
Send multiple invitation using devise-invitable gem in rails

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2020-01-25 20:36:05
问题 I want to send multiple invitations at a time using devise-invitable gem. new.html.erb <h2> <%= t "" %> </h2> <%= form_for resource, :as => resource_name, :url => invitation_path(resource_name), :html => {:method => :post} do |f| %> <%= devise_error_messages! %> <div> <% resource.class.invite_key_fields.each do |field| -%> <p><%= f.label field %><br /> <%= f.email_field field, placeholder: "Invitation email" %></p> <% end -%> <%= f.collection_select(:role_id, Role

In ActiveAdmin Gem, how to add invitation count to Admin model?

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-12-25 02:19:02
问题 In my project I have implemented activeadmin gem, which is integrated with devise invitable. So in my application admin can invite a customer through an email. While inviting, i'm getting the following error: *ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in Admin::CustomersController#send_invitation Mysql2::Error: Unknown column 'invitations_count' in 'field list': UPDATE `admin_users` SET `invitations_count` = COALESCE(`invitations_count`, 0) + 1 WHERE `admin_users`.`id` = 1* 回答1: This issue has happened

How to invite a user to project with devise_invitable?

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-21 23:06:44
问题 I'm building the app, where users can be invited to a particular project/workspace/team. But by default it allows to invite users to the app, not a particular project. This question seems to be very similiar How to nest devise_invitable route to invite user to specific project Does anyone know, how to override invitations_controller in this case? 回答1: You can create an invite action inside your projects_controller.rb and invite the user directly to a project. Simply associate the invited User

Rails/Devise: valid_password? method returns nil

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-13 02:37:53
问题 In my app there are two kinds of users (Athletes & Users). The Athlete model extends the User model and the regular user model assigns different roles to other kinds of users. For some reason one some of my users with a certain kind of role, the valid_password? method is not working. This is for users who have been invited via the invitable devise module. Any one else run into this? This is causing my app to not work properly where invited users cannot log in 回答1: This can be fixed by setting

devise_invitable routing error

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-12 04:44:59
问题 THE ERROR: Started GET "/users/invitation/new" for at 2013-01-09 01:00:31 +0100 Processing by Devise::InvitationsController#new as HTML User Load (451.8ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = 3 LIMIT 1 Rendered users/invitations/new.html.erb within layouts/application (69.2ms) Rendered layouts/_google_analytics.html.erb (0.4ms) Rendered layouts/_navbar.html.erb (73.6ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 10785ms ActionView::Template::Error (No route matches {

devise sign out not working after implementation of devise invitable

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-11 06:36:07
问题 all the things were working fine with devise's Registration and session related but when I added devise invitable in the project, after that my session controller's destroy functionality not working. when I clicked on logout button the request sent to here Started DELETE "/logout" for at 2018-12-15 06:49:20 +0500 Processing by Devise::SessionsController#destroy as HTML Parameters:{"authenticity_token"=>"Z9dNZ0yj+pIFkPKaU/Ir7h99b4dYse3KCaQ7GYUm3g6ZAgZVF+B

Rails 4 devise_invitable invitation token invalid

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-06 02:57:16
问题 I have been following Ryan Boland's excellent Rails multitenancy tutorial, but have run into a snag with devise_invitable. I am using... Rails 4.1.5 devise 3.3.0 devise_invitable 1.3.6 Postgresql I create a new account and user/account owner on a chosen subdomain (, from which I can send a user invitation just fine. I open the invitation link in an incognito Chrome session to ensure I am not logged in or have any current session. Upon clicking on the invitation link, I

How to invite a user to project with devise_invitable?

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-04 15:31:21
I'm building the app, where users can be invited to a particular project/workspace/team. But by default it allows to invite users to the app, not a particular project. This question seems to be very similiar How to nest devise_invitable route to invite user to specific project Does anyone know, how to override invitations_controller in this case? You can create an invite action inside your projects_controller.rb and invite the user directly to a project. Simply associate the invited User to a Project immediately after inviting. Here's a snippet to give you an idea of how you could approach

Rails 4 devise_invitable invitation token invalid

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-04 07:28:16
I have been following Ryan Boland's excellent Rails multitenancy tutorial , but have run into a snag with devise_invitable. I am using... Rails 4.1.5 devise 3.3.0 devise_invitable 1.3.6 Postgresql I create a new account and user/account owner on a chosen subdomain (, from which I can send a user invitation just fine. I open the invitation link in an incognito Chrome session to ensure I am not logged in or have any current session. Upon clicking on the invitation link, I am redirected to the sign in page ( and see a flash notice:

How to send custom invitation using devise_invitable

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-01 10:43:19
问题 I am new at ruby and using devise_invitable gem for invitations. Every instruction is sending properly. Now i want to add a custom subject which will have an invitee name and board name and custom content which will have same things as subject. How can i do this in following action method without using extra custom code etc? def AddMember board = current_user.boards.find(params[:id]) # simply invite user ! invitee=User.invite!({:email => (params[:email])}, current_user) board.members << User