
Spring Cloud Alibaba Nacos

核能气质少年 提交于 2020-01-13 10:40:46
1. Spring Cloud Alibaba 介绍 Spring Cloud Alibaba 为分布式应用程序开发提供了一站式解决方案。它包含了开发分布式应用程序所需的所有组件,使得你可以轻松地使用Spring Cloud开发应用程序。 使用Spring Cloud Alibaba,只需要添加一些注释和少量配置即可将Spring Cloud应用程序连接到Alibaba的分布式解决方案,并使用Alibaba中间件构建分布式应用程序系统。 特性: 流量控制和服务降级 :Sentinel进行流量控制,断路和系统自适应保护。 服务注册和发现 :实例可以在Nachos中注册,并且客户端可以使用Spring管理的Bean发现实例。支持Ribbon。 分布式配置 :使用Nacos作为数据存储。 事件驱动 :建立与Spring Cloud Stream RocketMQ Binder连接的高度可扩展的事件驱动型微服务。 消息总线 :利用Spring Cloud Bus RocketMQ链接分布式系统的节点。 分布式事务 :支持高性能、易于使用的分布式事务。 Dubbo RPC :通过Dubbo RPC扩展Spring Cloud服务之间调用的通信协议。 阿里云对象存储 :阿里云对象存储服务(OSS)是一种加密、安全、经济高效且易于使用的对象存储服务,可让您在云中存储,备份和存档大量数据。

How to find all available services using Android's native Network Service Discovery

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2020-01-01 10:14:55
问题 I've read through android documentation on finding specific network services using NSD. Below is my code to discover all the available _http._tcp services. final NsdManager.DiscoveryListener discoveryListener = new NsdManager.DiscoveryListener() { @Override public void onDiscoveryStarted(String s) { Log.i(TAG, "onDiscoveryStarted: " + s); } @Override public void onServiceFound(NsdServiceInfo nsdServiceInfo) { Log.i(TAG, "onServiceFound: " + nsdServiceInfo.toString()); } @Override public void

.Net Discovery系列之十-深入理解平台机制与性能影响(上)

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-29 02:29:42
转眼间《.Net Discovery》系列文章已经推出1年了,本文为该系列的第10-13篇文章,在本文中将对以前所讲的.Net平台知识做一个小小的总结与机制分析,引出并重点介绍这些机制对程序性能的影响与改进建议。 本文将分为四部分,分别讲述了:垃圾回收机制、即时编译机制、异常处理机制、字符串驻驻留机制的原理与性能改进建议。《.Net Discovery》系列的每篇文章撰写耗时都在2天以上,转载时麻烦著名作者Aicken(李鸣),并且未经作者同意,禁止一切商业用途! 一.关于垃圾回收机制 ● 机制分析 垃圾收集器是.Net平台的一个特性,它自动回收托管堆上不再使用的对象,及时清理内存,这一切都是对开发人员透明的,当然你也可以手动把它召唤出来,它的本质就是跟踪所有被引用到的对象,整理对象不再被引用的对象,回收相应的内存。垃圾收集机制采用“标记与清除(Mark Sweep)”算法来完成上述任务,整个过程分为两步: Step 1.Mark-Sweep :从应用程序的root出发,利用相互引用关系,遍历其在Heap上动态分配的所有对象,指明需要回收的对象,标记出那些存活的对象,予以标记。 Step 2.Compact: 对内存中存活的对象进行移动,修改它们的指针,使之在内存中连续,这样空闲的内存也就连续了,即完成了内存释放工作,也解决了内存碎片问题,这个过程也可以成为指针的压缩。

Discover the character encoding from byte

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-24 10:27:58
问题 I have a string where I know that the degree symbol (°) is represented by the byte 63 (3F). Each character is represented by a single byte. How can I find the character encoding used ? 回答1: Almost all 8-bit encodings in modern times coincide with ASCII in the ASCII range, so byte 3F hexadecimal is the question mark “?”. As Sebtm’s comment suggests, this might result from character-level data error. E.g., some software that is limited to ASCII could turn all other bytes to “?” – not a good

Network infrastructure discovery

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-20 10:36:41
问题 I would like to perform a thorough LAN devices discovery, so that I can create a diagram similar to the one attached, but with additional information like IP and MAC addresses. I've tried the code from Torry: type PNetResourceArray = ^TNetResourceArray; TNetResourceArray = array[0..100] of TNetResource; function CreateNetResourceList(ResourceType: DWord; NetResource: PNetResource; out Entries: DWord; out List: PNetResourceArray): Boolean; var EnumHandle: THandle; BufSize: DWord; Res: DWord;

Bluetooth -> service discovery failed

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-20 09:04:04
问题 I'm writing an application that is able to communicate with my PC. I have used the Bluetooth functionalities of the SDK 2.1. I can find devices, get their MAC address, create an RFCOMM socket, but when I start the connection, I get the following error message. Service discovery failed. Is it because of the UUID, which is not the same on my application and on my PC? How can I get the correct UUID on my PC? If I write a such application, is my Nexus One the client or the server? 回答1: OK, I got

How do you find interesting problems to solve? [closed]

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-20 08:07:42
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 7 years ago . How do you find interesting problems to solve? I often want to learn new programming languages. However, I feel that to really understand it, I must write something which is: Real—it should solve some real-world problem. That problem doesn't have to be new (in fact, having a reference solution might be a good

Device discovery in local network

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-19 17:37:50
问题 I'm currently developing an android app using SDK >= 16 which should be able to discover different android devices (later also iOS devices) in a local area network using the WiFi radio. My first guess was to use multicast which turned out to be non functional on my Samsung Galaxy S2: packets are only received when sent from the same device. My second guess is to actively scan the network using a limited IP address range and wait for a proper response. Unfortunately, this implies that the

SNMPv3 Discovery

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-19 12:06:08
问题 I have use SNMP v1 and 2c for network discovery of printers by sending broadcast message with community "public" and it works just fine, but when I send broadcast message with version 3 of the protocol I got timeout error. Do somebody share example of SNMPv3 device discovery? Thank you. 回答1: Two things: 1) Doing a broadcast SNMPv1/v2c is actually not defined to work in the protocol. Cheap implementations will simply respond, as you've found, to any packet it sees that the kernel accepts to

SNMPv3 Discovery

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-19 12:06:06
问题 I have use SNMP v1 and 2c for network discovery of printers by sending broadcast message with community "public" and it works just fine, but when I send broadcast message with version 3 of the protocol I got timeout error. Do somebody share example of SNMPv3 device discovery? Thank you. 回答1: Two things: 1) Doing a broadcast SNMPv1/v2c is actually not defined to work in the protocol. Cheap implementations will simply respond, as you've found, to any packet it sees that the kernel accepts to