
Scroll bar for display table

血红的双手。 提交于 2020-01-01 19:39:14
问题 I was wondering how to insert a <DIV> tag in between the pagination bar and the actual TABLE that starts the results display if I have the pagination bar at the top. If I just put the <DIV> tag right before my display:table, it also includes the pagination stuff inside the scroll bar. Also, I cannot figure out how to set the style to TBODY as it is a little bit confusing. I am not sure if you guys wrote this stuff but can you advise me if you have any idea how to achieve this. and my code is


泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-27 20:24:31
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 学习java不知道怎么入手?分享一套我自己学习的路线 首先最基础的,便是安装java环境变量,和各种java工具,JDK环境安装配置、环境变量配置,只有先安装了这些工具,才可以开始敲代码之路。学java是要多动手才能学得好的,不能只看理论知识。 一、从 Java SE部分 开始 1、java基础:基础语法;面向对象(重点);集合框架(重点);常见类库API; 2、java界面编程:AWT;事件机制;Swing; 3、java高级知识:Annotation;IO和NIO、AIO;多线程、线程池;阻塞、非阻塞、异步网络通信;反射、动态代理 二 、JDBC编程 4、SQL基础:基础SQL语句;基本查询;多表查询;子查询;结果集的交、并、差运算; 5、JDBC基础:常见数据库用法;JDBC操作常见数据库;RowSet与离线结果集;数据库连接池;事务管理、批处理; 6、JDBC进阶:存储过程、函数;触发器;理解JCBC的不足;掌握ORM工具优势和设计; 三、DHTML编程 7、HTML基础:基本HTML标签;常见表单标签;DIV+CSS布局; 8、JavaScript知识:javascript基本语法;javascript基本对象特征;Json语法;深刻理解javascript的动态特征; 9、Dom和事件机制

collapsing bxslider when element style“display:none”

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-25 04:23:03
问题 I would like to use bxslider for a project. But there is the problem connected with using more than one slider at the same page (three in my example). $(document).ready(function(){ $('.slider1').bxSlider({ slideWidth: 200, minSlides: 2, maxSlides: 3, slideMargin: 10 }); $('.slider2').bxSlider({ slideWidth: 200, minSlides: 2, maxSlides: 3, slideMargin: 10 }); $('.slider3').bxSlider({ slideWidth: 200, minSlides: 2, maxSlides: 3, slideMargin: 10 }); }); I have made the example: jsfiddle If you

How to pass the values in the row that i want to delete/edit to the action class from jsp in struts2 using display tag?

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-24 20:42:17
问题 I want to create edit , delete link in display tag with struts2. This is my jsp code <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"%> <%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%> <%@taglib uri="http://displaytag.sf.net" prefix="display" %> <html> <head> <title>Contact Manager - display tag Example</title> <link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <display:table name="contactList" requestURI="" pagesize="10" export="true" cellpadding="1" uid="sr" cellspacing=

display tag sorting duplicate the last action performed on the page

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-24 15:20:40
问题 I have display tag like this. <display:table class="displayTable" id="orgList" name="${sessionScope.organisationArray}" requestURI="" pagesize="13" defaultsort="1" sort="list"> <display:column property="organisationName" title="Organisation Name" sortable="true" headerClass="sortable"/> <display:column property="description" title="Description" /> </display:table> I got the ArrayList of the data from Session. The problem is whenever I click to sort the Organisation Name column, it

Struts2 Property Tag in Display Tag

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-24 08:48:39
问题 I have the following: <display:table id="tbl" name="list" pagesize="3"> <display:column title="COLUMN"> ${tbl.date} </display:column> </display:table> The above works but I want to replace ${tbl.date} with Struts2 tag property to call static method. Replacing ${tbl.date} with <s:property value="%{#tbl.date}"/> didn't work. I will be using tbl.date as parameter in calling static method in Struts2.: <s:property value="@SomeStaticClass@method(tbl.date)"/> 回答1: Try using <s:property value="%{

DisplayTag Export and Links

可紊 提交于 2019-12-24 05:22:25
问题 I'm using the DisplayTag library 1.2 and on the export all links are exported as text. How to remove the links from export. 回答1: You can set the media attribute to 'html' on the display:column tag to only show that column on the JSP and not in the export. You then have the same column again, but with the media attribute set to your export type, say 'excel' so that it only shows in the export and not on the JSP. For instance I have a 'title' column that has a link in it, but I don't want the

DisplayTag Export and Links

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-24 05:21:17
问题 I'm using the DisplayTag library 1.2 and on the export all links are exported as text. How to remove the links from export. 回答1: You can set the media attribute to 'html' on the display:column tag to only show that column on the JSP and not in the export. You then have the same column again, but with the media attribute set to your export type, say 'excel' so that it only shows in the export and not on the JSP. For instance I have a 'title' column that has a link in it, but I don't want the

Use Struts2's <s:property> tag in <display:table> tags

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-24 02:57:27
问题 I am trying to add a list into a table using DisplayTag. Everything works normally when I add list property to a column in the usual manner: <display:column property="status" title="Claim Status"/> <display:column property="authNo" title="Authorization Number" href="authSlipMasterAction"> Now, I want to check when authNo is not blank; if it is blank, then do not provide the link, so how can I use <s:if test=''> and <s:property value=""> in the <display:table> tag ? I've tried to display the

Displaytag alternatives

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-24 00:25:32
问题 I'm building an application using Struts 2 + Spring 3 + Hibernate 3. I was wondering if any of you knows of any alternative to the "displaytag" library to draw and manage tables. Not that I dislike it so much, but I read this comment and made me wonder about other options. And I see it has not been updated in a while and I was wondering if there is some reason for that (like a better/more popular alternative available). 回答1: I'm moving to a jQuery datagrid, returning the data with S2 json