
How to check Facetime Support in iOS devices (hardware check)

廉价感情. 提交于 2020-01-03 05:01:10
问题 I want to check if iOS device I am using has support for Facetime call. I don't want to check the iOS version on the device, rather if the device has the hardware support to initiate a Facetime call. For example: I have an iPad 1 with iOS version 4.0 and above, but if I don't have a camera (or a front camera), the Facetime call should not initiate. How can I do this? 回答1: Try using canOpenUrl method with FaceTime scheme, as follows: [[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL: [NSURL

Check if facetime is enabled on the device

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-23 09:58:47
问题 The app we're building has a simple button that starts a facetime session with a specific number. No biggee here. I use [[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL: [NSURL URLWithString: @"facetime://5555555555"]]; to check if the device is capable of facetime calls. Again, this works fine. But a user can turn facetime on/off through the settings screen of his device. When facetime is turned off the above canOpenURL method still returns YES even though facetime is disabled. And when I start

MACOS10.15 obs直播 没有视频或者有视频无音频的解决方案

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-02 12:16:34
(原著泰山鲁): 后mac(乔布斯之后的mac)吐槽 1 苹果最近最近推送了全民吐槽叫骂的macOS10.15的包,10月8号一发包,一夜之间 大量视频采集类的app,万人唾骂, 泰山鲁不客气借用两个方言话评价第一是 “树倒猢狲散”,第二个是“no zuo no die(不作不死)”。 乔布斯去世之后,泰山鲁亲身经历的郁闷的快崩溃了的事就有苹果狗年大礼包和macOS10.15两个变态大礼。 乔布斯在天之灵也不知道会不会梦里托梦把库克也带走。狗年大礼包,让很多企业由于无法上架更新,泰山鲁的学习易新包也被卡了两个月之久。不少ios开发者由于两个月没有上架成功直接被不懂技术的boss解雇了(这个确实很冤枉)。 大礼包的事还没平息安稳一年, 先整出个macOS10.14不说懒得研究,跟着就出了这个更蠢的macOS10.15 把权限全限了,很多应用都无法在macOS10.15正常打开,刚出mac15那两天微信也中招了。 不吐槽了,所有地上的人呼唤乔布斯把库克也带走吧。。。。。。 10月份泰山鲁经历的一次直播,也与mac10.15 狭路相逢。 环境:macOS10.15 版本:obs24.0.2 使用后如图,麦克风/aux≈。视频正常 但是无法获取到任何音频数据。经过对苹果mac15官方的文档得知,苹果对麦克风和摄像头采集的api权限方向做了改动

Launching Facetime from your app?

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-11-30 18:33:34
I am seeing that you can launch FaceTime from your app via [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"facetime://tel-number"]]; I am also reading that since there is no officially public FaceTime API apple will reject you. Does anyone know if this rejection talk is true? PAIR has this feature and they have never been rejected. This is now documented and legal: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/featuredarticles/iPhoneURLScheme_Reference/FacetimeLinks/FacetimeLinks.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007899-CH2-SW1 My app got rejected for using FaceTime url. This is the

Is there any FaceTime API for iPhone developers?

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-11-30 14:42:04
I am developing an application having FaceTime feature. How do I know when both are connected/disconnected using FaceTime? I need to restrict the call duration and also I don't want to show others FaceTime ID when it is getting connected because of security reasons. Is there any delegate to know those details? Could anyone give some idea to get it? There is no FaceTime api in the offical API. You can use the the facetime url scheme: facetime:// 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5631921/is-there-any-facetime-api-for-iphone-developers

Launching Facetime from your app?

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-11-30 02:59:59
问题 I am seeing that you can launch FaceTime from your app via [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"facetime://tel-number"]]; I am also reading that since there is no officially public FaceTime API apple will reject you. Does anyone know if this rejection talk is true? PAIR has this feature and they have never been rejected. 回答1: This is now documented and legal: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/featuredarticles/iPhoneURLScheme_Reference/FacetimeLinks

Is there any FaceTime API for iPhone developers?

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-11-29 21:44:44
问题 I am developing an application having FaceTime feature. How do I know when both are connected/disconnected using FaceTime? I need to restrict the call duration and also I don't want to show others FaceTime ID when it is getting connected because of security reasons. Is there any delegate to know those details? Could anyone give some idea to get it? 回答1: There is no FaceTime api in the offical API. You can use the the facetime url scheme: facetime:// 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions

Apple FaceTime URL Scheme not initiating call

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-11-29 13:02:01
Using Apple's URL Scheme Reference for FaceTime Links on a website, the link opens the FaceTime app but doesn't pass the number/email to be called or start the FaceTime call. <a href="facetime:user@example.com">Connect using FaceTime</a> Is this scheme still supported? Any thoughts? Additional Info Edit: This is the actual code I'm using: <a href="facetime:user@abc.com">Apple FaceTime</a> This image shows the popup asking if I wish to place a FaceTime call after clicking the link: This image shows the open FaceTime app where nothing happens. Essentially, wait for the bug fix. As I responded to

Can the iPhone4 record from both front and rear-facing camera at the same time?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-11-28 11:02:01
I am researching for an application at the moment. One of the interesting ideas that came up were to record from both front facing camera and the facetime camera at the same time. Any of you know if this is feasible? Thanks :) EDIT: I mean to say front and rear cameras. I want to record from both cameras at once to two separate streams. I hope I'm a little clearer. It's something the API does allow for. I tried three approaches on an iPhone 4 running the latest iOS, 4.2.1. Firstly, I tried using a single capture session with both video devices attached as inputs. Attaching the second device

Apple FaceTime URL Scheme not initiating call

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-11-28 07:03:57
问题 Using Apple's URL Scheme Reference for FaceTime Links on a website, the link opens the FaceTime app but doesn't pass the number/email to be called or start the FaceTime call. <a href="facetime:user@example.com">Connect using FaceTime</a> Is this scheme still supported? Any thoughts? Additional Info Edit: This is the actual code I'm using: <a href="facetime:user@abc.com">Apple FaceTime</a> This image shows the popup asking if I wish to place a FaceTime call after clicking the link: This image