
Trying multiplying numbers on a line starting with the word “size” with a constant variable across 181 text files

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2021-02-11 12:26:46
问题 I have a folder of 181 text file, each containing numbers but I only need to multiply those on lines that have "size" by a constant variable such as 0.5, but I did achieve this with this: Search and replace math operations with the result in Notepad++ But what I am trying to do is without expression or quotation marks so that the rest of the community I am in can simply do the same without editing every file to meet the format needed to multiply each number. For Example: farmers = { culture =

Output Text between 2 lines using filtering option

我的梦境 提交于 2021-01-28 09:30:42
问题 We are using EMEditor for logfile analytics in huge textfiles. We have following requirement. In the logfile, there are a lot of tables in this format: +----------------------+ |Column1|Column2|Colum3| +-------+-------+------+ |Data1 |Data2 |Data3 | |Data4 |Data5 |Data6 | +-------+-------+------+ | Number of Records: 2 | +----------------------+ The text between the header and footer is very dynamic; it could be 0 or x-lines between it. I would use the filter option in this way, that I input

Output Text between 2 lines using filtering option

不想你离开。 提交于 2021-01-28 09:24:07
问题 We are using EMEditor for logfile analytics in huge textfiles. We have following requirement. In the logfile, there are a lot of tables in this format: +----------------------+ |Column1|Column2|Colum3| +-------+-------+------+ |Data1 |Data2 |Data3 | |Data4 |Data5 |Data6 | +-------+-------+------+ | Number of Records: 2 | +----------------------+ The text between the header and footer is very dynamic; it could be 0 or x-lines between it. I would use the filter option in this way, that I input


我们两清 提交于 2020-08-12 10:52:10
Notepad++打开大文件不佳,一般>400m就会卡死。 换用 UltraEdit 打开。UltraEdit能够打开几个G的文件。 其他用于大文件编辑的工具: 用 PilotEdit 的快速模式,可以轻松打开70G的文件; SciTE 我会乱说?我把楼上所有提到的能免费用的都用了一遍,结果还是电脑里面自带的SciTE给力了! Windows用UltraEdit即可,它专门支持大文件。基本原理就是把文件mmap到内存,没有touch到的部分不会从磁盘读到内存中来。 EmEditor,付费软件,能打开200G的文件。 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/u/4393870/blog/4320892

Sorting a text file by the second value

霸气de小男生 提交于 2020-05-24 05:17:53
问题 I was wondering if there is an option in notepad++ to sort a text file by the second value. I have a txt that looks like this : ('sinon', 143) ('serais', 113) ('sens', 107) ('se', 323) ('sans', 113) ('sais', 702) ('sa', 137) ('s', 382) ('rien', 619) ('quoi', 611) I tried to sort it by the value of the number and not alphabetically with notepad but no sucess so far. I also tried a bit of python but as I'm not really good at coding I didn't suceed here. 回答1: Notepad++ can easily do the sorting.

Sorting a text file by the second value

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2020-05-24 05:17:29
问题 I was wondering if there is an option in notepad++ to sort a text file by the second value. I have a txt that looks like this : ('sinon', 143) ('serais', 113) ('sens', 107) ('se', 323) ('sans', 113) ('sais', 702) ('sa', 137) ('s', 382) ('rien', 619) ('quoi', 611) I tried to sort it by the value of the number and not alphabetically with notepad but no sucess so far. I also tried a bit of python but as I'm not really good at coding I didn't suceed here. 回答1: Notepad++ can easily do the sorting.

emeditor 正则表达式找出1-3个任意字符的行

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-04-26 04:33:16
查找替换: ^.{1,3}$ ****以下前七行符合条件 天 . 1 12 147 下行 上行一 FRRRRR 今天收获 **************以上前七行符合条件 宏语句【关键点:整理交通格式、一键排版】: menu= CreatePopupMenu();//鸿蒙20190815 精简,只取最常用的语句 排版 = CreatePopupMenu(); 特殊文本清理 = CreatePopupMenu(); cmd = CreatePopupMenu(); if (document.selection.isempty)   nFlags=eeFindNext | eeReplaceAll | eeFindReplaceRegExp;   else   nFlags=eeFindNext | eeReplaceSelOnly | eeReplaceAll | eeFindReplaceRegExp; menu.Add( "鸿蒙20190815", 1 ); menu.AddPopup( "特殊文本清理", 特殊文本清理 ); 特殊文本清理.Add( "整理交通卡口", 2); menu.AddPopup( "排版", 排版 ); 排版.Add( "一键排版:行首加2个全角空格,删除空行(含空格)、部章后冒号删除、书名、标题(含章节、序、前言、后记、尾声 )前加2空行。规范中文引

黄聪:Emeditor 编辑器常用的正则表达式

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2020-03-03 06:51:55
Emeditor 目前来说是我个人感觉非常不错的一款记事本软件, 其中查找替换功能由于支持正则表达式而显得非常强大. <tr[^>]*> 匹配:<tr xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 转换为 <tr> ^[ /t]*/n 这个正则表达式代表所有的空行,指含有零个或零个以上空格或制表符、以换行符结尾、不含其它字符的行。 (^|(?<=中国)).*?(?=中国|$) 用正则表达式匹配特定字符串外的所有字符。指除“中国”外的所有其它字符,类似于反选功能。 ^[ /t]+ 查找以上字符,并替换为空,可删除行首空白(包括全半角空格和制表符)。 [ /t]+$ 查找以上字符,并替换为空,可删除行末空白(包括全半角空格和制表符)。 ^[ /t]+|[ /t]+$ 查找以上正则表达式,并替换为空,可删除行首和行末所有空白(包括全半角空格和制表符)。 匹配中文字符的正则表达式: [/u4e00-/u9fa5] 评注:匹配中文还真是个头疼的事,有了这个表达式就好办了 匹配双字节字符(包括汉字在内):[^/x00-/xff] 评注:可以用来计算字符串的长度(一个双字节字符长度计2,ASCII字符计1) 匹配空白行的正则表达式:/n/s*/r 评注:可以用来删除空白行 匹配HTML标记的正则表达式:< (/S*?)[^>]*>.*?|< .*? /> 评注:网上流传的版本太糟糕

Convert first lowercase to uppercase and uppercase to lowercase (regex?)

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2020-01-15 06:14:09
问题 I have a huge file in this layout: world12345:Betaalpha world12344:alphabeta world12343:ZetaBeta world12342:!betatheta I need to convert the first lowercase letter after the ":" to uppercase and the first uppercase letter to lowercase. I've tried using notepad++ and emeditor, but I'm not that experienced with regex. This is how I want it to become after (regex?) world12345:betaalpha world12344:Alphabeta world12343:zetaBeta world12342:!betatheta (unchanged, as the first char is a special char)

Convert first lowercase to uppercase and uppercase to lowercase (regex?)

狂风中的少年 提交于 2020-01-15 06:11:05
问题 I have a huge file in this layout: world12345:Betaalpha world12344:alphabeta world12343:ZetaBeta world12342:!betatheta I need to convert the first lowercase letter after the ":" to uppercase and the first uppercase letter to lowercase. I've tried using notepad++ and emeditor, but I'm not that experienced with regex. This is how I want it to become after (regex?) world12345:betaalpha world12344:Alphabeta world12343:zetaBeta world12342:!betatheta (unchanged, as the first char is a special char)