
How to do bash variable replacement with curl artifactory AQL query [duplicate]

纵饮孤独 提交于 2021-02-11 13:46:53
问题 This question already has answers here : How do I use variables in single quoted strings? (7 answers) Closed last year . I would like to be able to use bash variable replacement in the following query to Artifactory Query Language api (AQL) In the shell, the command works like this: $ curl -H 'content-type: text/plain' -H 'X-Api-Key: APIKEYGOESHERE' -X POST -d ' > items.find({ > "repo":{"$eq":"foo-docker"}, > "path":{"$match":"REPONAME/*"} > }) > .sort(

How to do bash variable replacement with curl artifactory AQL query [duplicate]

南笙酒味 提交于 2021-02-11 13:44:27
问题 This question already has answers here : How do I use variables in single quoted strings? (7 answers) Closed last year . I would like to be able to use bash variable replacement in the following query to Artifactory Query Language api (AQL) In the shell, the command works like this: $ curl -H 'content-type: text/plain' -H 'X-Api-Key: APIKEYGOESHERE' -X POST -d ' > items.find({ > "repo":{"$eq":"foo-docker"}, > "path":{"$match":"REPONAME/*"} > }) > .sort(

Pandas Column/Index Values With Dollar Signs

落花浮王杯 提交于 2021-01-28 04:53:38
问题 Given the following data frame: import pandas as pd df=pd.DataFrame({'A':['$0-$20','$20+']}) df A 0 0−20 1 $20+ How can I get the first value (0-20) to display with the dollar signs, as I originally specified? It actually displays the zero in a strange font and I'm not sure why it works for "$20+" but not "$0-"$20". I've tried: df=pd.DataFrame({'A':[str('$0-$20'),'$20+']}) ...but no dice. Here's specifically what I get: I'm using the Jupyter notebook (Anaconda 3, Python 3.5) Thanks in advance

How to add a Dollar $ sign to a complex formula?

喜你入骨 提交于 2020-02-25 06:18:30
问题 I already asked several questions for this code I'm writing for work, and in another post ( here : How to insert, through VBA, a formula in a cell with special characters like "-" or "$"? ), JvdV gave me that formula : With Worksheets(LabourSheet) .Cells(PosStartLineCalc + 1, PosStartColumnLt).Formula = "=IF(or(" & .Cells(PosStartLineCalc, PosStartColumnLt).Address(False, False) & "=""-""," & .Cells(PosStartLineCalc, PosStartColumnLt).Address(False, False) & "=""X""),""-"",Cars!" & .Cells

How to add a Dollar $ sign to a complex formula?

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2020-02-25 06:18:29
问题 I already asked several questions for this code I'm writing for work, and in another post ( here : How to insert, through VBA, a formula in a cell with special characters like "-" or "$"? ), JvdV gave me that formula : With Worksheets(LabourSheet) .Cells(PosStartLineCalc + 1, PosStartColumnLt).Formula = "=IF(or(" & .Cells(PosStartLineCalc, PosStartColumnLt).Address(False, False) & "=""-""," & .Cells(PosStartLineCalc, PosStartColumnLt).Address(False, False) & "=""X""),""-"",Cars!" & .Cells

How to add a Dollar $ sign to a complex formula?

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2020-02-25 06:18:06
问题 I already asked several questions for this code I'm writing for work, and in another post ( here : How to insert, through VBA, a formula in a cell with special characters like "-" or "$"? ), JvdV gave me that formula : With Worksheets(LabourSheet) .Cells(PosStartLineCalc + 1, PosStartColumnLt).Formula = "=IF(or(" & .Cells(PosStartLineCalc, PosStartColumnLt).Address(False, False) & "=""-""," & .Cells(PosStartLineCalc, PosStartColumnLt).Address(False, False) & "=""X""),""-"",Cars!" & .Cells

Dollar operator as function argument for sapply not working as expected

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2020-01-12 06:57:21
问题 I have the following list test_list=list(list(a=1,b=2),list(a=3,b=4)) and I want to extract all elements with list element name a . I can do this via sapply(test_list,`[[`,"a") which gives me the correct result #[1] 1 3 When I try the same with Rs dollar operator $ , I get NULL sapply(test_list,`$`,"a") #[[1]] #NULL # #[[2]] #NULL However, if I use it on a single element of test_list it works as expected `$`(test_list[[1]],"a") #[1] 1 Am I missing something obvious here? 回答1: From what I've

How to echo a variable containing an unescaped dollar sign in bash

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2020-01-09 05:20:07
问题 If I have a variable containing an unescaped dollar sign, is there any way I can echo the entire contents of the variable? For example something calls a script: ./ "test1$test2" and then if I want to use the parameter it gets "truncated" like so: echo ${1} test1 Of course single-quoting the varaible name doesn't help. I can't figure out how to quote it so that I can at least escape the dollar sign myself once the script recieves the parameter. 回答1: The variable is replaced before the

Tcl adds curly braces when using `$` sign

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-31 02:52:27
问题 set B {pc_0::!mx_0 pi::$mx_0} puts $B set A "" foreach x $B { lappend A $x } puts $A The output of this program is pc_0::!mx_0 pi::$mx_0 pc_0::!mx_0 {pi::$mx_0} It is strange that tcl adds curly braces in second output. I guess it is because it uses $ symbol. But I really need to use it and I don't want the braces to be inserted. How this can be explained and how to avoid the braces? 回答1: As a general rule, don't treat lists as strings . Pretend that they don't have a string representation.

What does the dollar sign mean inside an attribute selector in jQuery?

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-22 03:20:54
问题 There is this jQuery which seems to look for all elements with id="scuba" , but then it uses attr() to pull the id out? Could "scuba" be part of the id and attr pulls the entire id out? I've never seen the $ inside an attribute selector, just outside like the example below. $('*[id$=scuba]').attr('id') So my questions are: What does the $ or $= do in this example What does this code do? 回答1: The dollar sign The first $ is a shorthand for the jQuery() function, the jQuery object constructor.