
How to Read a DBase File in Java or Oracle PL/SQL

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-08 00:00:30
I've been provided a Dbase file (.dbf) and have been asked to implement a parser to load the data into an Oracle DB. The only available tools I have on hand are Java 8 and Oracle PL/SQL. Having never written a parser or dealt with this data format before, I'm completely lost as to how to go about the whole thing. Any help or guidance would be most appreciated. Thank you, After tearing my hair out for some time, I think I've finally found an answer. Seemed a little crass to answer my question myself, so I posted it here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/56303353/1148258 Hope it helps anyone else

How does one find out how a DBF file or any file is formatted?

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-06 14:53:08
I am attempting to pick apart a DBF file using the code in THIS AskTom post however I have no clue where I would even go to figure out how the files I'm wanting to pick apart are formatted? How was the original AskTom answer even produced? How do I figure out the dbf Header. How do I know where within the dbf file the data is stored or even how to pull out that data? My goal is to work with the code provided and come up with a solution as others have done but I'm stuck at the very first part. While researching this I found that there are many systems that use DBF files. ACCESS and MS Excel

how to query DBF(dbase) files date type field in where and between clause

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-06 03:23:43
问题 I have a DBF file and I'm trying read it from c# code. I can read files successfully without applying any conditions or applying conditions for varchar type fields.My problem is I have to filter the records from the Date field (type:date). I have tried following ways, SELECT * FROM D:\DBFreader\file.dbf where [RDATE] between 2/16/2006 12:00:00 AM and 2/20/2006 12:00:00 AM above gives a syntax Error: missing operator SELECT * FROM D:\DBFreader\file.dbf where [RDATE] between '2/16/2006 12:00:00

DOS legacy application with USB printer

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-06 01:34:13
问题 I have the unfortunate task of doing (minimal) maintenance work on two legacy applications developed in DBIII+/Clipper '87. I have full access to source and a minimal toolchain to recompile the application when needed, but I am not allowed to reimplement it from scratch due to various (mostly psychological) reasons from the main user. Anyway, while the applications work fine under XP, hardware support is becoming a chore. The user needs to replace the failing printer (an old impact HP with

Python dbfpy and FoxPro

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-04 11:47:23
Alright, I'm using an ancient database format here, dbf files. Don't ask why, just know a certain software decided to extend foxpro support because microsoft decided to extend foxpro support. Now, I'm getting the following error on a specific file. I have successfully loaded another file and I'm curious if there is something wrong with this database. I'm sure you probably need to look at the database to determine that, but its way to huge to post so I'll take what I can get. Traceback (most recent call last): File "billsapi.py", line 250, in <module> x.getUsedGuns() File "billsapi.py", line 72

how to query DBF(dbase) files date type field in where and between clause

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-04 07:40:45
I have a DBF file and I'm trying read it from c# code. I can read files successfully without applying any conditions or applying conditions for varchar type fields.My problem is I have to filter the records from the Date field (type:date). I have tried following ways, SELECT * FROM D:\DBFreader\file.dbf where [RDATE] between 2/16/2006 12:00:00 AM and 2/20/2006 12:00:00 AM above gives a syntax Error: missing operator SELECT * FROM D:\DBFreader\file.dbf where [RDATE] between '2/16/2006 12:00:00 AM' and '2/20/2006 12:00:00 AM' above gives a data type mismatch error SELECT * FROM D:\DBFreader\file

Export DBF from a Table in Excel (with consider and pay attention to Datatype and length of fields)

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-04 06:26:19
问题 I'm working in an macro container Excel Workbook on a Table in Sheet1 . And have to create DBF file from the Table With VBA macro. 1-note that after 2003, Excel not support DBF format, thus I cannot use bellow... ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs _ Filename:="C:\insurance.dbf", _ FileFormat:=xlDBF4, _ CreateBackup:=False So, please write a VBA macro which save DBF from a Filtered range (a range with multi Area ) of that Table in MS-Excel Worksheet . 2- May i define my customized data type to each field

Generating dBase II DBF File in C# 3.5

早过忘川 提交于 2019-12-04 06:20:19
问题 I'm generating dbf file to get imported to legacy systems that only accepts dBase II OR III. My aplication is .Net 3.5. I initially started working with this component VFPOLEDB.1 but it only generate dbf files in dBase V format which isn't backwards compatibily. Anyone knows a component or driver to generate de dbf file in dBase II or III Thanks 回答1: Try issuing a call to execute a script that opens the file, then does COPY TO {some file} type FOX2X that should get you the output... There was

DOS legacy application with USB printer

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-12-04 06:17:27
I have the unfortunate task of doing (minimal) maintenance work on two legacy applications developed in DBIII+/Clipper '87. I have full access to source and a minimal toolchain to recompile the application when needed, but I am not allowed to reimplement it from scratch due to various (mostly psychological) reasons from the main user. Anyway, while the applications work fine under XP, hardware support is becoming a chore. The user needs to replace the failing printer (an old impact HP with parallel interface) and the 486 (!) desktop where the applications are hosted. The main problem now is to

Efficient way to bulk insert into Dbase (.dbf) files

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-04 03:31:56
问题 Im currently using OleDBCommand.ExecuteNonQuery (repeatedly called) to insert as much as 350,000 rows into dbase files (*.dbf) at a time from a source DataTable. I'm reusing an OleDbCommand object and OleDbParameters to set the values to be inserted each time when the insert statement is called. Inserting 350,000 rows currently takes my program about 45 mins. Is there a more efficient way to do this? Does something similar to the Bulk Insert option used in SQL Server exist for Dbase (*.dbf)