
How to exclude classes and packages using EclEmma plugin in eclipse

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-04 06:04:25
问题 I have four projects for which i want to skip the code coverage of some classes and packages in some projects, i am using EclEmma plugin in eclipse. I checked in Preferences->Code Coverage , in Excludes section if i give some class files , but still it doesn't get excluded in the code coverage report. Any help will be appreciated. 回答1: Unfortunately currently EclEmma does not support exclusions from the report as stated in (where by the way you

Can fully covered code have an EclEmma coverage rating of less than 100%?

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-04 03:31:19
问题 I just wrote some simple sample code to make sure that I had EclEmma installed correctly. I'm not getting 100% coverage, and I don't understand why. The highlighting implies that it has to do with the class name. Here's my code, with corresponding JUnit tests, the way EclEmma highlighted it: The coverage results show that three instructions in Arithmetic aren't getting hit, even though both actual methods seem to be completely covered: I've read the EclEmma documentation about basic block


天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-04 03:12:58
EclEmma 生成测试覆盖度,并使用ant生成测试报告 1. Eclipse插件安装: 官网安装三种方式 ( 注:尝试第三种方式未生效,不知道为啥,可能是我Eclipse的问题 ) 2. Ant生成junit报告 先看代码 <target name="junit" depends="clean,build-test"> <mkdir dir="${report.dir}" /> <junit printsummary="on" fork="false" showoutput="true"> <classpath refid="master-classpath" /> <formatter type="xml" /> <batchtest todir="${report.dir}"> <fileset dir="${build.dir}"> <include name="tests/Test*" /> </fileset> </batchtest> </junit> <junitreport todir="${report.dir}"> <fileset dir="${report.dir}"> <include name="TEST-*.xml" /> </fileset> <report format="frames" todir="${report.dir}" /> <

How to exclude classes and packages using EclEmma plugin in eclipse

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-02 09:42:31
I have four projects for which i want to skip the code coverage of some classes and packages in some projects, i am using EclEmma plugin in eclipse. I checked in Preferences->Code Coverage , in Excludes section if i give some class files , but still it doesn't get excluded in the code coverage report. Any help will be appreciated. Unfortunately currently EclEmma does not support exclusions from the report as stated in (where by the way you received the same answer). 来源:

Coverage exclusion in Eclipse [EclEmma] is not working?

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-02 08:32:06
According to this post on StackOverflow and EclEmma's documentation , exclusion of classes from the coverage should be very possible. However, while the "includes" field works just as described, the "excludes" field does not. Take the following project hierarchy and coverage runtime settings respectively: But, after running the coverage operation, the exclude setting does not work: As one can see, the excluded package is still being included in the overall coverage testing. In addition, if you mark '*' in "includes" and mark a package in the "excludes," it is still not excluded. According to

Eclemma not offering report exportation option

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-02 08:10:49
问题 I'm sure that I'm making some kind of rookie mistake, but I'm using EclEmma for the first time right now and can't figure out, despite checking numerous guides, how to export my coverage report. For reference, this is on Windows 8 x64 and using Eclipse Kepler (let me know if you need any more information than that). I can see that the EclEmma has successfully run, and I can get into and play with the Coverage view as below: However, right-clicking anywhere in the report offers only an option

Eclemma not offering report exportation option

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-02 03:50:50
I'm sure that I'm making some kind of rookie mistake, but I'm using EclEmma for the first time right now and can't figure out, despite checking numerous guides, how to export my coverage report. For reference, this is on Windows 8 x64 and using Eclipse Kepler (let me know if you need any more information than that). I can see that the EclEmma has successfully run, and I can get into and play with the Coverage view as below: However, right-clicking anywhere in the report offers only an option to "Export Session," never "Export Report," and going through my File -> Export dialog doesn't seem to

Can fully covered code have an EclEmma coverage rating of less than 100%?

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-01 17:55:01
I just wrote some simple sample code to make sure that I had EclEmma installed correctly. I'm not getting 100% coverage, and I don't understand why. The highlighting implies that it has to do with the class name. Here's my code, with corresponding JUnit tests, the way EclEmma highlighted it: The coverage results show that three instructions in Arithmetic aren't getting hit, even though both actual methods seem to be completely covered: I've read the EclEmma documentation about basic block coverage , but I'm still confused. I'm not sure which basic blocks are being missed. At first, I thought

Code coverage in Java with EclEmma not scanning expecting exception methods

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-11-30 00:45:04
问题 I'm trying to get my code coverage in java, using Eclipse and EclEmma. My tests are using JUnit 4 and I've got some tests looking like this : @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void createTime_withInvalidMinuteUnder0_throws(){ //Arrange ... //Act Something triggering IllegalArgumentException Here } And EclEmma says that the test fails because there's an IllegalArgumentException being thrown. So it drops my code coverage indicator even though it's supposed to throw

Eclipse with ADT - JUnit Test Not Running With EclEmma

谁都会走 提交于 2019-11-29 16:56:30
I am currently running Eclipse Juno with the Android Development Tools plugin so I can develop Android applications and test them. To get code coverage of the applications (and preferably the APIs of Android themselves), I installed EclEmma into Eclipse, but just when I was about to run it for the first time, it gives me an error: Error while dumping coverage data (code 5013). Socket closed I don't know what might be causing this, and when I looked it up here , the workaround didn't seem to work or I'm just not sure where those directories it mentioned are when dealing with the Android SDK.