command: PWD Response: 257 "/" is current directory. Command: TYPE I Response: 200 Type set to I. Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (IP, etc). Command: LIST Response: 534 Protection level negotiation failed. Error: Failed to

Export sessions from WinSCP to FileZilla

耗尽温柔 提交于 2020-01-23 10:45:28
问题 I have been using WinSCP for a while and have decided to give FileZilla another go for a while before I make the final decision. Is there a way to export all my saved sessions from WinSCP and import them into FileZilla? 回答1: FileZilla does not support any kind of import from other applications. Writing a script to convert WinSCP INI configuration file to FileZilla XML configuration file should not be that difficult. If it's worth the effort, depends on how many sessions you have. Converting

FileZilla 远端登录Linux虚拟机

醉酒当歌 提交于 2020-01-22 18:30:02
FileZilla 远端登录Linux虚拟机 参考网址: 前提条件: 一、ubuntu已安装ftp服务(默认已安装) Ubuntu16.04版本是默认没有安装SSH服务的,需要安装SSH服务才能通过filezilla远程连接。 1、安装ssh server: sudo apt-get install openssh-server 2、安装完后查看ssh server是否启动 sudo /etc/init.d/ssh status 如果没有启动,使用一下命令启动: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start 3、查看虚拟机ip地址 ifconfig 4、在filezilla站点管理器中新建一个站点: 主机名输入刚才查到的ip地址,协议选择SFTP,登录类型选择正常,然后输入用户名和登录密码

Is it possible to create SFTP(Not FTP) user using c#? If it is then how?

喜你入骨 提交于 2020-01-17 06:45:48
问题 Creating SFTP(Not FTP) user account through c# code. Is this possible to create sftp users by my code? I'm using bitvise SSH server as my sftp server, and filezilla server as my ftp server, now I want to create different users for my different employees so that they all would have access of different folders on my server and could not be able to access each others path (folders).Can anyone have some idea of user creation in sftp by c# code? 回答1: 1) For make windows bitvise ssh server Account


纵然是瞬间 提交于 2020-01-01 04:04:48
一、基础环境 1、服务端机器: FillaZilla Server端下载 2、客户端机器: FillaZilla客户端下载 !!!搭建FTP服务端的机器需要防火墙开启FTP的默认21端口 !!! 二、服务端安装配置( 1、安装服务端 选择服务端端口,这里默认即可 2、服务端配置 (1)打开Filezilla Server,“Host”默认“localhost”即设置本机为FTP服务器,“Port”为前面安装时的端口,默认“14147”,设置一个服务器端的“Password”,点击“Connect” (2)如发现提示如下错误,可手动修改服务器IP地址解决,依次点击“Edit”,“Settings”打开设置界面,选择“Passive mode settings”选项卡,勾选“Use the following IP:”并填写服务器的IP地址,之后点击“OK”保存。 如下警告可忽略 (3)设置用户名和密码,以及共享文件夹,具体过程如下: 添加用户 设置用户密码 设置共享文件夹 设置相关权限 3、通过FileZilla客户端访问FTP服务器 (1)安装FileZilla客户端 (2)打开FileZilla客户端,点击左上角的“打开站点管理器”添加新的站点 (3)填写站点相关信息并设置“传输设置”中的“传输模式

Error 550 when uploading files to server using filezilla

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-25 06:47:07
问题 I was uploading some changes to my server, when some file returned with an error 550. I've send more than 500 files withou any problem, but this 14 files simply don't upload. Anyone know how to fix this? 回答1: Local "permissions error" or "file in use" error are the first two thoughts that occur to me... See also: Make sure you're not trying to write to a network share using the Windows "System" account: Filezilla error 550 trying to write files to a network share from the Windows "System"

How can I CHMOD files/directories on Windows Azure?

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-23 21:05:49
问题 I am using FileZilla FTP to right click and change a directories File Permissions as I do on many other sites/servers. For some reason this is not working in Windows Azure. It outputs in FileZilla "500 'SITE CHMOD 777 (mydirectory)': command not understood" Any ideas? 回答1: I found a hack solution to delete files on Azure: Stop your website from the management console ( Open up the FTP site in Filezilla Rename the directory that has the problem to anything else

After setting ~/.bashrc the FileZilla doesn't work

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-23 06:08:45
问题 To auto add ssh key I edited the ~/.bashrc file and added eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" and ssh-add at the end. It works well. After doing this, I cannot visit the server via SFTP with FileZilla. How can I fix this with keep auto running ssh-add ? My server OS is CentOS 6.7. I also access the server via shell. 回答1: The guy who answered your previous question¹ got something wrong: eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" should only be executed for login shells (e.g. when you are logging in over regular SSH to run