
Laravel 5 - env local debug true no errors shown

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-17 22:44:31
问题 I'm trying to enable the debug for my app but it looks like I don't have any feedback. The environment is set to local (in the .env file) and if I run php artisan env I get this Current application environment: local The debug config for my local env is set to true return [ 'debug' => true, Also if I set in my main config file (app.php inside the config folder) the debug = true I still have ho feedback that there is an error in the code. I only have an empty page if there is an error in the

run python script directly from command line

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-17 10:42:55
问题 #!/usr/bin/env python I put that at the top of a script. I've seen that should make the script runnable from the command line without the need for python programname.py . Unless I'm misunderstanding I should be able to use programname.py as long as I have the above line at the top of the script. Is this correct? It isn't working for me I just get an error indicating that I would have to use python at the beginning of the 'call'. 回答1: Universal running of Python scripts You can pretty much

returning var back to calling batch file

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-13 18:06:30
问题 i start a batch file to process some code, at a time it calls another batchfile and should get returned a variable, but the methods explained in man pages about local/endlocal seem not to work here, what am i doin wrong please? first batch file: @ECHO OFF setlocal call secondbatchfile.bat xyz echo. [%val1%] second batch file: @if (@a==@b) @end /* <== btw what does this code do ??? @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set "URL=%~1" set bla bla ... do bla bla ... for /f "delims=" %%I in (

Gulp Env and Preprocess

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-13 12:08:23
问题 In Grunt I used to use a plugin called env . That would allow me to define an environment in specific build. I had 3 builds. One was DEV which would use all the files split up individually. PROD would concat everything and RELEASE would concat and uglify. I'm looking to do the same in Gulp. I do see a preprocessor for Gulp but nothing to define environment. The question is. What can I do? Obviously I don't want to define all JS files all the time, and I don't want 3 different HTML pages with

What's the difference of the command output after inputting the command “env”, “export”, “set” under Bash Shell in Solaris?

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-12 13:26:38
问题 OS: Solaris Shell: Bash Shell Scenario: Input the commands separately: "env", "export" and "set" (without any arguments) and there will be a list of variables and values returned. My question: What's the difference among the returned values after inputting the three commands? 回答1: The env and export commands yield the same information, but not in the same format. And bash 's export produces a very radically different output from the output of ksh or (Bourne) shell's version. Note that set and

How to set path environment variable in linux in C language code

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-12 04:54:54
问题 I want to set a path environment variable in bash by C program. So I coded using 'setenv' function, But it was not the answer to solve. Could anybody suggest another way to solve this problem in C programming? I thought the other solution that the program read the profile file, then modify and save, but actually when I opened this file there's no string I wanted about PATH variable. 回答1: You can use setenv() and putenv() to set environment variables. But these will only be set for the given

using getenv and env doesn't give the same results:

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-11 06:09:44
问题 I have a C program that prints every environmental variable, whose name is given by stdin. It prints variables such as $PATH, $USER but it doesn't see the environmental variables that i defined myself in the Linux shell... For instance, in ~.bashrc I exported MYTEST=test_is_working, then I sourced the bashrc (source ~/.bashrc). I expected the program to return test_is_working with getenv but it doesn't. #include <QCoreApplication> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(int argc, char

What are the advantages of placing data in a new.env in r?

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-10 00:12:42
问题 What are the advantages of placing data in a new .env in R?-speed, etc. For data such as time series, is an new .env analogous to a database? My question spans initally from downloading asset prices in R where it was suggested to place them into a new .env. Why is this so? Thank you: library(TTR) url = paste('http://www.nasdaq.com/markets/indices/nasdaq-100.aspx',sep="") txt = join(readLines(url)) # extract tables from this pages temp = extract.table.from.webpage(txt, 'Symbol', hasHeader = T)

Setting environment variables for Phusion Passenger applications

为君一笑 提交于 2019-12-09 17:28:12
问题 I've set up Passenger in development (Mac OS X) and it works flawlessly. The only problem came later: now I have a custom GEM_HOME path and ImageMagick binaries installed in "/usr/local" . I can put them in one of the shell rc files that get sourced and this solves the environment variables for processes spawned from the console; but what about Passenger? The same application cannot find my gems when run this way. 回答1: I know of two solutions. The first (documented here) is essentially the

why does setting an initial environment using env stall the launch of my Python script on Ubuntu?

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-08 02:53:52
问题 I have a test script, e.g. "test.py", and I want to make it so that it executes with a particular environment variable set before the script begins: #!/usr/bin/env TEST=anything python print "Hello, world." Running this normally works as expected: $ python test.py Hello, world. However, if I run it as a program: $ chmod +x test.py $ ./test.py The string is never printed, instead the execution just stalls and "top" reports a process called "test.py" which is using 100% CPU. This only happens