
LocationMatch and DAV svn

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-12-24 03:53:25
问题 I am trying to make our subversion repository accessible via multiple URLs. To do so, I was thinking to use the LocationMatch directive. My configuration is: <Location ~ "/(svn|repository)"> DAV svn SVNPath /opt/svn AuthzSVNAccessFile /etc/subversion/access </Location> The above configuration does NOT work ... Strange thing is that if i use for example this configuration, it works well for both URLs: <Location ~ "/(svn|repository)"> SetHandler server-status </Location> For me it looks like

SVN Repo gives 404 not Found

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-12 04:49:26
问题 I have installed svn, version 1.6.17 (r1128011) on to Ubuntu 12-04 I made my repo here: $ sudo mkdir /home/2nd-disk/svn Set up my /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dav_svn.conf <Location /svn> DAV svn SVNParentPath /home/2nd-disk/svn AuthType Basic AuthName "Subversion Repository" AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd Require valid-user </Location> Created an account: sudo htpasswd -cm /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd myusername Created a test repo $ cd /home/2nd-disk/svn $ sudo svnadmin create test

SVN Error E175002

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-09 08:46:02
问题 While trying to checkout code from a repository online I got the following Error E175002: REPORT of '/repos/xxx/!svn/vcc/default' I am trying to checkout the code from a remote computer 回答1: After long research, I finally found a solution the solution was to put allow from all in the svn configuration on httpd.conf : <Directory /repos> ... allow from all ... </Directory> The svn checkout is working fine now The above are for apache 2.2 if you use apache 2.4 <Directory /repos> ... require all

svn: Repository moved temporarily to 'main'; please relocate

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-09 06:09:32
问题 I've problem with own svn repository. It worked yesterday. But I've got an error when I was adding new file today: svn: Repository moved temporarily to 'main'; please relocate List of my actions: /home/user/test# svn checkout https://website.biz/repo/siteweb.com OK /home/user/test/siteweb.com/trunk# touch 1.txt OK /home/user/test/siteweb.com/trunk# svn add 1.txt /home/user/test/siteweb.com/trunk# svn -m "adding 1.txt " commit Adding trunk/1.txt svn: Commit failed (details follow): svn:

How can I upload files to Office365 SharePoint with Perl?

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-08 04:25:49
问题 Can someone please advise on uploading files to Office365 SharePoint? I believe this should be done using the DAV protocol, so HTTP::DAV should be right library for that, but how to code it to make it work with Office365 ? Each account hosted with Office365 has a TeamSite website, which hopefully can be accessible with DAV. Please advise. 回答1: Upload large documents to SharePoint site using WebClient class gives an example of using DAV to upload a document. WebClient oWebClient = new

How can I upload files to Office365 SharePoint with Perl?

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-06 15:35:53
Can someone please advise on uploading files to Office365 SharePoint? I believe this should be done using the DAV protocol, so HTTP::DAV should be right library for that, but how to code it to make it work with Office365 ? Each account hosted with Office365 has a TeamSite website, which hopefully can be accessible with DAV. Please advise. Upload large documents to SharePoint site using WebClient class gives an example of using DAV to upload a document. WebClient oWebClient = new WebClient(); oWebClient.UseDefaultCredentials = true; byte[] bFile = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\Sundar\WEB315

Database query representation impersonating file on Windows share?

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-12-06 06:52:59
问题 Is there any way to have something that looks just like a file on a Windows file share but is really a resource served up over HTTP? For context, I'm working with an old app that can only deal with files on a Windows file share, I want to create a simple HTTP-based service to serve the content of the files dynamically to pick up real time changes to the underlying data on request Thanks for the tips - I've got some research to do now... Thanks all, 回答1: WebDAV (basically) takes an existing

Database query representation impersonating file on Windows share?

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-04 16:25:08
Is there any way to have something that looks just like a file on a Windows file share but is really a resource served up over HTTP? For context, I'm working with an old app that can only deal with files on a Windows file share, I want to create a simple HTTP-based service to serve the content of the files dynamically to pick up real time changes to the underlying data on request Thanks for the tips - I've got some research to do now... Thanks all, WebDAV (basically) takes an existing directory, and shares it over HTTP - which sounds like the opposite of what you want. You need something that

SVN Error E175002

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-03 10:21:36
While trying to checkout code from a repository online I got the following Error E175002: REPORT of '/repos/xxx/!svn/vcc/default' I am trying to checkout the code from a remote computer After long research, I finally found a solution the solution was to put allow from all in the svn configuration on httpd.conf : <Directory /repos> ... allow from all ... </Directory> The svn checkout is working fine now The above are for apache 2.2 if you use apache 2.4 <Directory /repos> ... require all granted ... </Directory> In my case I had E175002 because of missing DNS records of Subversion server. I had

What is the cause of “svn: E195019: Redirect cycle detected for URL”?

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-03 02:34:39
Trying to checkout from my SVN repo gives me svn: E195019: Redirect cycle detected for URL ... However, it appears as if this error only occurs when I am behind some (specific) proxy server. As discussed in other post (see tortoise svn giving me "Redirect cycle detected for URL 'domain/svn'" ), this error occurs if the SVN DAV is misconfigured, e.g., using SVNParentPath where one should use SVNPath. However, my configuration appears to be correct and - as far as I know - the problem only occurs when behind a proxy. The setup of the repository is more or less standard, e.g., ServerAlias svn