
Embedding youtube video in markdown?

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2020-01-02 00:57:10
问题 i use the ruby gem formatize to parse my markdown-formated text. now i want to embed a youtube-video into the markdown text, but whenever i add the iframe snippet, the gem (or markdown?) just removes it from the output. any advise? thanks! 回答1: You'll have to get formatize to ignore <iframe> tags. See this link. You can have markdown + HTML together so it sounds like it's an issue with the gem. Notice how the markdown syntax recommends that the older YouTube markup is embedded via direct HTML

Embedding a Web page in a C# Window

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2020-01-01 09:46:05
问题 I want to create a simple C# Window which displays the contents of a webpage. Is this possible ? Eg. (what I am trying to do is) csharp.window.loadUrl("http://www.google.com") 回答1: You can simply do this in a WebBrowser control. And use Navigate(string url) method to browse to a website. have a look Here for Details http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/3s8ys666.aspx and here is the details for the WebBrowser Class http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.webbrowser.aspx

How to embed Python3 with the standard library

孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-01-01 04:25:20
问题 I am attempting to embed Python in an (ultimately multiplatform) C++ app. It's important that my app contains its own Python implementation (in the same way that blender does), so that it is entirely self-contained. (Else it becomes a configuration minefield). I have two options: Attempt to embed Python3 without the standard library (which I have asked here) Attempt to embed Python3 with the standard library. What is required for (2)? With this information I would be able to balance the

How to pass an array from C to an embedded python script

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-28 11:52:34
问题 I am running to some problems and would like some help. I have a piece code, which is used to embed a python script. This python script contains a function which will expect to receive an array as an argument (in this case I am using numpy array within the python script). I would like to know how can I pass an array from C to the embedded python script as an argument for the function within the script. More specifically can someone show me a simple example of this. 回答1: Really, the best

How to pass an array from C to an embedded python script

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-28 11:52:25
问题 I am running to some problems and would like some help. I have a piece code, which is used to embed a python script. This python script contains a function which will expect to receive an array as an argument (in this case I am using numpy array within the python script). I would like to know how can I pass an array from C to the embedded python script as an argument for the function within the script. More specifically can someone show me a simple example of this. 回答1: Really, the best

Embedding the Java h2 database programmatically

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-27 20:08:46
问题 At the moment we use HSQLDB as an embedded database, but we search for a database with less memory footprint as the data volume grows. Derby / JavaDB is not an option at the moment because it stores properties globally in the system properties. So we thought of h2. While we used HSQLDB we created a Server-object, set the parameters and started it. This is described here (and given as example in the class org.hsqldb.test.TestBase). The question is: Can this be done analogous with the h2

Composite literal and fields from an embedded type

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-25 18:55:00
问题 I was working on a sample program to answer another question here on SO and found myself somewhat baffled by the fact that the following code will not compile; https://play.golang.org/p/wxBGcgfs1o package main import "fmt" type A struct { FName string LName string } type B struct { A } func (a *A) Print() { fmt.Println(a.GetName()) } func (a *A) GetName() string { return a.FName } func (b *B) GetName() string { return b.LName } func main() { a := &A{FName:"evan", LName:"mcdonnal"} b := &B

How can I load a local file from embedded Rhino?

眉间皱痕 提交于 2019-12-25 05:22:36
问题 I'm using Rhino's context.evaluateString() to run some simple JavaScript from inside of Java. It's textbook right out of the Embedding Javascript guide: String script = // simple logic Context c = new ContextFactory().enterContext(); ScriptableObject scope = context.initStandardObjects(); Object o = context.evaluateString(scope, script, "myScript", 1, null); ScriptableObject result = Context.jsToJava(o, ScriptableObject.class); I'm not sure this is the current best-practice, because the main

Font-embedding: what is wrong here?

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-24 16:24:18
问题 I'm still pretty new to html and css, so I might be overlooking things. Been entertaining myself trying to create a little website and arrived at embedding a font to it. It is working in firefox, yet in internet explore it isn't. I do not know about other browsers. Here is a link to the site. Click the L to go to a second page: http://librarchive.com/newcat.html. Due to this there are also some positioning faults, as you can see. So the font is not correctly working. What do I do? Here is my

MarshalJSON a type with an embedded type ends up as {} instead of the value

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-24 10:56:17
问题 To interact with swagger, I needed to make a custom BigInt struct which does nothing more than wrap around go's big.Int . type BigInt struct { big.Int } ... type SpendTx struct { SenderID string `json:"sender_id,omitempty"` RecipientID string `json:"recipient_id,omitempty"` Amount utils.BigInt `json:"amount,omitempty"` Fee utils.BigInt `json:"fee,omitempty"` Payload string `json:"payload,omitempty"` TTL uint64 `json:"ttl,omitempty"` Nonce uint64 `json:"nonce,omitempty"` } func (t SpendTx)