
Best way to convert an ASCII digit to its numeric value

拟墨画扇 提交于 2021-01-29 07:20:32
问题 Lets say I have an ASCII character representing a decimal digit: char digit; // between 0x30 ('0') and 0x39 ('9') inclusive I want to get the numeric value it represents (between 0 and 9 ). I am aware of two possible methods: subtraction: uint8_t value = digit - '0'; bitwise and: uint8_t value = digit & 0x0f; Which one is the most efficient in terms of compiled code size? Execution time? Energy consumption? As the answer may be platform-specific, I am most interested about the kind of

SCI journals on Energy

邮差的信 提交于 2020-03-30 06:45:48
/*--> */ /*--> */ SCI journals on Energy Table of Contents 1. SCI- Clarivate - Thomson Reuters 1 SCI- Clarivate - Thomson Reuters Energy and Fule Title Index Frequency Quartile JIF 5-year Review Peroid Country 1st Year Published renewable & sustainable energy review SCIE Monthly Q1 10.093 UK 1997 Applied Energy SCIE Semimonthly Q1 7.888 UK 1975 energy SCIE Monthly Q1 5.582 UK 1975 Renewable energy SCIE Monthly Q1 4.9 UK 1991 International journal of hydrogen energy SCIE Weekly Q1 4.064 UK 1976 Energy & Fuels SCIE monthly Q1 3.622 USA 1987 Ocean engineering SCIE Semimonthly Q1 2.412 UK 1968

[学习笔记] 连续Hopfield网络解TSP问题

假如想象 提交于 2020-03-12 22:21:13
连续Hopfield网络解TSP问题 上篇讲的是离散型Hopfield网络用于联想记忆,这篇接上篇讲利用连续型Hopfield网络解TSP问题。 模型 连续型Hopfield网络与离散型Hopfield网络结构是一致的,唯一区别就是节点取值连续和在时间上也连续。 连续型的Hopfield网络一般用一个电路图来研究: 这里感谢周启航同学对我在电路方面的指导,才让我看懂了他认为很简单的这么个图。 这是一组放大器电路的结构,神经元的激活函数由运算放大器来模拟,电压 \(u_i\) 为激活函数的输入,所并联的电阻R决定的是各个神经元之间的连接强度,R和电容C模拟神经元输出的时间常数,而电流I模拟的是阈值,w模拟神经元间的突触特性。 由这个电路图可以得到一组动态方程: \[ C_j\frac{dU_j(t)}{dt} = \sum_i w_{ij}V_i(t) - \frac{U_j(t)}{R_j} + I_j \\V_j(t) = g_j(U_j(t)) \] 上面的方程描述的其实是一段时间内的电荷关系,这个很容易看出来,第二个方程描述的是激活函数g。这里用的是sigmoid函数。 其中w对应的是网络的权重,V是激活后的节点值,U是激活前的节点值。 优化目标 针对TSP问题,其目标函数为最小化能量函数E: \[ E = \frac{A}{2}\sum_i \sum_j \sum_kV_

How to calculate total energy consumption using Cooja

不羁的心 提交于 2020-02-20 06:01:43
问题 I'm working with wireless sensor network lead to evaluate its performance in my work. I want to measure the latency and total energy consumption to find the remaining energy in each node. So my problem is that I have some values of tx rx cpu cpu_idle and I don't how to use them to calculate what I need. I found some rules that take the calculation but i don't understand exactly how to apply it in my case. Energy consumed in communication: Energy consumed by CPU: What is the meaning of 32768,

重复的写一下ns 2.35 移植 leach

馋奶兔 提交于 2020-02-08 03:23:05
上次移植貌似之前改了什么参数,导致distCST_总是50.5,改不回来了。所以决定重新搞起。 其实协议代码就这一份,移来移去的真没意思,需要写新的协议还是不会。。。谁有其他的协议代码,求共享。。。。 谁会自己添加新的协议,也求分享教程。。 1 下载leach协议包。   包含Makefile, mit.tar.gz就够了。 2 解压mit.tar.gz到leach文件夹(这名字自拟) 3 解压出来的文件夹有个mit,复制到~/ns2.35/目录下(不知道前面~用的对不对,错了求更改)   先说一下,关于#def MIT_uAMPS 是添加在Makefile中定义的,如果去掉重新编译ns,leach这些修改的部分就不会生效了。 4 一下都是一个一个文件打开,看看有“#ifdef MIT_uAMPS …… #endif“这样的部分,就贴到ns2.35下的同名文件同样位置中去。 (1) app.c      Application::Application() : enableRecv_(0), enableResume_(0){#ifdef MIT_uAMPS enableRecv_ = 1;#endif}    #ifdef MIT_uAMPSvoid Application::recv(int link_dst, int data_size,


这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-02-07 18:23:04
NS2安装LEACH协议 1.解压出来的文件夹有个mit,复制到~/ns2.35/目录下 2.打开每个文件,看看有“#ifdef MIT_uAMPS …… #endif“这样的部分,就贴到ns2.35下的同名文件同样位置中去。 2.1 app.c Application::Application() : enableRecv_(0), enableResume_(0) { #ifdef MIT_uAMPS enableRecv_ = 1; #endif }    #ifdef MIT_uAMPS void Application::recv(int link_dst, int data_size, char* meta_data, int sender) { if (! enableRecv_) return; Tcl& tcl = Tcl::instance(); tcl.evalf("%s recv %d %d %d %s", name_, link_dst, sender, data_size, meta_data); } void Application::recv(char* ch_index) { if (! enableRecv_) return; Tcl& tcl = Tcl::instance(); tcl.evalf("%s recv %s", name_,

Codeforces Round #361 (Div. 2) B. Mike and Shortcuts bfs

只愿长相守 提交于 2020-01-31 13:01:32
B. Mike and Shortcuts 题目连接: Description Recently, Mike was very busy with studying for exams and contests. Now he is going to chill a bit by doing some sight seeing in the city. City consists of n intersections numbered from 1 to n. Mike starts walking from his house located at the intersection number 1 and goes along some sequence of intersections. Walking from intersection number i to intersection j requires |i - j| units of energy. The total energy spent by Mike to visit a sequence of intersections p1 = 1, p2, ..., pk is equal to units of

energy/heating data source

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2020-01-17 00:31:45
HeatManDataLake 1. schema: hfors tables ambient_temperature_emd record the ambient temperature hourly: 2019-01-01 00:00:00 to 2019-08-01 01:00:00 heat_sale only 5 records, records the amount sale per month from 2019 Feb to 2019 June. make_up_water like heat_sale table, just 5 records. opex don't know return_temperature readtime; temperature; supply_temperature readtime; temperature; total_heat_production no data; unit_heat_production readtime, records per seconds(not stable); amount Unit_production_cost just 5 records/rows 2. schema: bronderslev not useful. the data is not about the energy

Is it possible/easy to determine how much power a program is using?

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2020-01-03 10:45:46
问题 Is it possible to determine or even reasonably estimate how much power a program is using? The idea being to profile my code in terms of power consumption instead of just typical performance. Is it enough to measure CPU use, GPU use and memory access? 回答1: There are many aspects that can influence the power consumption of an application, and these will vary a lot depending on the used hardware. The easiest way to get an idea is to measure it. If your program is doing heavy calculations, it is