
iOS Simulator typing in Dvorak keyboard appears as QWERTY keys

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2020-08-01 09:54:31
问题 I just installed Xcode and iOS Simulator. My Mac's Dvorak keyboard layout is not working when I type in the iOS Simulator. When I type in Dvorak, it shows up in the iOS Simulator as if I was typing with the QWERTY keyboard layout. I tried switching my Mac's keyboard layout back and forth but it didn't help. 回答1: Solution There are two conditions required for simulating Dvorak input on the iOS simulator. (short version) In Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards > English > Hardware Keyboard

Dvorak typers, how do you handle shortcuts like Ctrl-C?

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2020-01-01 04:07:53
问题 Do you change the key binding in the OS to be, i.e., Ctrl-Q? Do you manage to stretch your left hand to the C key? Do you use right ctrl and press shortcuts with your right hand? 回答1: When I switched to Dvorak, I was using primarily Ctrl + Ins and Shift + Ins for copy/paste. Now I use Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V and other program-specific shortcuts, but I have just learned to use them in their "weird" locations. A similar question was asked on SuperUser, with the following answers: Use an

Make Vim use Dvorak keybindings ONLY in insert mode?

允我心安 提交于 2019-12-19 05:48:20
问题 I would like to use the Dvorak layout when I am typing in Vim. However, I would like all of my shortcuts to stay the same (behave as if keyboard is Qwerty in command mode). I have tried using this: set langmap=q',e.,rp,ty,yf,ug,ic,or,pl,[/,]=,aa,so,de,fu,gi,hd,jh,kt,ln,\\;s,'-,z\\;,xq,cj,vk,bx,nb,mm,.v,/z,-[,=],Q\\",W<,E>,RP,TY,YF,UG,IC,OR,PL,{?,}+,AA,SO,DE,FU,GI,HD,JH,KT,LN,:S,"_,Z:,XQ,CJ,VK,BX,NB,MM,<W,>V,?Z to map my qwerty keys to dvorak while in insert mode, but I found that it

Why is visual studio catching key events before autohotkey?

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-17 21:44:39
问题 I recently switched to the Dvorak keyboard layout as a bit of an experiment. One of the most difficult parts of the transition has been dealing with hot-keys. Most hot-keys are designed with QWERTY in mind and, to make matters worse, hot-keys seem to be extremely muscle memory bound. Rather than relearn all the hot-keys, I've written an autohotkey script to translate the Dvorak layout back to QWERTY when the Ctrl , Alt , or Win keys are pressed in conjunction with other keys. It works


巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-12-14 11:27:05
这个作业属于哪个课程 <课程的链接> 这个作业要求在哪里 <作业要求的链接> 团队名称 西柚排课王 这个作业的目标 总结课程,回顾项目发展历程 Github地址 https://github.com/2stLv 队员列表 学号 姓名 201731062308 秦傲明(组长) 201731062319 韩浩 201731062322 黄青松 201731062324 王越豪 201731062321 周金柽 201731062313 王雷 201731062314 刘洋 201731091317 黄睿 回望第一次博客: 博客地址: https://www.cnblogs.com/wanglei2m/p/11509110.html 问题: 第一个问题:在看了第十六章迷思之三的内容:为什么Dvorak键盘没有取代QWERTY键盘的故事上,我查了很多资料,结合自己的一些想法,猜想了一下为什么dvorak键盘没有被使用的原因。有的人认为,之所以dvorak键盘没有被使用的原因是因为一种现象叫“路径依赖”,指给定条件下人们的决策选择受制于其过去的决策,即使过去的境况可能已经过时。但是文中也提到了,QWERTY键盘最初设计的时候,是因为要使用打字机,打自己的打字臂由于在狭小的空间快速移动而容易碰撞,因此要把经常一起出现的字符分开,这样才能减少碰撞的几率。这么看来,键盘发展到现在,其实都是人在操控

Unable to bind HJKL to DLTH in Screen's C-A Esc -mode

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-12 19:36:14
问题 I want my Zsh to be Dvorak friendly in Screen. I am trying to make the following bindings in Zsh such that I can use them in Ctl-a Esc mode in moving h => d j => l k => t l => n I have not yet found any ways to do that. How can you make the following keybindings in Screen , such that I can use them in the mode C-A Esc? 回答1: Screen has a markkeys configuration option that lets you remap the keys used in scrollback mode. The following code makes Screen Dvorak friendly in .screenrc markkeys h=d

Enable accents in dvorak layout in WIndows 10

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-12-02 17:19:06
问题 I would like to have latin accents using the dvorak layout in windows 10. I have looked to pages like this and this, and I have some layouts. You can see this in the figure below. Nevertheless, I still can't use latin accents ( ~ , ^ ). How can I use accents in dvorak layout in Windows 10? 回答1: You can use AutoHotKey to create a series of dead keys that will allow you to include whatever accents you require. For example, the following script will allow you to use the ~ and n keys to make ñ or

Programmatically change keyboard to Dvorak

大憨熊 提交于 2019-11-30 08:00:10
Does anyone know the API call I can use to change the keyboard layout on a windows machine to Dvorak? Doing it through the UI is easy but I'd like to have a script that I can run on new VM's to automate the process. I may be four years late to the party, but did you ever find this: Intlcfg Command-Line Options I don't have Windows Vista (very bad habit, Windows), but looking at this page and also at Available Language Packs and Default Input Locales I reckon the command you want might well be: intlcfg.exe -inputlocale:0409:00010409 for English (United States) language with United States Dvorak

Run command on new frame with daemon/client in Emacs

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-11-29 11:07:46
This is perhaps quite simple, but I haven't found anything useful when googling. So here it goes :) I use Emacs in daemon mode ( emacs --daemon ) and it's really handy. I also use dvorak and have found that remapping C-j to C-c (and vice versa) is really handy in the long run, and use the following for making that translation: (keyboard-translate ?\C-j ?\C-c) (keyboard-translate ?\C-c ?\C-j) This works great when not using Emacs as a daemon. When I start a new client (cli/gui) C-j is no longer bound to C-c . Whaaat? So I guess I'll need to run the keyboard-translate after creating a new client