
sharepoint 2013 FBA

偶尔善良 提交于 2020-02-15 13:49:48
在 SharePoint 2013 中为基于声明的 Web 应用程序配置基于表单的身份验证(ldap) Configure forms-based authentication for a claims-based web application in SharePoint 2013(ldap) http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee806890.aspx http://technet.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/ee806890.aspx SharePoint 2013 FBA Pack ( http://sharepoint2013fba.codeplex.com/ ) A forms based authentication pack for SharePoint 2013. It includes web parts for registering users, changing passwords and password recovery. It includes tools for managing users and roles and for approving registrations. This is a port of the SharePoint 2010 FBA Pack

Is it possible to share an existing asp.net applications membership database with sharepoint 2010's, when using Forms based authentication

荒凉一梦 提交于 2020-02-03 15:37:05
问题 I am trying to integrate an existing asp.net application with sharepoint 2010. I would like to be able to have a logged in user on the application access a document library via an Iframe on the sharepoint 2010 site. I want to use FBA on sharepoint. Is it possible to share the membership database from the asp.net application with sharepoint? If not, what would be the best way to accomplish this? 回答1: The databases are identical so there is no reason you can't point the SharePoint FBA


走远了吗. 提交于 2019-12-22 02:28:16
编译原理的语法分析中一个入门的算法就是LL(1)算法了,这里做一个总结。首先比较重要的是FIRST集和FOLLOW集合的生成。 先上个例子吧:        首先说一下FIRST集的生成,这个就要看产生式右部对应的首字母的“终结符”的个数的表现了,例如:A-> +TA|-TA|k 所以 A的FIRST集为+-k ; 同理B->*FB|/FB|k,所以B的FIRST集是*/k; D的FIRST集是xyz; 接着我们再分析F,对F分析可以得FIRST集是 ( 和 D的FIRST的并集,即(xyz,同理可以得到T和E的FIRST都是(xyz。   我们接着分析FOLLOW集。首先要说一点,可以观察按照FOLLOW集按照“非终结符顺序”从上到下是递增的(这是什么规律,但是几乎所有的LL1(1)分析表都有这个现象),从上至下依次分析,对于E,观察所有的产生式的右部:有F-> (E)|D 这个式,则我们可以得知E的FOLLOW集为#). 接下来我们分析A的FOLLOW集,观察所有的产生式的右部,发现没有跟着A的终结符,哎,没办法,照抄上面的吧:即A得FOLLOW集和E的一样,都是#)。 然后我们分析T,发现T后面总是跟着A,则A的FIRST集应该包含于T的FOLLOW集中(当然,有空k的要去掉k), 再加上上面“遗传”下来的,所以T的FOLLOW集是+-#).

FBA User in FBA role is not taking permission from SharePoint Group

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-18 09:49:11
问题 I've configured FBA with Sharepoint 2013 on my development machine (one server). I'm able to create FBA Roles and FBA users and i can connect using FBA users. The problem is when it comes to permission. I'm adding the FBA Roles to SharePoint Group but the permission is not being granted to the User inside the FBA Role. I've reviewed the configuration several time, and checked the below: web.config of the web application web.config of central admin and STS Checked the security on the FBA

How Can I pass EffectiveUserName to SSAS through Excel Service using FBA(Forms based authentication) in SharePoint 2013

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-08 04:18:26
问题 We have an OLAP project which uses Sharepoint 2013 Excel Services to show excel files that contains external data from SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) cube. Our Authentication method to login users is FBA (Forms Based Authentication) Our Goal is to show only subset of data from SSAS cube for each user based on their role which has already been defined in SSAS side. FBA authenticates users against AD and all authorized user are already member of respective role in SSAS based on their

How Can I pass EffectiveUserName to SSAS through Excel Service using FBA(Forms based authentication) in SharePoint 2013

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-07 07:43:27
We have an OLAP project which uses Sharepoint 2013 Excel Services to show excel files that contains external data from SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) cube. Our Authentication method to login users is FBA (Forms Based Authentication) Our Goal is to show only subset of data from SSAS cube for each user based on their role which has already been defined in SSAS side. FBA authenticates users against AD and all authorized user are already member of respective role in SSAS based on their clearance level. We need Excel Services passes EffectiveUserName to SSAS and for that we enabled the


匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 23:39:01
流平衡分析(FBA) Flux Balance Analysis 本文参考 流平衡分析简介 流 (flux) 流就是代谢网络中化学反应的反应速率 在稳态下,各代谢物浓度不变,反应速率满足一定的分布(流分布) 分子类型转化流指单位时间内的转化量 平衡 平衡就是约束 约束来自两个方面: 基本物理规律的约束,物质不灭,能量守恒等 边界条件的约束,底物的供应量(上限),产物的生成量(下限)等 因此流平衡分析又称为基于约束的模型(constraint-based model) 线性规划问题 流平衡分析即线性规划问题(linear programming),在限制条件下求最优解 线性规划算法详解 Matlab线性规划实例 优化目标: 生长最快(生物量biomass最大) 某代谢物(ATP、次级代谢物)产量最大或最小(致死) 应用 生长速率模拟预测 次生代谢产物最大化 微生物致死的研究(抗生素研发) 动植物特定组织或发育过程中特定阶段的代谢分析等 流程 构建代谢网络 把代谢网络表示成计量学矩阵 基于稳态假设,根据物料平衡,得到线性方程组(即约束条件) 定义优化目标(函数) 求解约束下的优化问题,得到流分布和相应的目标值 图片来自文献:What is flux balance analysis? 2010 此处补充: 线性代数笔记2――向量(向量简介) 示例 经典文献(里程碑) FBA模型的提出

FBA User in FBA role is not taking permission from SharePoint Group

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-11-29 18:11:45
I've configured FBA with Sharepoint 2013 on my development machine (one server). I'm able to create FBA Roles and FBA users and i can connect using FBA users. The problem is when it comes to permission. I'm adding the FBA Roles to SharePoint Group but the permission is not being granted to the User inside the FBA Role. I've reviewed the configuration several time, and checked the below: web.config of the web application web.config of central admin and STS Checked the security on the FBA database and giving the application pool account the necessary security on the database. The web application